Raging Flame Fiend Boss Guide: Defeat the Fiery Demon in Black Myth Wukong

Raging Flame Fiend Overview

Raging Flame Fiend is one of the formidable bosses in Black Myth: Wukong that tests the player’s agility and strategy. Located in the Flaming Mountains in Chapter Five, this boss is characterized by its fiery aura and aggressive attack patterns. The Raging Flame Fiend specializes in fire-based attacks and can deal heavy damage over time with burn effects. The fight is divided into two phases, with the Fiend becoming more relentless in the second phase.

Raging Flame Fiend Attack Patterns

Understanding Raging Flame Fiend’s attack patterns is crucial for devising a winning strategy:

Flame Sweep

Description: The Raging Flame Fiend swings its fiery arms in a wide arc, causing burn damage to all caught in its path.
Weakness: Dodge backward or to the sides to avoid the swing and use the moment to land a quick counterattack.

Fireball Barrage

Description: The boss shoots a series of fireballs at the player, which can cause significant burn damage if not dodged.
Weakness: Roll sideways to evade the fireballs. Keeping a medium distance from the Fiend helps in reacting to these projectiles.

Blazing Charge

Description: A rapid charge move where the Fiend engulfs itself in flames and rushes toward the player.
Weakness: Quickly sidestep to dodge the charge. The Fiend is vulnerable for a short time after this attack.

Inferno Burst

Description: In the second phase, the Fiend releases a massive explosion, covering the area with fire.
Weakness: Move to the edge of the arena to avoid most of the damage, and prepare to attack when the Fiend cools down.

Raging Flame Fiend Battle Strategy

To defeat Raging Flame Fiend, focus on avoiding burn damage and exploiting the Fiend’s recovery periods. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that boost mobility, such as Shadow Dash, to dodge its quick attacks. Utilize ranged skills like Ice Spear to deal damage from a distance without getting too close to the flames.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor with high fire resistance, such as the Fireproof Mantle and Bronze Armor, to minimize burn damage. Weapons like the Ice Blade are effective in dealing extra damage to fire-based enemies.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Fiend’s sweeping and charging attacks. Use quick counterattacks after each dodge and avoid heavy attacks that may leave you exposed.

Phase 2

Once the Fiend’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive with its fire-based abilities. Maintain your distance, use ranged attacks, and keep dodging its area-of-effect attacks. Stay patient, as the key to victory is endurance and careful execution.

Raging Flame Fiend Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Raging Flame Fiend, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Raging Flame Fiend Boss Fight Video

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Fire King Boss Guide: Defeat the Fiery Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Fire King Overview

The Fire King is a formidable opponent in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its powerful fire-based attacks and swift movements. Encountered in Chapter 5 at the “Furnace Valley” region, the Fire King commands the fiery terrain and has a high resistance to most forms of direct physical attacks. The challenge here is to withstand and outmaneuver his flaming strikes while exploiting the brief windows of opportunity for counterattacks. This boss tests both the defensive and offensive skills of the player, making it crucial to master dodging and counterattack techniques.

Fire King Attack Patterns

Understanding the Fire King’s attack patterns is essential for planning a successful strategy:

Blazing Swipe

Description: The Fire King sweeps his flaming weapon in a wide arc, dealing massive damage and leaving a burning effect.
Weakness: Dodge to the outside just before the swing lands. Counter with quick strikes before he recovers.

Molten Meteor

Description: Summons a series of meteors that fall from above, creating burning zones on the ground.
Weakness: Watch the shadows on the ground and move away from impact zones. Use this opportunity to strike while he is casting.

Inferno Charge

Description: Charges forward at great speed, engulfed in flames, knocking down everything in his path.
Weakness: Sidestep at the last moment to avoid the charge and attack him from behind while he is regaining balance.

Flame Burst

Description: When his health drops below 50%, the Fire King releases a burst of flames around him, dealing area damage and pushing back all players in close range.
Weakness: Maintain distance when he reaches half health. Use ranged attacks and abilities to continue dealing damage safely.

Fire King Battle Strategy

To defeat the Fire King, players need to focus on avoiding his high-damage fire attacks while using spells and abilities that exploit his brief vulnerability windows. Here are the recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Quick Step to dodge his quick melee attacks and Water Sphere for extinguishing flames temporarily and mitigating damage over time.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor and items that have high fire resistance, such as the Fireproof Mantle, to survive his devastating fire attacks. Weapons that can quickly strike, such as the Rapid Sabre, are ideal for landing fast counterattacks during openings.


Phase 1

During the initial phase, prioritize dodging and striking back quickly after each of his attacks. Avoid standing still for too long, as he frequently uses area attacks that punish static players. Utilize Quick Step and Water Sphere to mitigate damage from his flame-based attacks.

Phase 2

When the Fire King reaches 50% health, he becomes more aggressive, unleashing his Flame Burst ability. Keep your distance and switch to ranged tactics using spells like Ice Shards to deal damage from afar. Maintain your focus on dodging his new attacks and wait for the right moments to strike.

Fire King Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Fire King, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and use abilities effectively.

Watch the Fire King Boss Fight Video

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Stone-Skin Beast Boss Guide: Conquer the Rock-Hard Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Stone-Skin Beast Overview

Stone-Skin Beast is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in the early stages of the game. This boss, with its rocky exterior, is known for its powerful physical attacks and its ability to absorb damage due to its hardened skin. The fight requires patience and strategy, focusing on exploiting its weaknesses during moments of vulnerability.

Stone-Skin Beast Attack Patterns

Understanding Stone-Skin Beast’s attack patterns is essential for crafting an effective strategy:

Boulder Smash

Description: Stone-Skin Beast slams the ground with its massive fists, causing rocks to fly in all directions.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the rocks and counter with quick attacks before it resets its stance.

Earthquake Stomp

Description: A devastating stomp that creates a shockwave, knocking players back and causing heavy damage.
Weakness: Jump just before the stomp lands to avoid the shockwave, and then close in for a quick attack combo.

Rock Throw

Description: The boss hurls large boulders at the player, causing significant damage on impact.
Weakness: Use agility-based skills to dodge the projectiles and close the distance to attack.

Petrifying Roar

Description: The beast releases a powerful roar that temporarily stuns the player if within range.
Weakness: Maintain distance and use ranged attacks to keep pressure on the boss while avoiding the roar.

Stone-Skin Beast Battle Strategy

To defeat Stone-Skin Beast, focus on dodging its heavy attacks and exploiting its recovery times. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-enhancing skills such as Shadow Step to evade powerful attacks and quickly reposition. Ranged skills like Earth Spear can also chip away at its health from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip high-defense armor to withstand the boss’s powerful blows, but ensure it doesn’t hinder mobility. Weapons with moderate speed like the Mountain Cleaver are ideal for quick strikes during openings.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its slower, telegraphed attacks and responding with quick combos. Utilize skills that keep you mobile and help you avoid getting cornered.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, Stone-Skin Beast becomes more aggressive and starts using its ranged attacks more frequently. Use the environment to your advantage to block these attacks, and counter with powerful abilities during its cooldown periods.

Stone-Skin Beast Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Stone-Skin Beast, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a step-by-step strategy for dealing with the boss’s attacks and finding the perfect moments to counter.

Watch the Stone-Skin Beast Boss Fight Video

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Shadow Lord Boss Guide: Defeat the Stealth Master in Black Myth Wukong

Shadow Lord Overview

Shadow Lord is a stealthy and cunning boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its ability to blend into the shadows and launch surprise attacks. Found deep within the Echoing Abyss in Chapter 3, Shadow Lord uses the environment to its advantage, making it difficult for players to land consistent hits. Its primary attacks revolve around quick dashes and smoke bombs that temporarily blind the player, forcing them to rely on sound and careful observation. Players must prepare well to counter its stealth tactics and adapt to its unpredictable movements.

Shadow Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding Shadow Lord’s attack patterns is crucial to planning your approach:

Shadow Dash

Description: Shadow Lord dashes quickly across the arena, leaving a trail of darkness that blinds players for a few seconds.
Weakness: Time your dodge perfectly just as Shadow Lord starts the dash. Use sound cues to locate its position during the blindness phase.

Smoke Bomb

Description: Throws a smoke bomb that creates a large cloud, reducing visibility and allowing Shadow Lord to launch a surprise attack.
Weakness: Quickly move out of the smoke cloud and prepare to parry the incoming attack. Use area-of-effect (AoE) skills to hit Shadow Lord if it’s hiding within the smoke.

Shadow Clones

Description: Creates multiple shadow clones to confuse the player. Only one clone is real and deals damage.
Weakness: Look for the clone with the faintest shadow—it’s the real one. Use AoE attacks to quickly disperse the fake clones.

Dark Binding

Description: A binding attack that immobilizes the player for a few seconds, followed by a powerful melee combo.
Weakness: Break free by mashing the movement keys/buttons, and immediately dodge to avoid the follow-up attack.

Shadow Lord Battle Strategy

Defeating Shadow Lord requires a balance between patience, precision, and aggression. Here’s how to effectively bring down this elusive opponent:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that offer high mobility and quick counters, such as Shadow Step for dodging or Whirlwind Strike to hit multiple targets, which is especially effective against Shadow Clones.

Recommended Equipment

Equip gear that boosts perception and resilience to shadow damage. The Eagle Eye Headgear increases visibility within the smoke, while the Spectral Mantle reduces the duration of blinding effects.


Phase 1

Start by keeping your distance to learn Shadow Lord’s attack patterns. Use ranged attacks to chip away at its health. Save high-damage skills for moments when Shadow Lord is stunned or reveals its true form after using Shadow Clones.

Phase 2

As Shadow Lord’s health drops below 50%, it will start using more smoke bombs and shadow clones. Stay mobile and use AoE attacks to counter the clones. Maintain focus, avoid getting caught in the smoke, and use perception-enhancing gear to mitigate the effects of darkness and confusion.

Shadow Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Shadow Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, showing you exactly when to dodge, counter, and use your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Shadow Lord Boss Fight Video

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Dragon-Tusk Tiger Boss Guide: Master the Fight in Black Myth Wukong

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Overview

Dragon-Tusk Tiger is a formidable boss encountered in the mystical world of Black Myth: Wukong. Located in the Bamboo Grove of the Snake Trail, this boss is known for its swift movements and powerful tusk attacks. The battle with Dragon-Tusk Tiger is a test of reflexes and strategic planning. With its sharp claws and reinforced tusks, this beast requires players to be quick on their feet and smart in their counterattacks.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Attack Patterns

Understanding the Dragon-Tusk Tiger’s attack patterns is crucial to gaining the upper hand in battle:

Tusk Charge

Description: Dragon-Tusk Tiger charges forward with its tusks aimed straight ahead, capable of skewering anything in its path.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the charge reaches you. This will give you a brief opportunity to counterattack from the sides.

Pounce and Claw Swipe

Description: The boss leaps into the air and comes down with a heavy claw swipe that deals massive damage.
Weakness: Roll backward to avoid the initial pounce and stay out of the swipe range. Counter with a ranged attack or a quick melee combo during its recovery.

Roaring Frenzy

Description: At half health, Dragon-Tusk Tiger enters a frenzy, increasing its speed and attack power. It releases a powerful roar that can stun players.
Weakness: Keep your distance and avoid direct engagement until the roar subsides. Use stun-resistant items or skills to mitigate the effects.

Tail Whip

Description: A sweeping tail attack that covers a wide area behind the boss.
Weakness: Stay in front or to the sides of the boss to avoid the tail’s sweep. Use this opportunity to attack its legs.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Battle Strategy

To defeat Dragon-Tusk Tiger, focus on dodging its swift, powerful attacks and countering when it is vulnerable. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-focused skills such as Shadow Step to dodge the fast Tusk Charge and Tail Whip attacks effectively. Ranged abilities like Piercing Shot are useful for attacking from a distance during its frenzy phase.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Tiger Claw Armor for increased resistance against physical damage. Equip fast attack weapons like the Swift Blade or Wind Cutter to deal continuous damage during short attack windows. Utilize the Iron Amulet to resist stun effects from its Roaring Frenzy.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its charge and pounce attacks. Maintain mid-range distance and look for openings after its heavy attacks. Use agility to stay out of the range of its powerful swipes.

Phase 2

When the Dragon-Tusk Tiger enters a frenzy, switch to defensive tactics. Keep your distance and use ranged skills to chip away at its health. Be prepared to dodge frequently and use healing items wisely.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Dragon-Tusk Tiger, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Dragon-Tusk Tiger Boss Fight Video

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Spirit of the Mist Boss Guide: Conquer the Elusive Opponent in Black Myth Wukong

Spirit of the Mist Overview

The Spirit of the Mist is a mystical and elusive boss in Black Myth: Wukong that players encounter in the later stages of the game. This spirit is known for its ability to manipulate mist and fog to its advantage, making it difficult for players to maintain visibility and predict its movements. The battle is divided into multiple phases, each challenging players to adapt to new attack patterns and defensive strategies.

Spirit of the Mist Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Spirit of the Mist is crucial for a successful strategy:

Mist Shroud

Description: The Spirit of the Mist envelops itself in a thick mist, becoming harder to target while occasionally launching sudden, quick strikes.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect (AoE) skills or abilities that can penetrate the mist and reveal its position.

Phantom Strike

Description: The boss appears in multiple locations almost simultaneously, confusing the player with phantom strikes that can deal heavy damage.
Weakness: Focus on dodging and identifying the real boss from the illusions. A well-timed dodge can open up a window for counterattacks.

Vortex Trap

Description: The Spirit creates a swirling vortex on the ground that pulls players in and deals continuous damage.
Weakness: Avoid the area immediately and use ranged attacks to continue dealing damage from a safe distance.

Ethereal Phase

Description: At low health, the Spirit enters an ethereal phase where it becomes temporarily invulnerable and unleashes a barrage of homing energy blasts.
Weakness: Maintain a defensive stance and use high-mobility skills to dodge the energy blasts until the boss becomes vulnerable again.

Spirit of the Mist Battle Strategy

To defeat the Spirit of the Mist, players must focus on mobility, timing, and the strategic use of skills. Below are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip abilities that enhance mobility and precision, such as Blink Step for dodging and closing in on the boss quickly, and Mystic Arrow for effective ranged attacks when the boss is in its Mist Shroud.

Recommended Equipment

Choose equipment that boosts resilience against energy-based attacks. The Spirit Veil Cloak can reduce damage from the Spirit’s homing energy blasts, and the Celestial Blade offers quick attack speeds suitable for capitalizing on brief windows of opportunity.


Phase 1

Start by learning the boss’s mist-based attacks and focusing on identifying its real location among the phantoms. Use AoE attacks to reduce the number of illusions and expose the boss for targeted attacks. Maintain a balance between offense and defense to minimize damage taken.

Phase 2

When the boss enters its Ethereal Phase, switch to a defensive strategy. Use mobility-enhancing skills to dodge the energy blasts while waiting for the phase to end. Once the boss is vulnerable again, unleash a series of high-damage combos to finish the fight.

Spirit of the Mist Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Spirit of the Mist, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Spirit of the Mist Boss Fight Video

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Burning Phoenix Boss Guide: Defeat the Fiery Bird in Black Myth Wukong

Burning Phoenix Overview

The Burning Phoenix is one of the most iconic and challenging bosses in Black Myth: Wukong. Encountered in the fiery landscapes of Chapter Four – Flaming Mountains, this boss embodies the essence of flames and rebirth. With powerful fire-based attacks and the ability to regenerate health, Burning Phoenix demands players to strategize and remain vigilant throughout the battle. Its large wingspan and fast-paced aerial attacks require players to stay mobile and adapt quickly to changing battle conditions.

Burning Phoenix Attack Patterns

Understanding the Burning Phoenix’s attack patterns is crucial to defeat it efficiently:

Blazing Dive

Description: The Burning Phoenix ascends into the air and then rapidly dives toward the player with a trail of flames, dealing heavy damage.
Weakness: Dodge at the last moment to avoid the dive and counterattack while it recovers.

Flame Wing Slash

Description: The Phoenix spreads its wings wide and slashes at the player with fire-imbued feathers. This attack covers a wide area.
Weakness: Roll to the side to avoid the slash and create an opening for a quick strike.

Inferno Breath

Description: It breathes a stream of intense fire, causing continuous burn damage to players caught in its path.
Weakness: Stay out of range or use a Fireproof Mantle to reduce damage and attack from behind when the Phoenix is stationary.

Phoenix Rebirth

Description: When its health drops below 30%, the Burning Phoenix regenerates a portion of its health while summoning flames around it.
Weakness: Interrupt this regeneration by using high-damage spells or focus on dodging and waiting until the flames subside before attacking again.

Burning Phoenix Battle Strategy

Defeating the Burning Phoenix requires careful planning and precise execution. Here are the strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility and quick damage output, such as Wind Slash for fast dashes and Lightning Strike to deal substantial burst damage. Ranged abilities like Frost Arrow can help chip away at its health from a distance while avoiding its flame attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle to reduce fire damage significantly and wear the Bronze Armor to enhance defense without sacrificing mobility. Weapons like the Ice Spear are particularly effective against the Phoenix due to its elemental weakness to ice.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its Blazing Dive and Flame Wing Slash while landing quick hits after each missed attack. Use Frost-based spells and attacks to slow it down and deal extra damage. Keep your distance during its Inferno Breath attack.

Phase 2

Once the Phoenix’s health drops below 30%, it will enter its regeneration phase. Quickly switch to high-damage abilities to interrupt the Phoenix Rebirth and prevent it from healing. Keep moving and avoid staying in one spot to dodge the flames surrounding it​.

Burning Phoenix Video Walkthrough

For a detailed visual guide on how to defeat the Burning Phoenix, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire fight, showcasing the best moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively for a seamless victory.

Watch the Burning Phoenix Boss Fight Video

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Thunderstrike Boar Boss Guide: Overcome the Electric Beast in Black Myth Wukong

Thunderstrike Boar Overview

Thunderstrike Boar is a fearsome boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in the Volcanic Caverns. This mighty beast is known for its electrifying attacks and formidable defenses. Originating from ancient legends, Thunderstrike Boar is said to control the power of storms and lightning. His massive size and shockwave abilities make him a daunting opponent, requiring players to strategize carefully to emerge victorious.

Thunderstrike Boar Attack Patterns

Thunderstrike Boar employs a variety of powerful and electrically charged attacks. Understanding these patterns is essential for a successful fight:

Lightning Charge

Description: Thunderstrike Boar charges forward, surrounded by a crackling electrical aura that deals high damage to anyone in its path.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the charge, then counterattack quickly when he recovers.

Thunder Slam

Description: The boss slams the ground, causing a shockwave that can stun players. This move also leaves electrical residue on the ground.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the shockwave, and stay out of the residual electrical areas. Attack from behind while he is recovering.

Storm Breath

Description: Thunderstrike Boar exhales a wide cone of lightning that damages and slows players.
Weakness: Move to the sides or behind cover to avoid the breath attack. Use high mobility skills to quickly reposition.

Electric Roar

Description: When Thunderstrike Boar’s health drops below 50%, he unleashes a powerful roar that electrifies the environment, increasing his attack speed and damage.
Weakness: Use abilities that provide shielding or healing during this phase. Focus on ranged attacks and avoid close combat to minimize damage.

Thunderstrike Boar Battle Strategy

To defeat Thunderstrike Boar, you need to carefully manage your positioning and timing. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and provide lightning resistance. Abilities like Swift Dodge can help you evade his lightning attacks, while skills that deal electric damage can exploit his vulnerabilities.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high lightning resistance, such as the Storm Shield or Volt Cloak, to mitigate the effects of Thunderstrike Boar’s electrical attacks. For weapons, the Thunderous Hammer or Storm Blade are effective choices due to their ability to deal additional damage during his vulnerable phases.


Phase 1

Focus on staying mobile and avoiding the Lightning Charge and Thunder Slam. Use ranged attacks to chip away at his health while maintaining a safe distance.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, Thunderstrike Boar will become more aggressive. Utilize your lightning-resistant gear and high-damage ranged abilities to keep pressure on him from a distance. Avoid the electrified areas and wait for openings to strike.

Thunderstrike Boar Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Thunderstrike Boar, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, demonstrating when to dodge, attack, and use your skills effectively.

Watch the Thunderstrike Boar Boss Fight Video

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Iron Claw Shaman Boss Guide: Conquer the Mystic Shaman in Black Myth Wukong

Iron Claw Shaman Overview

Iron Claw Shaman is a mystical and formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong. Hailing from the depths of the Haunted Forest, this shaman wields powerful magic and possesses a formidable defense. Known for his ability to summon ethereal spirits and cast devastating spells, Iron Claw Shaman is one of the most challenging bosses in the game. His appearance is marked by an imposing stature, adorned in dark, ceremonial armor, and he uses a staff imbued with dark energy.

Iron Claw Shaman Attack Patterns

Understanding Iron Claw Shaman’s attack patterns is essential to formulating an effective strategy:

Spirit Summon

Description: Iron Claw Shaman summons spirits to attack from multiple directions.
Weakness: Focus on the spirits first, as they can overwhelm you if left unchecked. Dodge their attacks and counterattack the shaman during the summoning phase.

Dark Bolt

Description: A powerful magical bolt is fired from his staff, dealing high damage on impact.
Weakness: Anticipate the casting animation and use quick dodges to evade the attack. Aim for a counterattack as he finishes the casting.

Arcane Shield

Description: The shaman generates a protective shield that absorbs damage and reflects attacks.
Weakness: Use abilities that deal damage over time or break through shields, such as Stone Throw, to bypass the Arcane Shield.

Mystic Wave

Description: A wave of dark energy is released, dealing damage in a wide arc and inflicting a debuff.
Weakness: Avoid the area of effect and counterattack after the wave dissipates. Utilize ranged attacks to avoid direct contact.

Iron Claw Shaman Battle Strategy

To defeat Iron Claw Shaman, adapt to his magical and defensive tactics:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills such as Shadow Step for quick mobility and Fireball to counter his shield. Abilities that deal damage over time are effective against his Arcane Shield.

Recommended Equipment

Use weapons with high burst damage, like the Thunder Hammer, to quickly reduce his health. Armor with high magic resistance, such as the Mystic Robe, is crucial to surviving his spell attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on evading the shaman’s magic attacks and summoning spirits. Take advantage of openings during the summoning phase to deal damage. Prioritize spirits to prevent being overwhelmed.

Phase 2

Once Iron Claw Shaman’s health drops below 50%, he will become more aggressive and frequently use Mystic Wave. Maintain your distance and use high-damage abilities to counter his attacks while staying mobile to avoid the waves.

Iron Claw Shaman Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Iron Claw Shaman, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the key moments for dodging, attacking, and utilizing your abilities effectively against the shaman.

Watch the Iron Claw Shaman Boss Fight Video

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Moonlit Wolf Demon Boss Guide: Defeat the Fierce Beast in Black Myth Wukong

Moonlit Wolf Demon Overview

The Moonlit Wolf Demon is a formidable boss encountered in the moonlit glades of the Celestial Forest in Black Myth: Wukong. This boss is known for its agility and ferocity, making it a challenging adversary for players. The Moonlit Wolf Demon, a spectral beast bound by dark magic, possesses a range of deadly attacks and can summon shadowy minions to aid it in battle. The boss’s backstory revolves around its tragic fall from grace and subsequent transformation into a monstrous entity cursed to guard the ancient forest.

Moonlit Wolf Demon Attack Patterns

Understanding the Moonlit Wolf Demon’s attack patterns is key to overcoming this beast:

Shadow Pounce

Description: The Wolf Demon leaps towards the player with a swift, shadowy pounce that deals high damage.
Weakness: Time your dodge to avoid the pounce and strike when the boss lands. The attack leaves the boss briefly vulnerable.

Moonlit Howl

Description: The Demon emits a powerful howl that causes a shockwave, stunning players within range.
Weakness: Move out of range quickly when you see the howl charge. Use this time to prepare for a counterattack.

Fang Barrage

Description: The boss attacks with a series of rapid bites, dealing consistent damage with each hit.
Weakness: Block or dodge to minimize damage. After the barrage, the Demon has a brief recovery period.

Spectral Minions

Description: Summons shadowy minions to assist in battle. These minions can overwhelm players with their numbers.
Weakness: Focus on quickly eliminating minions to reduce the pressure on yourself, allowing you to concentrate on the boss.

Moonlit Wolf Demon Battle Strategy

To defeat the Moonlit Wolf Demon, you must adeptly manage both the boss and its minions. Here are effective strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and crowd control, such as Shadow Dash to evade attacks and Area Burst to deal with minions. Skills that increase your defensive capabilities, like Shield Wall, can also help mitigate damage during critical moments.

Recommended Equipment

Choose weapons that have high attack speed and can inflict status effects, such as the Viper Fang for its poison damage. For armor, prioritize items with increased resistance to physical and magic damage, such as the Moonlit Cloak.


Phase 1

In the first phase, focus on dodging the Moonlit Wolf Demon’s pounce and howl. Use ranged attacks to deal damage while staying mobile. Keep an eye on the boss’s movements to anticipate the Shadow Pounce and prepare for quick strikes.

Phase 2

Once the boss’s health drops below 50%, it will summon minions. Prioritize clearing these minions to prevent being overwhelmed. Use your crowd control skills to manage the minions while dealing with the boss’s attacks. Exploit the Demon’s vulnerability after its powerful attacks to deal maximum damage.

Moonlit Wolf Demon Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Moonlit Wolf Demon, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a detailed view of the battle, including timing for dodging, attacking, and managing minions.

Watch the Moonlit Wolf Demon Boss Fight Video

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