Keeper of Flaming Mountains Boss Guide: Master the Challenges in Black Myth Wukong

Keeper of Flaming Mountains Overview

The Keeper of Flaming Mountains is a formidable Yaoguai King boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 6’s Emerald Hall Keeper’s Shrine of Furnace Valley. This boss fight is divided into three phases, with the final phase featuring the Yin-Yang Fish, a giant Catfish with a deadly blade-like dorsal fin. Players will need to strategically maneuver and adapt to defeat this challenging boss to progress further in the game’s story.

Keeper of Flaming Mountains Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Keeper of Flaming Mountains is essential for planning your strategy:

Phase 1: Keeper of Flaming Mountains (Yaoguai King)

Description: The Keeper will use simple combat skills involving melee attacks and moderate damage spells. He wields a golden bowl and drops water from it, initiating the battle in a surreal sea environment.
Weakness: Focus on dodging his straightforward attacks and countering with quick spells and fast melee combos.

Phase 2: Keeper’s Companion

Description: In the second phase, the Keeper summons a companion to fight alongside him. This companion supports the Keeper with more complex attacks.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect spells to manage both enemies at once. Utilize spells like “Immobilize” to freeze the companion, creating opportunities to deal heavy damage to the Keeper.

Phase 3: Yin-Yang Fish

Description: The final phase introduces the Yin-Yang Fish, a six-meter-long Catfish capable of devastating tail-whip attacks. It moves swiftly, making it a difficult target to hit.
Weakness: Players should dodge in the direction the fish is turning to avoid tail attacks and use spells like “Fireball” for continuous damage over time. Use the “Immobilize” spell to freeze the fish momentarily and deliver heavy attacks.

Keeper of Flaming Mountains Battle Strategy

Defeating the Keeper of Flaming Mountains requires patience, strategic positioning, and timing. Below are the recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip spells such as Immobilize to temporarily disable enemies and Fireball for damage over time. These spells are crucial for managing multiple enemies and the rapid movement of the Yin-Yang Fish.

Recommended Equipment

Utilize armor that provides high mobility and defense, such as the Celestial Ribbon and Yin-Yang Diatost Robe. These items help withstand the attacks while maintaining agility to dodge critical hits.


Phase 1 and Phase 2

Focus on dodging the Keeper’s straightforward attacks and use quick spell combos to deplete his health. When he summons his companion, prioritize crowd control spells to keep both enemies in check.

Phase 3

The Yin-Yang Fish phase requires quick reflexes and precise dodging. Maintain a safe distance, use ranged spells, and capitalize on moments when the fish is immobilized to land heavy attacks. Avoid getting too close unless the fish is stunned.

Keeper of Flaming Mountains Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Keeper of Flaming Mountains, watch the video below. This walkthrough details each phase of the fight, showing when to dodge, attack, and use abilities for maximum effect.

Watch the Keeper of Flaming Mountains Boss Fight Video

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Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Boss Guide: Conquer the Double Threat in Black Myth Wukong

Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Overview

Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud are a double-boss encounter in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Furnace Valley at the Valley Entrance of Chapter 5. This battle pits players against two opponents simultaneously: a witch-like character (Cloudy Mist) who casts ranged spells and a fire-wielding warrior (Misty Cloud) who uses a flaming stick for melee attacks. This boss battle is an unmissable story encounter that tests the player’s ability to manage multiple threats at once and switch between offense and defense effectively.

Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of both bosses is crucial for planning your approach:

Cloudy Mist: Ranged Spells

Description: Cloudy Mist specializes in long-range attacks, including fireballs and frost spells that can cause significant damage if not dodged properly. Occasionally, she disappears and reappears in different spots around the arena.
Weakness: Use quick movement skills like Cloud Step to avoid spells and attack her when she reappears.

Misty Cloud: Fire Stick Strikes

Description: Misty Cloud is a close-combat fighter with a fiery weapon that deals continuous damage. He can also perform a sweeping attack that covers a wide arc.
Weakness: Keep your distance and use immobilizing abilities to slow him down, allowing for safe attacks during his recovery phases.

Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Battle Strategy

To defeat Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud, focus on eliminating one boss first to simplify the battle. Here’s a recommended strategy:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Immobilize to control the movement of Misty Cloud. Use Pluck of Many and Wandering Wight Spirit Attack to deal quick and efficient damage to Cloudy Mist when she reappears.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Weaver’s Needle vessel to increase resistance against ranged spells. Equip armor that offers high defense against both fire and frost damage, such as Bronze Armor.


Phase 1

Start by focusing on Misty Cloud, as his close-combat attacks are more predictable and provide opportunities for counterattacks. Use immobilization to keep him stationary and deal damage with quick-attack combos.

Phase 2

After defeating Misty Cloud, shift your focus to Cloudy Mist. Use ranged abilities and quick movements to avoid her spells and close the distance when she is vulnerable after reappearing. Keep using Cloud Step to avoid her attacks and respond with powerful spirit attacks.

Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud Boss Fight Video

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Flint Chief Boss Guide: Defeat the Lava Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Flint Chief Overview

Flint Chief is a mid-game boss found in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 5 within Furnace Valley, at the Valley Entrance. This formidable opponent guards the path through a lava lake, making it a challenging encounter for players due to the environment. The battle requires strategic movement to avoid fire damage and utilize specific equipment to survive in the harsh lava-filled terrain. Flint Chief is characterized by his fire-based attacks and high resistance to most direct assaults. Defeating Flint Chief will yield significant rewards, including rare materials and the Flint Chief spirit, which can aid players in future battles.

Flint Chief Attack Patterns

Understanding Flint Chief’s attack patterns is essential for planning a successful strategy:

Fire Spew

Description: Flint Chief emits a stream of fire directly ahead, covering a wide area.
Weakness: Dodge to the sides and attack from behind while the boss is recovering from the spew.

Lava Slam

Description: The boss slams the ground, causing lava to erupt around him, dealing damage over time.
Weakness: Maintain distance during this attack and counter with ranged abilities once the eruption subsides.

Molten Charge

Description: A swift charge attack that covers a large distance, dealing significant damage to anyone in its path.
Weakness: Sidestep the charge and counterattack when the boss slows down.

Flame Burst

Description: Flint Chief releases a burst of flames in all directions, damaging nearby players.
Weakness: Use the Fireproof Mantle to resist the fire damage or dodge backward to avoid the flames entirely.

Flint Chief Battle Strategy

To defeat Flint Chief, it’s essential to use the environment to your advantage and time your attacks carefully. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility skills like Cloud Step to quickly dodge Flint Chief’s fiery assaults. Utilize Wandering Wight spirit attacks to deal damage from a distance, minimizing your exposure to fire.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle (obtained from a secret area boss in Chapter 1) to walk on lava without taking damage. This vessel is crucial for maintaining health throughout the fight. Equip weapons that allow quick, successive strikes to maximize damage during Flint Chief’s recovery periods, such as the Swift Blade.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the initial fire spews and slams. Attack during the recovery period after each spew. Maintain a steady rhythm of attack and retreat to avoid the area-of-effect attacks.

Phase 2

As the battle progresses, Flint Chief will become more aggressive, using his Molten Charge more frequently. Prioritize dodging this move and counter with quick attacks. Be prepared to dodge or block his Flame Burst attack. Consistent use of the Fireproof Mantle is key to surviving this phase.

Flint Chief Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Flint Chief, watch the video below. This walkthrough shows the timing for dodges, counters, and when to utilize special abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Flint Chief Boss Fight Video

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Father of Stones Boss Guide: Conquer the Yaoguai Chief in Black Myth Wukong

Father of Stones Overview

Father of Stones is a formidable Yaoguai Chief boss found in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Woods of Ember. Known for his stony defenses and powerful area-of-effect attacks, he represents a significant challenge for players advancing through the game. Players must strategically approach his weaknesses and prepare for a battle that tests both patience and precision.

Father of Stones Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Father of Stones is crucial for planning your strategy:

Rock Hurl

Description: Throws large boulders towards the player, dealing high damage upon impact.
Weakness: Dodge laterally at the last moment to avoid the boulders and follow up with a quick attack.

Ground Quake

Description: Smashes the ground, causing a shockwave that damages and staggers players.
Weakness: Jump or use a dash ability to avoid the shockwave and position yourself behind him for counterattacks.

Stone Barrier

Description: Summons a defensive barrier that deflects ranged attacks and reduces incoming damage.
Weakness: Use melee attacks to chip away at the barrier or use abilities that penetrate defenses.

Summon Minions

Description: Calls upon stone minions to attack players.
Weakness: Focus on eliminating the minions first to avoid being overwhelmed.

Father of Stones Battle Strategy

To defeat Father of Stones, focus on avoiding his powerful area-of-effect attacks and using ranged or penetrating skills when possible. Here are some strategies to help you conquer this boss:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility, such as Shadow Step for dodging, and Immobilize to temporarily disable the boss. If possible, use the Piercing Wind ability to counter his Stone Barrier defense.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor sets that enhance agility and defense against physical attacks. Weapons with a fast attack speed, such as the Light Spear or Twin Blades, are highly effective for dealing quick damage during his vulnerable moments.


Phase 1

Focus on learning his attack patterns and maintaining a safe distance to avoid his boulder throws. Use quick attacks after successfully dodging his Ground Quake.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, Father of Stones becomes more aggressive and summons minions. Prioritize eliminating the minions while maintaining mobility to avoid his enhanced attacks.

Father of Stones Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Father of Stones, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, demonstrating the best moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Father of Stones Boss Fight Video

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Gray-Bronze Cart Boss Guide: Defeat the Elemental Cart in Black Myth Wukong

Gray-Bronze Cart Overview

The Gray-Bronze Cart is one of the Five Element Carts that players must defeat in Black Myth: Wukong. Found in the Woods of Ember at the Height of Ember, the Gray-Bronze Cart is a significant obstacle that blocks the story path after defeating the Father of Stones. This boss is part of a quest to defeat all five elemental carts given by the Ox NPC, “Pale-Axe Stalwart.” The Gray-Bronze Cart is characterized by its immense size, metallic frame, and its ability to breathe fire across a wide area, making it a formidable opponent for any player trying to progress through Chapter 5.

Gray-Bronze Cart Attack Patterns

Understanding the Gray-Bronze Cart’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Fire Breath

Description: The Gray-Bronze Cart breathes a cone of fire in front of it, covering a wide area and dealing continuous fire damage.
Weakness: Quickly move to the side or behind the cart to avoid the fire breath. This is the best time to deal damage, as the cart’s recovery from this attack is relatively slow.

Rolling Charge

Description: The cart charges forward, crushing anything in its path. This attack can deal significant damage if it connects.
Weakness: Sidestep or roll away from the path of the charge. Once the charge is completed, the cart will pause momentarily, leaving it open for counterattacks.

Ground Smash

Description: The cart slams the ground with its wheels, causing a shockwave that knocks players back.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the shockwave and immediately close the gap to attack from behind.

Lava Burst

Description: In its later phase, the cart releases bursts of molten lava from its sides, covering the ground around it.
Weakness: Stay at a medium range to avoid the initial burst and move in once the lava dissipates.

Gray-Bronze Cart Battle Strategy

To defeat the Gray-Bronze Cart, focus on dodging its area-of-effect attacks and counterattacking when it is most vulnerable. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip abilities that enhance mobility, such as Shadow Step, to quickly dodge its wide-area attacks. Ranged abilities like Stone Throw can also be useful to deal chip damage from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high fire resistance to mitigate damage from its fire breath and lava burst attacks. Weapons with high burst damage, such as the Crimson Scimitar, are ideal for dealing quick damage during openings.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Fire Breath and Rolling Charge attacks. The key is to stay mobile and avoid staying directly in front of the cart. Attack from the sides or rear when the cart is recovering from its attacks.

Phase 2

When the Gray-Bronze Cart’s health drops below 50%, it will begin using its Lava Burst attack. Maintain a medium distance to avoid the initial burst, then move in quickly to deal damage. Continue to exploit its recovery periods for maximum damage output.

Gray-Bronze Cart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Gray-Bronze Cart, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Gray-Bronze Cart Boss Fight Video

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Brown-Iron Cart Boss Guide: Overcome the Fire-Spewing Cart in Black Myth Wukong

Brown-Iron Cart Overview

The Brown-Iron Cart is a significant obstacle in Black Myth: Wukong, appearing in Chapter 5 of the game within the Woods of Ember at the Ashen Pass I. As part of the quest to defeat the Five Elemental Carts, the Brown-Iron Cart is the first that players must overcome. It is a large, stationary cart that blocks the path and is known for spewing fire, making it challenging for unprepared players. While it has a large health pool, its slow and predictable attacks provide an opportunity for players to deal significant damage if approached strategically.

Brown-Iron Cart Attack Patterns

Understanding the Brown-Iron Cart’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Fire Spew

Description: The cart periodically spews fire in a cone in front of it.
Weakness: Attack from the sides or back to avoid getting hit. This is the best time to deal damage, as the cart is stationary during this attack.

Ground Smash

Description: The cart slams the ground, causing a shockwave that can knock back players.
Weakness: Dodge backward or to the side to avoid the shockwave. Quickly close the distance afterward to continue your assault.

Slow Turn

Description: The cart slowly turns to face the player, preparing for another fire spew or smash.
Weakness: Use this time to reposition and prepare for the next attack phase. Staying on its sides is crucial to avoid damage.

Brown-Iron Cart Battle Strategy

To defeat the Brown-Iron Cart, focus on evading its slow but powerful attacks and counterattacking when it’s vulnerable. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Shadow Step to quickly dodge the cart’s attacks and reposition yourself. Ranged abilities like Stone Throw can also be useful for dealing consistent damage while staying out of range of its fire spew.

Recommended Equipment

Prioritize weapons with a fast attack speed, such as the Swift Blade, to maximize damage during the cart’s vulnerable periods. For armor, prioritize fire resistance to minimize damage from its fire-based attacks.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and position yourself at the cart’s sides or back to avoid its fire spew. Time your attacks carefully and be ready to dodge its ground smash.

Phase 2

As the cart’s health decreases, it may become more aggressive. Keep your distance and use ranged abilities or attacks to chip away at its health safely. Stay on the move and always be ready to dodge.

Brown-Iron Cart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Brown-Iron Cart, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing you the exact moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Brown-Iron Cart Boss Fight Video

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Pale-Axe Stalwart Boss Guide: Defeat the Miniboss in Black Myth Wukong

Pale-Axe Stalwart Overview

Pale-Axe Stalwart is a miniboss located in Chapter 5 of Black Myth: Wukong within the Woods of Ember at Ashen Pass I. This formidable bull-like enemy wields a massive axe and challenges players to navigate through intense melee combat scenarios. Defeating Pale-Axe Stalwart is essential to progress through the Five Element Carts questline in Chapter 5, leading to the discovery of secret areas. The boss is known for its shock-based and poison-based attacks, which require precise dodging and strategic planning.

Pale-Axe Stalwart Attack Patterns

Understanding Pale-Axe Stalwart’s attack patterns is crucial to overcoming this boss:

Shock-Based Attacks

Description: The boss uses shock attacks, including casting yellow glowing swords that shoot toward the player.
Weakness: Dodge away when the swords are launched to avoid damage.

Burrowing Grab

Description: Pale-Axe Stalwart can burrow into the ground and emerge underneath the player to grab them, dealing massive damage.
Weakness: When the boss is underground, run and jump or dodge to avoid being grabbed.

Poison Puke

Description: The boss spits a poison cloud in front of it, causing poison damage over time if the player remains in it.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the poison and attack from a safe angle.

Lightning Strike

Description: The boss raises its hand to cast a lightning strike from above, targeting the player’s position.
Weakness: Dodge repeatedly to move away from the impact area and continue attacking when safe.

Aggressive Phase

Description: When the boss drops to about 30% health, it becomes more aggressive and starts using fire-based attacks in addition to its existing arsenal.
Weakness: Use a combination of dodging and ranged attacks to deal damage while avoiding the fire strikes.

Pale-Axe Stalwart Battle Strategy

To defeat Pale-Axe Stalwart, players need to focus on dodging its varied attacks and capitalizing on its recovery times. Here’s the best strategy for success:

Recommended Skills

Equip Pluck of Many to immobilize the boss and perform quick-attack combos. Wandering Wight spirit attack is useful for dealing massive damage in the later phases.

Recommended Equipment

Use Weaver’s Needle obtained from Chapter 4 Secret Area Boss to break Pale-Axe Stalwart’s aggressive state and stun it. Equip armor with high shock resistance to mitigate damage from shock-based attacks.


Initial Phase

Focus on quick attacks after dodging its shock-based moves. Be cautious of its burrowing grab and maintain distance until it re-emerges.

Aggressive Phase

When the boss reaches around 30% health, it will start using fire-based attacks. Use Weaver’s Needle to stun it out of this state and follow up with high-damage attacks. Continue dodging its melee and ranged combos, and maintain a safe distance to avoid its most powerful moves.

Pale-Axe Stalwart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Pale-Axe Stalwart, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the exact moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Pale-Axe Stalwart Boss Fight Video

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Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Boss Guide: Conquer the Twin Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Overview

Quick as Fire and Fast as Wind are two bosses that players face simultaneously in Black Myth: Wukong. This unique battle requires the player to adapt to a two-on-one dynamic, where Quick as Fire uses fire-based attacks and Fast as Wind utilizes swift wind-based maneuvers. Set in Chapter 5, this fight takes place in the Woods of Ember, Height of Ember area. Their powerful combination tests players’ agility, strategy, and ability to manage dual threats on the battlefield.

Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of both bosses is crucial for planning your approach:

Quick as Fire – Flame Burst

Description: Quick as Fire releases a burst of flames that covers a wide area in front.
Weakness: Roll sideways just before the flames reach you to avoid damage and counter quickly.

Quick as Fire – Fire Spin

Description: Spins rapidly while surrounded by fire, damaging everything in proximity.
Weakness: Keep your distance until the spin attack stops, then close in for attacks.

Fast as Wind – Wind Dash

Description: Dashes quickly across the battlefield, creating a trail of wind that pushes players back.
Weakness: Dodge roll as he approaches and use this window to land a few hits.

Fast as Wind – Tornado Strike

Description: Summons a small tornado that moves around the arena, dealing damage on contact.
Weakness: Stay out of its path and use ranged attacks to chip away at the boss’s health.

Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Battle Strategy

To defeat Quick as Fire and Fast as Wind, players must balance dodging and attacking both bosses. Focus on taking out one boss first to reduce the difficulty of the fight. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-focused skills like Shadow Step to dodge Quick as Fire’s flames and Fast as Wind’s dashes. Consider equipping the Immobilize spell to temporarily disable one boss while you deal with the other.

Recommended Equipment

Use fire-resistant armor like the Fireproof Mantle to mitigate damage from Quick as Fire’s attacks. For weapons, choose ones with high agility and attack speed, such as the Swift Blade, to maximize damage in short windows.


Phase 1

Start by focusing on Fast as Wind to eliminate his fast, disruptive attacks. Use quick, successive hits while dodging his Wind Dash and Tornado Strike.

Phase 2

Once Fast as Wind is down, concentrate on Quick as Fire. Maintain distance during his fire-based attacks and use ranged abilities to steadily lower his health. When he uses Fire Spin, wait for an opening to counter.

Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Quick as Fire and Fast as Wind, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, demonstrating optimal dodge timing, attack windows, and ability usage.

Watch the Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind Boss Fight Video

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Yaksha King Boss Guide: Defeat the End Boss in Chapter 5 of Black Myth Wukong

Yaksha King Overview

Yaksha King, also known as Red Boy in his human form, is the final boss of Chapter 5 in Black Myth: Wukong. He resides in the Field of Fire, where players must face him in a challenging battle that tests both their offensive and defensive skills. Yaksha King is notorious for his fast and erratic attack patterns that require precise dodging and countering. As one of the game’s most formidable foes, Yaksha King provides a significant challenge, but also great rewards upon defeat, including rare items and abilities.

Yaksha King Attack Patterns

Yaksha King employs a variety of fast and powerful attacks that can overwhelm unprepared players. Understanding these patterns is crucial for success:

Flame Spin

Description: Yaksha King spins rapidly, generating a circle of flames that expands outward.
Weakness: Keep your distance when he starts spinning, and prepare to dodge as the flames spread.

Inferno Burst

Description: A powerful burst of flames directed towards the player, dealing heavy fire damage.
Weakness: Roll sideways to avoid the burst and use the opportunity to close in for a quick attack.

Shadow Strike

Description: A swift, shadowy dash attack that targets the player from different angles.
Weakness: Time your dodges carefully as the attack comes from unexpected directions. Counter with a quick strike immediately after.

Pyroclasmic Wave

Description: Yaksha King slams the ground, causing fiery waves to surge forward in multiple directions.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the waves, and close in to attack while he recovers.

Yaksha King Battle Strategy

To defeat Yaksha King, you must balance offense with careful defense, utilizing skills that allow for quick dodges and effective counterattacks. Here’s the best strategy:

Recommended Skills

Equip abilities such as Quick Step or Shadow Slip to maneuver around Yaksha King’s fast and aggressive moves. For long-range, consider Firebolt or similar spells to keep pressure on him from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor sets that boost fire resistance, such as the Fireproof Mantle, and weapons that offer speed and agility, like the Twin Fang Blades. These help in avoiding heavy damage while staying nimble.


Phase 1

During the first phase, focus on learning Yaksha King’s movement and attack patterns. Utilize fast dodges to evade his Flame Spin and Shadow Strike attacks. Stay patient and strike when you have a clear opening.

Phase 2

When Yaksha King transitions to his second phase, his attacks become more frequent and unpredictable. Prioritize using ranged abilities to maintain a safe distance while dealing consistent damage. Keep moving to avoid his Pyroclasmic Waves and counterattack when he pauses after his more significant moves.

Yaksha King Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Yaksha King, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Yaksha King Boss Fight Video

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Red Boy Boss Guide: Defeat the Fiery Adversary in Black Myth Wukong

Red Boy Overview

Red Boy is a fiery boss in Black Myth: Wukong that players encounter in Chapter 5 at the Field of Fire, near the Fallen Furnace Crater shrine. Known for his fire-based attacks and quick movements, Red Boy presents a moderate challenge. He is the son of the Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, which explains his formidable abilities and ferocious nature. Players must be prepared for both ground and aerial combat phases, requiring agility and strategic use of skills to defeat him.

Red Boy Attack Patterns

Understanding Red Boy’s attack patterns is crucial to devising an effective strategy:

Fireball Throw

Description: Red Boy hurls fireballs that explode on impact, leaving flames on the ground.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the fireballs and stay clear of the burning areas.

Flying Clone Assault

Description: At half health, Red Boy summons clones that fly towards the player and explode on contact, causing burn damage.
Weakness: Dodge as soon as the clones accelerate toward you. Be prepared to dodge multiple times as they approach in waves.

Ground Smash

Description: Red Boy slams the ground, creating a shockwave that deals area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Jump or roll away from the impact zone to avoid damage and quickly close the gap to attack.

Melee Combos

Description: Red Boy utilizes quick melee strikes, especially after landing from his aerial phase.
Weakness: Time your dodges carefully to counterattack during his recovery frames.

Red Boy Battle Strategy

To defeat Red Boy, players must balance offensive spells with agile movements. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip powerful spells like Pluck of Many and Weaver’s Needle for high burst damage. Use Immobilize to temporarily stop his movement, and follow up with Wandering Wight spirit attacks for sustained damage.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle to mitigate fire damage. Equip armor that balances defense and mobility, such as the Celestial Ribbon, to withstand his onslaught while maintaining agility.


Phase 1

Unleash spells at the start of the fight to lower his health quickly. Keep dodging his fireball attacks and use quick attacks between his moves. Avoid staying in one place for too long, as his ground attacks can cause significant damage.

Phase 2

When he reaches half health, prepare for his clone assault. Keep dodging until all clones are gone, then quickly capitalize on his recovery. Continue to use spells and light attacks to chip away at his health.

Red Boy Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Red Boy, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, showcasing the best times to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Red Boy Boss Fight Video

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