Cave Serpent Lord Boss Guide: Conquer the Snake Trail Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Cave Serpent Lord Overview

The Cave Serpent Lord is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Bamboo Grove area at Snake Trail. This boss is known for its serpentine appearance and swift, venomous attacks that test both the player’s agility and strategic planning. It guards a key path in the game, making it an essential fight for progression. The battle against the Cave Serpent Lord has two phases, each introducing new attack patterns and increasing difficulty.

Cave Serpent Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Cave Serpent Lord is crucial for preparing your strategy:

Poison Spit

Description: The Cave Serpent Lord spits a wide spray of venom that poisons players on contact.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the venom and counterattack during its recovery.

Tail Whip

Description: A swift 360-degree tail attack that can hit players multiple times if they are caught off guard.
Weakness: Jump or roll backward to evade the tail whip. This move has a longer recovery, offering a brief window for counterattacks.

Bite Lunge

Description: The boss lunges forward with a rapid bite that can cause significant damage.
Weakness: Sidestep the lunge and aim for the head, which is a vulnerable point after this move.

Venom Cloud

Description: In its second phase, the Cave Serpent Lord releases a venom cloud around itself, dealing continuous damage to anyone caught in it.
Weakness: Use long-range attacks or spells to chip away at its health while keeping a safe distance from the cloud.

Cave Serpent Lord Battle Strategy

To defeat the Cave Serpent Lord, you need to maintain your distance while looking for opportunities to strike. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance your mobility and allow quick repositioning, such as Shadow Step for dodging and Venom Cleanse to remove poison status. Ranged spells like Fireball or Ice Shard are useful for dealing damage from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Wear armor with high resistance to poison, like the Venom Guard Armor, to reduce the damage from its venom-based attacks. For weapons, prioritize those with longer reach and quick attack speed, such as the Spear of Purity or Long Sword.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Cave Serpent Lord’s poison spit and bite lunge attacks. Keep moving to avoid the venom cloud and wait for openings after its tail whip to deal quick hits. Utilize ranged attacks to maintain pressure from a distance.

Phase 2

As the boss transitions into its second phase, stay vigilant for its venom cloud ability. Shift your strategy to focus on long-range combat and use spells or ranged weapons to attack from afar while avoiding the poisonous area.

Cave Serpent Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Cave Serpent Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, highlighting when to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Cave Serpent Lord Boss Fight Video

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