Moonlight Witch Boss Guide: Master the Mystical Encounter in Black Myth Wukong

Moonlight Witch Overview

The Moonlight Witch is one of the most enigmatic bosses in Black Myth: Wukong, appearing as a formidable challenge in Chapter 3. This boss, cloaked in flowing robes and radiating a mysterious lunar glow, utilizes powerful magic attacks and illusions that can deceive and overwhelm players. Known for her swift movements and ethereal presence, the Moonlight Witch is a test of both reflexes and strategy, requiring players to balance offense and defense while navigating her magical onslaught.

Moonlight Witch Attack Patterns

The Moonlight Witch uses a variety of magic-based attacks that can disorient and damage players. Understanding these patterns is crucial for success:

Lunar Barrage

Description: The Moonlight Witch summons multiple orbs of moonlight that she launches at players in quick succession.
Weakness: Dodge sideways continuously to avoid getting hit. Use this window to close in on her for a counterattack.

Eclipse Wave

Description: A sweeping beam attack that covers a wide arc, dealing high damage to anyone caught in its path.
Weakness: Jump or roll to evade the beam, then immediately approach her for a few quick hits while she recovers.

Phantasmal Duplicates

Description: The Moonlight Witch creates several illusions of herself to confuse players, making it difficult to determine the real target.
Weakness: Observe the movements of the illusions carefully; the real Witch moves slightly differently. Attack cautiously until the duplicates disappear.

Nightfall Trap

Description: A circle of shadow appears on the ground; after a brief delay, it erupts in a damaging blast.
Weakness: Quickly move out of the shadowed area and prepare to retaliate while she is vulnerable after the trap activates.

Moonlight Witch Battle Strategy

To defeat the Moonlight Witch, players need to be agile and strategic, carefully choosing when to dodge, attack, and retreat. Here’s the best approach:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-enhancing skills like Shadow Step to dodge her rapid magic attacks and Eagle Eye to detect her true form among the illusions. Ranged spells such as Flame Burst can be effective when the Witch is at a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Utilize armor that boosts magic resistance, such as the Lunar Ward Robe. For weapons, fast and versatile choices like the Moonblade or Ethereal Spear are ideal, allowing players to land quick attacks and maintain mobility.


Phase 1

Focus on learning her attack patterns while maintaining a safe distance. Use this phase to dodge her Lunar Barrage and Eclipse Wave attacks while landing quick counters when she is recovering.

Phase 2

Once her health drops below 50%, she becomes more aggressive and uses her Phantasmal Duplicates more frequently. Prioritize identifying and targeting the real Moonlight Witch and avoid overcommitting to any single attack sequence to minimize damage from unexpected spells.

Moonlight Witch Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Moonlight Witch, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the best moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Moonlight Witch Boss Fight Video

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Cave Serpent Lord Boss Guide: Conquer the Snake Trail Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Cave Serpent Lord Overview

The Cave Serpent Lord is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Bamboo Grove area at Snake Trail. This boss is known for its serpentine appearance and swift, venomous attacks that test both the player’s agility and strategic planning. It guards a key path in the game, making it an essential fight for progression. The battle against the Cave Serpent Lord has two phases, each introducing new attack patterns and increasing difficulty.

Cave Serpent Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Cave Serpent Lord is crucial for preparing your strategy:

Poison Spit

Description: The Cave Serpent Lord spits a wide spray of venom that poisons players on contact.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the venom and counterattack during its recovery.

Tail Whip

Description: A swift 360-degree tail attack that can hit players multiple times if they are caught off guard.
Weakness: Jump or roll backward to evade the tail whip. This move has a longer recovery, offering a brief window for counterattacks.

Bite Lunge

Description: The boss lunges forward with a rapid bite that can cause significant damage.
Weakness: Sidestep the lunge and aim for the head, which is a vulnerable point after this move.

Venom Cloud

Description: In its second phase, the Cave Serpent Lord releases a venom cloud around itself, dealing continuous damage to anyone caught in it.
Weakness: Use long-range attacks or spells to chip away at its health while keeping a safe distance from the cloud.

Cave Serpent Lord Battle Strategy

To defeat the Cave Serpent Lord, you need to maintain your distance while looking for opportunities to strike. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance your mobility and allow quick repositioning, such as Shadow Step for dodging and Venom Cleanse to remove poison status. Ranged spells like Fireball or Ice Shard are useful for dealing damage from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Wear armor with high resistance to poison, like the Venom Guard Armor, to reduce the damage from its venom-based attacks. For weapons, prioritize those with longer reach and quick attack speed, such as the Spear of Purity or Long Sword.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Cave Serpent Lord’s poison spit and bite lunge attacks. Keep moving to avoid the venom cloud and wait for openings after its tail whip to deal quick hits. Utilize ranged attacks to maintain pressure from a distance.

Phase 2

As the boss transitions into its second phase, stay vigilant for its venom cloud ability. Shift your strategy to focus on long-range combat and use spells or ranged weapons to attack from afar while avoiding the poisonous area.

Cave Serpent Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Cave Serpent Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, highlighting when to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Cave Serpent Lord Boss Fight Video

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Silent Assassin Boss Guide: Defeat the Elusive Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Silent Assassin Overview

The Silent Assassin is a mid-tier boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its stealth and agility. This boss challenges players with its swift movements and powerful attacks that can surprise players if not anticipated. Silent Assassin fights strategically, employing quick dashes, stealth maneuvers, and sudden strikes that test the player’s reflexes and awareness. This battle is all about maintaining a balance between offensive pressure and defensive caution, making it essential for players to adapt quickly to the changing tempo of the fight.

Silent Assassin Attack Patterns

Understanding Silent Assassin’s attack patterns is critical for crafting an effective strategy:

Shadow Step

Description: The Silent Assassin uses a quick dash to teleport behind the player, followed by a deadly backstab.
Weakness: Keep moving and avoid staying in one place for too long. Watch for a brief shadow before the attack to dodge at the right moment.

Poisoned Dagger

Description: Throws a poisoned dagger from a distance, which can inflict poison status over time.
Weakness: Dodge to the side when you see the throwing animation. Bring antidotes to counteract the poison effect.

Cloak of Shadows

Description: Becomes invisible for a short period, making it hard to target. Silent Assassin will reappear with a strong strike.
Weakness: Listen for audio cues to predict the reappearance location and prepare to dodge or counter.

Assassin’s Fury

Description: Unleashes a flurry of rapid strikes when its health is below 50%, causing significant damage if not blocked or dodged.
Weakness: Maintain distance and use ranged attacks during this phase. Be prepared to dodge multiple times in quick succession.

Silent Assassin Battle Strategy

Defeating Silent Assassin requires a mix of agility, quick decision-making, and timing. Here’s the optimal strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Shadow Step for quick dodging and Parry to counter the rapid strikes. If available, use ranged abilities like Spirit Arrow to maintain pressure from a distance when the boss becomes too aggressive.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor sets that provide a balance between defense and mobility, such as the Swift Armor set. Equip accessories that increase resistance to poison and enhance stamina regeneration to keep up with the boss’s fast pace.


Phase 1

Focus on baiting the Silent Assassin’s Shadow Step and dodging the backstab. Use this opportunity to land a few quick hits before repositioning. Be cautious of the Poisoned Dagger attack and keep antidotes handy.

Phase 2

Once its health is below 50%, the Silent Assassin becomes more aggressive, utilizing the Assassin’s Fury attack pattern. Stay at a distance, use ranged attacks, and be prepared to dodge multiple times in a row. Patience is key here; wait for the right moments to strike back without overcommitting.

Silent Assassin Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Silent Assassin, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a complete breakdown of the boss fight, showcasing when to dodge, counter, and use specific abilities for maximum efficiency.

Watch the Silent Assassin Boss Fight Video

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Frost Demon General Boss Guide: Conquer the Cold-Blooded Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Frost Demon General Overview

The Frost Demon General is one of the significant bosses encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. Known for its icy aura and relentless frost-based attacks, the Frost Demon General is a towering adversary that tests the player’s ability to adapt to both ranged and close-quarter combat. This boss is located in the Snowhill Path area of Chapter 3, amidst a treacherous, ice-covered terrain that further complicates the battle. With a massive health pool and two distinct phases of attack, this fight demands strategic movement, patience, and precision.

Frost Demon General Attack Patterns

Understanding the Frost Demon General’s attack patterns is essential for crafting an effective strategy:

Icy Cleave

Description: The Frost Demon General swings its massive sword horizontally, releasing a wave of frost energy that can freeze players in their tracks.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the attack lands to avoid being frozen. This provides a brief opportunity for counterattacks.

Frozen Barrage

Description: The boss summons icicles from the ground that shoot toward the player in a linear path.
Weakness: Stay mobile and move diagonally to avoid the barrage, using the openings to close in for a few quick hits.

Glacial Stomp

Description: The Frost Demon General stomps the ground, creating a shockwave that sends ice shards flying in all directions.
Weakness: Jump or roll away to evade the shards, and then use this time to attack its back or legs.

Blizzard Fury

Description: In its second phase, the Frost Demon General channels a blizzard around itself, dealing continuous frost damage to anyone nearby.
Weakness: Maintain a safe distance during the blizzard and use ranged attacks or abilities to chip away at its health until the storm subsides.

Frost Demon General Battle Strategy

To defeat the Frost Demon General, focus on reading its attack patterns and finding openings to exploit. Here are the best strategies for a successful encounter:

Recommended Skills

Equip abilities like Heat Wave or Sunfire Burst that deal fire damage to counteract the frost elements. Abilities that enhance mobility, such as Shadow Step, are also crucial for dodging its wide-area attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use fire-imbued weapons such as the Flame Sword or Blazing Staff to deal extra damage against the Frost Demon General. Equip armor that reduces frost damage, such as the Warmth Mantle or Ember Gauntlets, to survive longer in the icy arena.


Phase 1

During the first phase, focus on evading its sweeping attacks and landing quick strikes when it is recovering from heavy attacks. Use fire-based abilities and quick combos to whittle down its health bar while avoiding getting caught in its frost aura.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, the Frost Demon General will enter a more aggressive stance, summoning blizzards and icicles more frequently. Keep your distance, use ranged abilities to damage it safely, and wait for the right moment to unleash high-damage combos when it is vulnerable.

Frost Demon General Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Frost Demon General, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the ideal times to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively, helping you to understand the battle dynamics in real-time.

Watch the Frost Demon General Boss Fight Video

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Ghost Priest Boss Guide: Defeat the Ghostly Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Ghost Priest Overview

Ghost Priest is a significant boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located within a mysterious temple deep in the game world. As a spectral figure with command over dark magic, the Ghost Priest employs a variety of ranged attacks and curses to hinder players. With a ghostly appearance and eerie background story tied to the lore of ancient spirits, the Ghost Priest challenges players with its tactical combat style that requires both careful movement and precise attacks.

Ghost Priest Attack Patterns

Understanding Ghost Priest’s attack patterns is crucial for survival and crafting a winning strategy:

Soul Orb Barrage

Description: The Ghost Priest summons a series of soul orbs that homing in on the player.
Weakness: Use quick dashes or evasive skills to dodge the orbs and close in for a counterattack.

Curse Wave

Description: A sweeping wave of dark energy that curses the player, slowly draining health.
Weakness: Jump over the wave or use a shield spell to block the attack, then retaliate with a heavy blow.

Phantom Clone

Description: Ghost Priest creates clones that mimic its attacks, adding confusion to the battlefield.
Weakness: Identify the real Ghost Priest by observing which one moves independently and focus attacks on it.

Ethereal Blast

Description: A powerful concentrated blast from its staff that can stun the player.
Weakness: Dodge sideways as the staff glows, and use a quick ability to retaliate.

Ghost Priest Battle Strategy

To defeat the Ghost Priest, players need to adapt to its unpredictable attack patterns and manage their resources efficiently. Here’s how to secure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip spells that enhance mobility and defense, such as Shadow Step to dodge quickly, and Barrier to mitigate magical attacks. Use the Spirit Arrow skill for ranged attacks when the Ghost Priest is stationary.

Recommended Equipment

Equip gear that increases resistance to magic damage, such as the Mystic Robe and Spirit Helm. Weapons like the Light Staff offer quick strikes that allow players to capitalize on brief openings in the Ghost Priest’s defense.


Phase 1

Start by maintaining distance to observe attack patterns. Use spells to deflect ranged attacks and close in for quick melee hits. Prioritize dodging over blocking to conserve stamina.

Phase 2

As the Ghost Priest’s health drops below 50%, it summons clones and uses faster, more aggressive attacks. Focus on eliminating clones quickly to reduce battlefield chaos. Use heavy attacks during its recovery periods for maximum damage.

Ghost Priest Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Ghost Priest, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire battle, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and use abilities effectively.

Watch the Ghost Priest Boss Fight Video

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Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Boss Guide: Defeat the Electrified Toad in Black Myth Wukong

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Overview

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang is an optional Yaoguai Toad miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Bamboo Grove area near the Snake Trail. This electrified toad can quickly overwhelm players with its agile moves and electric-based attacks. The battle takes place in a water-filled area, which amplifies its electric attacks and makes it crucial for players to stay alert and mobile throughout the fight. Despite its small attack pool, Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang’s moves are potent and can inflict substantial damage if not countered properly.

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Attack Patterns

Understanding Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang’s attack patterns is essential to defeat this agile boss. Here are the main attacks to look out for:

Jump Attack

Description: Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang leaps toward the player, usually at the start of the fight.
Weakness: Dodge to the side as it lands to avoid damage.

Arm Swipes

Description: A series of swings with both arms moving forward, propelling the toad toward the player.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the swipes and counterattack.

Belly Slam

Description: The toad pauses, lowers its arms, and then lunges belly-first toward the player.
Weakness: Quickly dodge to the side to avoid the slam and reposition for an attack.

Frog Leg Kick

Description: A quick kick with the back legs when the player is positioned behind the boss.
Weakness: Stay alert when behind the boss and dodge backward to avoid getting hit.

Tongue Attack

Description: A sweeping tongue attack that has a wide range in front of the boss.
Weakness: Dodge back and forth or use the Immobilize spell to avoid the attack and counter.

Electrified Spit

Description: The toad spits electrified projectiles that can track and curve toward the player.
Weakness: Keep your distance, and jump or double-roll through the projectiles.

Electric Burst

Description: The toad rears onto its hind legs and releases a burst of electricity, followed by lightning strikes around the area.
Weakness: Stay mobile, sprint, and dodge roll when the yellow aura appears.

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Battle Strategy

Defeating Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang requires a combination of mobility, careful observation, and strategic use of spells and attacks:

Recommended Skills

Invest in the Immobilize spell to interrupt Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang’s electric attacks. This spell can create openings for significant damage, particularly when the boss is mid-attack.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that offers resistance to electric attacks. If you have access to fire-based attacks or equipment, use them, as Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang is particularly weak to fire damage.


Phase 1

Stay near the frog’s back quarter but avoid staying directly behind it to minimize the risk of its Backward Retort kick. This positioning also offers the best angles for attacking without being caught in its forward-facing assaults.

Phase 2

Use the Immobilize spell when the frog starts charging its electric attacks. Keep circling the boss to avoid its swipes and belly slams, and use quick attack combos to deal consistent damage without overcommitting.

Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Boss Fight Video

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Violet Spider Boss Guide: Defeat the Trickiest Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Violet Spider Overview

Violet Spider is one of the trickier bosses in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its poison attacks and ability to ensnare players in webs. This boss starts as an old woman but transforms into a massive spider during the fight. Located in the Webbed Hollow area, Violet Spider challenges players with its unique abilities that test both offensive and defensive skills. Its attacks inflict poison status, gradually depleting health if players don’t react swiftly.

Violet Spider Attack Patterns

Understanding Violet Spider’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Poisonous Bite

Description: Violet Spider lunges forward with a bite that can poison the player.
Weakness: Dodge backward quickly to avoid getting bitten and poisoned. Use a poison-removing item if bitten.

Web Snare

Description: Shoots webs that immobilize players, making them vulnerable to attacks.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid getting caught. Use a quick skill to break free if caught.

Venom Spit

Description: Shoots a stream of venom that deals poison damage over time.
Weakness: Sidestep to dodge the venom stream and close in for a counterattack.

Spiderlings Summon

Description: Summons smaller spiders to assist in battle, distracting and overwhelming players.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect (AoE) attacks to quickly eliminate the spiderlings and focus back on the main boss.

Violet Spider Battle Strategy

To defeat Violet Spider, focus on avoiding poison attacks and immobilization while dealing consistent damage. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip cleansing skills like Purification Wave to remove poison effects quickly. Use mobility-based skills such as Shadow Step to dodge web snares.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Antivenom Mantle and Swift Boots to mitigate poison effects and maintain agility. Equip weapons that allow for quick successive hits, such as the Dual Claws, to maximize damage during brief openings.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the initial poison bites and venom spits. Keep a medium distance to avoid both close-range attacks and web snares. When she transforms into a spider, be prepared for her to summon spiderlings.

Phase 2

Once Violet Spider’s health drops below 50%, she becomes more aggressive with faster attacks and more frequent poison usage. Maintain a steady rhythm of dodging and counterattacking, and prioritize eliminating summoned spiderlings to prevent being overwhelmed.

Violet Spider Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Violet Spider, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Violet Spider Boss Fight Video

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Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Boss Guide: Conquer the Final Boss of Chapter 4 in Black Myth Wukong

Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Overview

The Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is a challenging final boss in Chapter 4 of Black Myth: Wukong. This formidable foe is a hybrid of a monk and a centipede, known for its agility and poisonous attacks. Located in the Temple of the Yellow Flowers, the battle takes place in an arena filled with yellow flowers, adding a mystical atmosphere to the intense fight. As one of the toughest enemies in the game, defeating him requires a well-thought-out strategy and preparation.

Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Attack Patterns

Understanding the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master’s attack patterns is crucial to survival:

Lightning Strikes

Description: The boss uses powerful lightning-based attacks that can cover a large area.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid the strikes and attack during the recovery period.


Description: The boss can teleport around the battlefield, making it hard to predict his movements.
Weakness: Watch his movements closely and prepare to dodge his next attack.

Poisonous Claw Swipe

Description: A claw attack that inflicts poison, reducing the player’s health over time.
Weakness: Equip Antimiasma Powder to counteract the poison effect and focus on quick counterattacks.

Underground Grab

Description: The Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master goes underground and tries to grab the player from below.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the grab and counterattack when he reemerges.

Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Battle Strategy

To defeat the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master, you must balance offense and defense. Here are the best strategies for a successful battle:

Recommended Skills

Utilize transformations such as Cloud Step to deal consistent damage while maintaining mobility. Equip spells like Ring of Fire to recover stamina in critical moments.

Recommended Equipment

Carry Antimiasma Powder to negate poison effects and use Gourd Sips strategically. Choose equipment that enhances stamina recovery and provides resistance to poison.


Phase 1

Start by using your most powerful transformations to deal significant damage. Save your healing items and spells for the later stages.

Phase 2

As the battle progresses, the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master will create a yellow dome, significantly reducing your stamina. Use Ring of Fire to regain stamina and remain vigilant to dodge his attacks. Aim to attack when he is recovering from his major moves.

Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Video Walkthrough

For a detailed visual guide on how to defeat the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates key tactics, timings, and maneuvers to help you master the fight.

Watch the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master Boss Fight Video

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Bone-Eater Boss Guide: Conquer the Fearsome Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Bone-Eater Overview

Bone-Eater is one of the more challenging bosses encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. Known for its grotesque appearance and fearsome power, Bone-Eater resides deep within the desolate caverns of the Thunderclap Temple. This boss is characterized by its swift, deadly attacks and its ability to drain health from its victims. As players progress through the game, they must confront Bone-Eater to advance further into the story. Mastering the Bone-Eater fight requires patience, precise dodging, and understanding of its varied attack patterns.

Bone-Eater Attack Patterns

Bone-Eater uses a range of swift and brutal attacks that can be difficult to predict. Learning these patterns is key to surviving this encounter:

Jaw Strike

Description: Bone-Eater lunges forward, attempting to bite the player with its massive jaws.
Weakness: Dodge to the side at the last moment to avoid the attack. This creates an opportunity to counterattack with a quick series of strikes.

Tail Whip

Description: The boss spins around rapidly, using its tail to sweep players off their feet.
Weakness: Jump or roll backwards to avoid the tail sweep, then move in quickly to deliver some hits while the boss recovers.

Life Drain

Description: Bone-Eater charges up and emits a dark aura, pulling players closer and draining their health if they remain too close.
Weakness: Keep your distance when you see Bone-Eater charging up this move. Use ranged attacks to continue dealing damage without getting caught in its drain.

Cavern Collapse

Description: In its most powerful attack, Bone-Eater slams the ground, causing debris to fall from the cave ceiling.
Weakness: Stay alert and move continuously to avoid the falling debris. Use this time to heal or prepare for the next phase of the battle.

Bone-Eater Battle Strategy

To defeat Bone-Eater, players must focus on agility and precise timing. Here is the recommended strategy:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and dodging, such as Shadow Step or Rapid Retreat. For damage, ranged abilities like Stone Throw or Flame Burst can chip away at Bone-Eater’s health from a safer distance.

Recommended Equipment

Armor with high mobility and decent defense, such as the Silken Robes or Evasive Garb, will allow for quicker dodges while providing some protection. For weapons, a fast, light option like the Swift Blade is ideal for quick attacks during openings.


Phase 1

Focus on learning Bone-Eater’s attack patterns and dodging effectively. Avoid staying too close for prolonged periods to minimize the risk of getting caught in the Life Drain attack. Counterattack quickly after dodging its Jaw Strike and Tail Whip.

Phase 2

When Bone-Eater’s health drops below 50%, it will begin using the more powerful Cavern Collapse attack. Use this phase to play defensively; dodge falling debris and use the opportunity to heal or prepare for ranged attacks. Keep your distance, and wait for safe openings to continue the assault.

Bone-Eater Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Bone-Eater, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, highlighting the best moments to dodge, counterattack, and use special abilities effectively.

Watch the Bone-Eater Boss Fight Video

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Night-Walker Shade Boss Guide: Master the Shadows in Black Myth Wukong

Night-Walker Shade Overview

Night-Walker Shade is a daunting boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its ability to blend into the shadows and launch surprise attacks. Located deep within the Cursed Forest, this boss uses darkness to its advantage, making it difficult for players to track its movements. Night-Walker Shade represents a test of perception and quick reflexes as players navigate a challenging environment shrouded in mystery and obscurity.

Night-Walker Shade Attack Patterns

Understanding Night-Walker Shade’s attack patterns is essential for developing a winning strategy:

Shadow Strike

Description: The boss swiftly strikes from the shadows, delivering a powerful blow that can stagger players.
Weakness: Maintain distance and watch for signs of movement in the shadows. Dodge just before the attack lands to avoid damage and create a counterattack opportunity.

Dark Tendrils

Description: Night-Walker Shade summons dark tendrils from the ground that immobilize and damage players caught in their reach.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid the tendrils. Utilize speed-boosting abilities to escape the area quickly.

Phantom Dash

Description: The boss dashes through the arena, becoming invulnerable for a brief moment before unleashing a flurry of attacks.
Weakness: Anticipate the dash and position yourself to evade the follow-up attacks. Use ranged abilities during this phase.

Darkness Veil

Description: Envelops the arena in darkness, making it hard to see the boss’s movements.
Weakness: Use light-based spells or items to temporarily illuminate the area and reveal Night-Walker Shade’s position.

Night-Walker Shade Battle Strategy

Defeating Night-Walker Shade requires a balance of offensive tactics and defensive maneuvers. Here are the key strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip light-based skills such as Sunbeam Burst to counteract the darkness. Utilize agility-based abilities like Shadow Step to dodge swiftly and close the distance for melee attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Illuminated Blade to cut through the shadows and the Shadowguard Armor for enhanced resistance against dark attacks. Items that increase perception, such as Third Eye Amulet, are also valuable for this battle.


Phase 1

Start by keeping your distance to understand the attack patterns. Use light-based spells to illuminate the area and keep moving to avoid being cornered by Dark Tendrils. Dodge frequently and counterattack when Night-Walker Shade is visible.

Phase 2

As the boss becomes more aggressive, it will use Phantom Dash more frequently. Be prepared to evade and use ranged attacks to chip away at its health. When the Darkness Veil is active, use any available light sources to reveal the boss’s location and continue the assault.

Night-Walker Shade Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Night-Walker Shade, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing you the precise moments to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Night-Walker Shade Boss Fight Video

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