Water Demon Lord Boss Guide: Overcome the Aquatic Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Water Demon Lord Overview

Water Demon Lord is a powerful and challenging boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong, located within the depths of a sacred water temple. Known for its mastery over water-based attacks, the Water Demon Lord utilizes a combination of ranged and area-of-effect (AoE) skills that can overwhelm unprepared players. Its ethereal form and aquatic maneuvers demand agility and strategic planning from the player. This boss is especially challenging due to its high mobility and ability to create hazardous zones in the arena, which can deal continuous damage to anyone caught within them.

Water Demon Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Water Demon Lord is essential to defeating it effectively:

Water Whip

Description: The boss lashes out with a whip made of water, dealing moderate damage over a medium range.
Weakness: Dodge to the side when you see the wind-up animation to avoid getting hit. After dodging, close the gap for a quick counter.

Tidal Wave

Description: The Water Demon Lord conjures a massive wave that sweeps across the battlefield, dealing heavy damage and potentially knocking players down.
Weakness: Jump or dash through the wave to avoid damage. Use this moment to get behind the boss and deal damage while it recovers.

Aqua Mines

Description: The boss places several mines on the battlefield that detonate when stepped on or after a short delay, causing AoE damage.
Weakness: Keep an eye on the placement of these mines and avoid the marked areas. Lure the boss into its own mines to damage it.

Torrent Barrage

Description: In its second phase, the Water Demon Lord unleashes a series of high-speed water projectiles.
Weakness: Use cover and time your dodges to avoid the barrage. When the barrage stops, it is an ideal time to attack.

Water Demon Lord Battle Strategy

To defeat the Water Demon Lord, focus on avoiding its high-damage AoE attacks while taking advantage of its recovery periods. Below are the best strategies for ensuring victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-enhancing skills like Aerial Dash to evade the Tidal Wave and Rock Shard for a ranged attack option. Utilize Water Resistance Aura to mitigate the damage from water-based attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor with high resistance to water damage, such as the Ocean-Scaled Armor, which reduces damage from water-based attacks and boosts agility. The Fang Spear or Swift Blade are good choices for weapons due to their speed and reach.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Water Whip and Tidal Wave attacks while maintaining a mid-range distance. Use quick attacks and dodge frequently to avoid mines. Stay vigilant for any chance to close in when the boss is momentarily vulnerable.

Phase 2

When the Water Demon Lord enters its second phase, it will use Torrent Barrage and become more aggressive. Use the Water Resistance Aura to reduce damage and focus on ranged attacks until you can find an opening to deal significant damage. Patience is crucial here—don’t get greedy with attacks.

Water Demon Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Water Demon Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing precise dodging techniques, counterattacks, and optimal times to use your abilities.

Watch the Water Demon Lord Boss Fight Video

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Venom Daoist Boss Guide: Defeat the Poisonous Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Venom Daoist Overview

The Venom Daoist is a challenging boss encountered twice in Chapter 4 of Black Myth: Wukong. The boss can be found first in the Webbed Hollow: Pool of Shattered Jade Shrine and later in the Temple of the Yellow Flower: Court of Illumination Shrine. The Venom Daoist is known for wielding a sword with his six arms and deploying a series of poison-based attacks. Defeating him in both encounters is essential for unlocking the secret area “Purple Cloud Mountain”​.

Venom Daoist Attack Patterns

Understanding Venom Daoist’s attack patterns is crucial for overcoming this formidable opponent:

Poison Blade Flurry

Description: Venom Daoist unleashes a quick series of slashes with his swords, which can inflict poison if they connect.
Weakness: Dodge sideways or use evasive skills to avoid the flurry. After the attack finishes, there’s a brief moment to counterattack.

Web Trap

Description: He throws a web-like substance onto the ground that slows down players and makes them vulnerable to further attacks.
Weakness: Quickly roll out of the affected area to avoid being trapped.

Venomous Leap

Description: A sudden leap attack that targets the player from above, leaving a poison cloud on impact.
Weakness: Dodge backward right before he lands, then approach for a few quick hits.

Six-Armed Barrage

Description: The boss spins rapidly, striking everything in his radius with his six swords, dealing significant damage.
Weakness: Maintain a safe distance and wait for the barrage to end; this is a good time to use ranged abilities.

Venom Daoist Battle Strategy

To defeat Venom Daoist, focus on maintaining distance and avoiding his poison-based attacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip defensive and evasion-based skills such as Shadow Step to dodge his rapid attacks. Skills that increase resistance to poison are also highly recommended. Use Stone Throw or other ranged abilities to deal damage from a distance while avoiding close-range poison.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that offers poison resistance, such as the Refined Iron Sand Armor. Equip weapons with high attack speed to capitalize on short windows of opportunity between his attack patterns.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging his poison flurry and web traps. Keep moving to avoid getting caught and wait for moments when he is recovering from an attack to strike. Avoid staying in one place too long to prevent being overwhelmed by his poison.

Phase 2

The second encounter is tougher, as Venom Daoist becomes more aggressive. Use Cloud Step to avoid his leap attacks and maintain a safe distance. Use healing items strategically to keep health high while managing poison effects.

Venom Daoist Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Venom Daoist, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers both encounters, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Venom Daoist Boss Fight Video

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Commander Beetle Boss Guide: Master the Battle in Black Myth Wukong

Commander Beetle Overview

Commander Beetle is an optional boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Temple of the Yellow Flower, Forest of Ferocity. This boss is a formidable opponent with a unique set of attacks and defenses, requiring strategic planning and quick reflexes. Known for its armored exoskeleton and aggressive nature, Commander Beetle tests a player’s ability to adapt and overcome. Defeating this boss rewards players with valuable items, including the Commander Beetle (spirit), Knot of Voidness, and Refined Iron Sand.

Commander Beetle Attack Patterns

Understanding Commander Beetle’s attack patterns is key to defeating it effectively:

Horn Thrust

Description: A direct charge attack with its horn that deals significant damage.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just before the attack lands to avoid damage and create an opening for counterattacks.

Ground Stomp

Description: A powerful stomp that creates a shockwave, damaging all players in the vicinity.
Weakness: Jump to evade the shockwave and quickly retaliate while it recovers.

Carapace Spin

Description: Commander Beetle spins in place, using its hardened carapace to knock back players.
Weakness: Keep your distance when it starts spinning, and use ranged attacks to chip away at its health.

Burrow and Ambush

Description: Commander Beetle burrows underground and then emerges to launch a surprise attack.
Weakness: Watch for tremors on the ground to anticipate its location and dodge at the right moment.

Commander Beetle Battle Strategy

To defeat Commander Beetle, it is crucial to stay agile, recognize its attack patterns, and take advantage of its vulnerabilities. Below are the recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Shadow Step to avoid its powerful charges and stomps. Ranged abilities like Stone Throw are useful to deal damage from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip high-mobility armor sets that allow quick dodges while maintaining moderate defense. Weapons with a fast attack speed, like the Swift Blade, are ideal for maximizing damage during short openings.


Phase 1

Focus on evading Commander Beetle’s direct charge and ground stomp attacks. Stay close but be ready to dodge at any moment. Use quick strikes and back away to avoid counterattacks.

Phase 2

When Commander Beetle starts using its burrow and ambush tactics, keep moving and stay alert to the ground’s tremors. Position yourself to counterattack immediately after it surfaces.

Commander Beetle Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Commander Beetle, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, detailing when to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities most effectively.

Watch the Commander Beetle Boss Fight Video

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Fungiwoman Boss Guide: Master the Hidden Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Fungiwoman Overview

Fungiwoman is a hidden boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 4 at the Temple of the Yellow Flower’s Court of Illumination. She disguises herself as a harmless mushroom that players can pull out of the ground, but she transforms into a formidable opponent once triggered. The fight with Fungiwoman is optional, making it a surprise challenge for those exploring thoroughly. Upon defeating her, players are rewarded with unique items and enhancements that aid further in their journey through the game.

Fungiwoman Attack Patterns

Understanding Fungiwoman’s attack patterns is key to defeating her effectively:

Spore Cloud

Description: Fungiwoman releases a cloud of poisonous spores that spreads over a wide area, causing continuous damage if players stay within it.
Weakness: Quickly move out of the affected area and use ranged attacks while she is vulnerable during the spore release.

Mushroom Stomp

Description: A heavy stomp that sends shockwaves in a circular pattern around Fungiwoman, knocking back and stunning any player caught in its range.
Weakness: Dodge backward to avoid the shockwave, then close in for a quick counterattack while she recovers.

Leeching Vines

Description: She summons vines from the ground that latch onto players, draining their health over time.
Weakness: Use mobility skills like Shadow Step to quickly break free from the vines and avoid her follow-up attacks.

Camouflage Retreat

Description: Fungiwoman can blend back into the environment, becoming invisible for a short period and reappearing in a different location for a surprise attack.
Weakness: Keep moving and stay on guard; use area-of-effect attacks to reveal her position.

Fungiwoman Battle Strategy

To defeat Fungiwoman, players should focus on avoiding her area-of-effect attacks and exploiting her recovery windows for maximum damage. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility, such as Shadow Step, to quickly dodge her wide-area attacks. Skills like Cloud Step can help close the distance or reposition during her Camouflage Retreat.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that provides high resistance to poison and stun effects, as these will help mitigate the damage from her Spore Cloud and Mushroom Stomp attacks. Weapons with rapid attack speeds, such as the Swift Blade, are effective for quick, successive strikes during her vulnerable phases.


Phase 1

Focus on evading the Spore Cloud and countering with ranged attacks. The key is to keep moving and maintain distance until she uses her Mushroom Stomp, then close in for quick hits.

Phase 2

When her health drops below 50%, Fungiwoman will use Leeching Vines more frequently. Use your mobility skills to avoid getting caught and continue with the strategy of waiting for her to expose herself after major attacks.

Fungiwoman Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Fungiwoman, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, demonstrating the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively to win the battle.

Watch the Fungiwoman Boss Fight Video

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Captain Kalpa-Wave Boss Guide: Defeat the Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Captain Kalpa-Wave Overview

Captain Kalpa-Wave is a boss encountered in Chapter 3 of Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Valley of Ecstasy on Longevity Road. This demon, possessing human legs, stands in front of a red-glowing barrier and is known for his powerful legs, which are the key points to focus on during the fight. Captain Kalpa-Wave’s head is his weak spot, and dealing sufficient damage to his legs will cause him to fall, revealing an opportunity to attack his head directly.

Captain Kalpa-Wave Attack Patterns

Understanding Captain Kalpa-Wave’s attack patterns is crucial to planning your strategy:

Leg Stomp

Description: Captain Kalpa-Wave stomps the ground with his massive legs, causing shockwaves.
Weakness: Dodge the shockwave by timing your jumps, then retaliate with quick attacks.

Leg Sweep

Description: A sweeping attack that targets players at a mid-range distance.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the sweep and use this time to strike at his legs.

Headbutt Charge

Description: After getting knocked down, Captain Kalpa-Wave attempts a rapid charge toward the player with his head.
Weakness: Sidestep the charge and counter with a series of quick strikes to his legs.

Captain Kalpa-Wave Battle Strategy

To defeat Captain Kalpa-Wave, focus on consistently targeting his legs to bring him down and expose his head. Use quick-attacks and avoid heavy attacks to prevent him from countering:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills like Cloud Step to dodge his stomps and charges. Use immobilizing abilities such as Pluck of Many to temporarily stun him.

Recommended Equipment

Utilize armor that enhances defense against physical attacks. Weapons with fast attack speeds, such as the Swift Blade, are effective for maximizing damage during short attack windows.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging his stomps and sweeps. Keep attacking his legs until he falls. When down, target his head with quick, powerful strikes.

Phase 2

As his health decreases, Captain Kalpa-Wave’s attacks become faster. Maintain distance, use quick attacks, and keep moving to avoid being caught off guard.

Captain Kalpa-Wave Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Captain Kalpa-Wave, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing you exactly when to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Captain Kalpa-Wave Boss Fight Video

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Kang-Jin Loong Boss Guide: How to Defeat the Flying Dragon in Black Myth Wukong

Kang-Jin Loong Overview

Kang-Jin Loong is a formidable flying dragon boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in Chapter 3. Known for her aerial attacks and tricky movements, she poses a significant challenge for players who are unprepared. Her icy breath and powerful tail slams can deal substantial damage, making the fight a test of both patience and timing. Players must utilize specific spells and equipment to create openings for attacks, as Kang-Jin Loong primarily stays airborne, making most traditional attacks ineffective.

Kang-Jin Loong Attack Patterns

Understanding Kang-Jin Loong’s attack patterns is crucial for developing a winning strategy:

Aerial Thrust Grab

Description: Kang-Jin Loong flies and prepares to dive in for a grab attack, which can deplete a significant portion of your health.
Weakness: Dodge diagonally just as she thrusts herself toward you to avoid damage.

Tail Slam

Description: A powerful tail attack that slams the ground, creating a small shockwave.
Weakness: Dodge the tail slam to create an opening for a quick counterattack.

Fire-Breathing Attack

Description: A long-range fire-breathing attack that is difficult to avoid from a distance.
Weakness: Run towards her to stay close and dodge to avoid damage.

Cloud Step and Fly-By Attack

Description: A rapid fly-by attack initiated by a twirl in the air, which can quickly deplete your health if not dodged in time.
Weakness: Time your dodge precisely to avoid getting hit and prepare for a counter.

Kang-Jin Loong Battle Strategy

To defeat Kang-Jin Loong, you need to capitalize on her brief vulnerabilities when she lowers her head or lands. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

  • Immobilize Spell: Upgrade and use this spell when her head is near the ground. It is crucial for maximizing damage opportunities.
  • Withering Wight Attack: Use this attack after dodging her tail slam to deal significant damage during her stagger.

Recommended Equipment

  • Wild Tamer Vessel: This item can temporarily knock her down, allowing for high-burst damage. Obtain it by completing specific quests in Chapter 2.
  • Fire Proof Mantle: Provides passive focus point generation, which is useful for maintaining stamina and preparing heavy attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging Kang-Jin Loong’s grab and tail attacks while saving mana and heavy attacks for when she is immobilized. Quick counterattacks after successful dodges are essential.

Phase 2

Once her health drops to 50%, she becomes more aggressive with new long-range fire attacks. Timing is critical here—keep a close distance, and dodge effectively to avoid these new threats.

Kang-Jin Loong Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Kang-Jin Loong, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Kang-Jin Loong Boss Fight Video

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Centipede Guai Boss Guide: Conquer the Thousand Red Cave in Black Myth Wukong

Centipede Guai Overview

Centipede Guai is a challenging boss located in the Thousand Red Cave area of Black Myth: Wukong. Known as a “tutorial boss,” it introduces players to various advanced mechanics they will encounter later in the game. The Centipede Guai is a giant creature characterized by its elongated body and venomous pincers. It uses a combination of poison-based attacks and rapid, rolling maneuvers that can catch players off guard if they are unprepared​.

Centipede Guai Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Centipede Guai is crucial for planning an effective strategy:

Leaping Strike

Description: The Centipede leaps from a distance, attempting to crush the player.
Weakness: Dodge forward and roll to position yourself behind the Centipede, allowing for a quick counterattack.

Triple Smash

Description: Following a leaping strike, if the player stays in front of the Centipede, it will perform two head smashes and a slower back smash.
Weakness: Perfectly dodge the back smash to initiate a full light attack combo.

Normal Standing Phase Long-range Poison Spray

Description: From a distance, the Centipede sprays poison in a straight line.
Weakness: Avoid this attack by moving laterally, as it has low punishment potential.

First Stage Bug Roll

Description: The Centipede curls up and rolls towards the player three times.
Weakness: Utilize the “Copper Head Iron Arm” technique to block the initial roll. After three rolls, attack while it recovers near the wall.

Medium-range Rush

Description: The Centipede arches its body and charges forward twice.
Weakness: Use the standing staff technique to dodge and prepare a counterattack.

Close-range Poison Spray

Description: At close range, the Centipede releases a poison spray downward.
Weakness: Move out of the affected area to avoid damage.

Second Stage Bug Roll

Description: After summoning a swarm of bugs, the Centipede performs another rolling attack.
Weakness: This roll is harder to block; maintain distance and avoid getting hit.

Centipede Guai Battle Strategy

Defeating Centipede Guai requires careful dodging and well-timed counterattacks. Here’s the best strategy:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and dodging, such as Shadow Step. Additionally, use ranged skills to deal with the poison sprays and rush attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Wear armor that offers good protection against poison and physical damage. A balance between defense and agility will help in avoiding damage while capitalizing on attack windows.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Centipede’s leaping strikes and rush attacks. Punish its mistakes with quick, light attack combos. Avoid heavy attacks as they are too slow to connect consistently.

Phase 2

The Centipede will summon a swarm of bugs to complicate the battlefield. Use crowd control techniques to handle the swarm while keeping an eye on the Centipede’s rolling attacks. Continue to exploit any openings after its rush or roll attacks.

Centipede Guai Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Centipede Guai, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Centipede Guai Boss Fight Video

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Yellowbrow Boss Guide: Defeat the Powerful Monk in Black Myth Wukong

Yellowbrow Overview

Yellowbrow is a powerful monk boss encountered at the end of Chapter 3 in Black Myth: Wukong. Unlike other beasts and monsters faced earlier in the game, Yellowbrow uses his spiritual powers and martial arts to challenge players. With his golden form that nullifies damage and a variety of devastating attacks, Yellowbrow requires patience and a keen understanding of his attack patterns to defeat.

Yellowbrow Attack Patterns

Understanding Yellowbrow’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Golden Aura Defense

Description: Yellowbrow envelops himself in a golden aura that makes him immune to all damage.
Weakness: Wait for the aura to dissipate before launching any attacks. Dodging is crucial during this phase to avoid his ranged and melee strikes.

Energy Blast

Description: Yellowbrow fires a concentrated blast of energy toward the player, dealing massive damage.
Weakness: Quickly dodge to the side to avoid the blast. Use this moment to close the distance and prepare for a counterattack.

Teleport Strike

Description: The boss teleports behind the player and unleashes a fast, powerful strike.
Weakness: Stay vigilant and keep moving to avoid being caught off guard. Counterattack as soon as he reappears.

Sweeping Staff Attack

Description: A wide, sweeping attack with his staff that covers a large area.
Weakness: Jump over or sidestep the attack, then use quick strikes during his recovery period.

Yellowbrow Battle Strategy

To defeat Yellowbrow, players must focus on patience and precision. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and evasion, such as Shadow Step, to dodge Yellowbrow’s swift attacks. Ranged abilities like Spirit Blast can help to chip away at his health from a safe distance when his golden aura is down.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor and items that boost defense and agility to survive Yellowbrow’s powerful blows. A high-damage weapon, like the Dragon’s Fang, allows for quick, effective strikes during his vulnerable moments.


Phase 1

Focus on evading Yellowbrow’s attacks while he is in his golden form. Wait for openings after his powerful moves to launch quick counterattacks.

Phase 2

As his health drops below 50%, Yellowbrow becomes more aggressive and uses more frequent teleportation strikes. Keep moving and stay ready to dodge, using ranged attacks when possible.

Yellowbrow Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Yellowbrow, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Yellowbrow Boss Fight Video

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Mountain Spirit Boss Guide: Defeat the Mountain Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Mountain Spirit Overview

The Mountain Spirit in Black Myth: Wukong is a powerful boss that guards the Snowhill Path in Chapter 3. This topless warrior throws deadly weapons at players from a distance and has high mobility, making him a challenging opponent. His battle tests players’ dodging skills and timing, requiring precise maneuvers to avoid his ranged attacks and exploit his brief moments of vulnerability.

Mountain Spirit Attack Patterns

Understanding Mountain Spirit’s attack patterns is crucial for developing a winning strategy:

Weapon Throw

Description: Mountain Spirit throws his weapon in a straight line towards the player.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just before the weapon reaches you to avoid damage and get in close for counterattacks.

Jumping Slash

Description: He leaps into the air and comes down with a powerful slash.
Weakness: Roll away from the impact point, and use the recovery time to land quick hits.

Ground Stomp

Description: A powerful stomp that causes a small shockwave around him.
Weakness: Keep a medium distance to avoid the shockwave and counterattack immediately after it dissipates.

Mountain Spirit Battle Strategy

To defeat the Mountain Spirit, focus on precise dodging and timed counterattacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility skills like Shadow Step to quickly dodge his weapon throws and slashes. Use any ranged abilities, such as Pebble Strike, to keep pressure on him from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip the Sturdy Armor to reduce the damage from his weapon throws. Use weapons that balance speed and power, like the Balanced Sword, to capitalize on his moments of vulnerability.


Phase 1

In the initial phase, prioritize staying mobile to dodge his ranged weapon throws. Close the distance quickly after each throw and land a few hits before retreating.

Phase 2

As his health drops below 50%, the Mountain Spirit will become more aggressive and use his Jumping Slash more frequently. Maintain distance and only approach when he finishes a major move, ensuring you don’t get caught in his quick follow-up attacks.

Mountain Spirit Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Mountain Spirit, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Mountain Spirit Boss Fight Video

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Gold Armored Vanguard Boss Guide: Conquer the Powerful Adversary in Black Myth Wukong

Gold Armored Vanguard Overview

The Gold Armored Vanguard is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its heavy defenses and powerful melee attacks. Located at the Rhino Watch Slope in the Foothills region, this boss requires precise timing and strategy to defeat. It wears gold armor, which not only provides high defense but also reflects a portion of melee damage back to the attacker, making direct assaults risky. The boss serves as a significant challenge for players progressing through Chapter 1, testing their ability to manage stamina, avoid counters, and find openings for effective strikes.

Gold Armored Vanguard Attack Patterns

Understanding the Gold Armored Vanguard’s attack patterns is key to planning an effective strategy:

Shield Bash

Description: The boss performs a quick forward bash with its shield, dealing heavy damage and staggering the player if hit.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just as the shield begins to move. This creates a small window for a counterattack.

Golden Slam

Description: A devastating overhead slam with its weapon, causing a shockwave on impact that extends outward.
Weakness: Time your dodge to avoid both the initial slam and the shockwave. After the shockwave dissipates, the boss will be vulnerable for a moment.

Reflective Guard

Description: Raises its shield to reflect damage from melee attacks back to the attacker. This move also temporarily boosts its defense.
Weakness: Switch to ranged attacks or use spells to deal damage from a distance while the boss is in this defensive stance.

Charge Attack

Description: A fast, charging attack that covers a large distance, dealing high damage to any player caught in its path.
Weakness: Roll sideways to avoid the charge, and follow up with quick strikes from behind while it recovers.

Gold Armored Vanguard Battle Strategy

To defeat the Gold Armored Vanguard, players must focus on balancing offensive and defensive tactics. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Shadow Step to quickly dodge its powerful attacks and reposition yourself. Utilize ranged abilities like Stone Throw or Wind Cutter to deal damage when the boss is in its defensive stance.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Gold Suozi Armor for a balance of defense and mobility, allowing you to withstand some damage while staying nimble. Weapons like the Swift Blade with quick attack speeds are ideal for exploiting brief openings after dodging the boss’s attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its slow but powerful attacks and look for windows to strike when the boss is recovering. Avoid using heavy attacks when its shield is up, as they will reflect damage back at you. Instead, use quick strikes or ranged attacks.

Phase 2

As the boss’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive, frequently using its Charge Attack and Shield Bash. Maintain your distance and use ranged abilities to chip away at its health. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike, especially when it finishes a charge or slam attack.

Gold Armored Vanguard Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Gold Armored Vanguard, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the boss fight in detail, showing when to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Gold Armored Vanguard Boss Fight Video

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