Night-Walker Shade Boss Guide: Master the Shadows in Black Myth Wukong

Night-Walker Shade Overview

Night-Walker Shade is a daunting boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its ability to blend into the shadows and launch surprise attacks. Located deep within the Cursed Forest, this boss uses darkness to its advantage, making it difficult for players to track its movements. Night-Walker Shade represents a test of perception and quick reflexes as players navigate a challenging environment shrouded in mystery and obscurity.

Night-Walker Shade Attack Patterns

Understanding Night-Walker Shade’s attack patterns is essential for developing a winning strategy:

Shadow Strike

Description: The boss swiftly strikes from the shadows, delivering a powerful blow that can stagger players.
Weakness: Maintain distance and watch for signs of movement in the shadows. Dodge just before the attack lands to avoid damage and create a counterattack opportunity.

Dark Tendrils

Description: Night-Walker Shade summons dark tendrils from the ground that immobilize and damage players caught in their reach.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid the tendrils. Utilize speed-boosting abilities to escape the area quickly.

Phantom Dash

Description: The boss dashes through the arena, becoming invulnerable for a brief moment before unleashing a flurry of attacks.
Weakness: Anticipate the dash and position yourself to evade the follow-up attacks. Use ranged abilities during this phase.

Darkness Veil

Description: Envelops the arena in darkness, making it hard to see the boss’s movements.
Weakness: Use light-based spells or items to temporarily illuminate the area and reveal Night-Walker Shade’s position.

Night-Walker Shade Battle Strategy

Defeating Night-Walker Shade requires a balance of offensive tactics and defensive maneuvers. Here are the key strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip light-based skills such as Sunbeam Burst to counteract the darkness. Utilize agility-based abilities like Shadow Step to dodge swiftly and close the distance for melee attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Illuminated Blade to cut through the shadows and the Shadowguard Armor for enhanced resistance against dark attacks. Items that increase perception, such as Third Eye Amulet, are also valuable for this battle.


Phase 1

Start by keeping your distance to understand the attack patterns. Use light-based spells to illuminate the area and keep moving to avoid being cornered by Dark Tendrils. Dodge frequently and counterattack when Night-Walker Shade is visible.

Phase 2

As the boss becomes more aggressive, it will use Phantom Dash more frequently. Be prepared to evade and use ranged attacks to chip away at its health. When the Darkness Veil is active, use any available light sources to reveal the boss’s location and continue the assault.

Night-Walker Shade Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Night-Walker Shade, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing you the precise moments to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Night-Walker Shade Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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