Bone-Eater Boss Guide: Conquer the Fearsome Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Bone-Eater Overview

Bone-Eater is one of the more challenging bosses encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. Known for its grotesque appearance and fearsome power, Bone-Eater resides deep within the desolate caverns of the Thunderclap Temple. This boss is characterized by its swift, deadly attacks and its ability to drain health from its victims. As players progress through the game, they must confront Bone-Eater to advance further into the story. Mastering the Bone-Eater fight requires patience, precise dodging, and understanding of its varied attack patterns.

Bone-Eater Attack Patterns

Bone-Eater uses a range of swift and brutal attacks that can be difficult to predict. Learning these patterns is key to surviving this encounter:

Jaw Strike

Description: Bone-Eater lunges forward, attempting to bite the player with its massive jaws.
Weakness: Dodge to the side at the last moment to avoid the attack. This creates an opportunity to counterattack with a quick series of strikes.

Tail Whip

Description: The boss spins around rapidly, using its tail to sweep players off their feet.
Weakness: Jump or roll backwards to avoid the tail sweep, then move in quickly to deliver some hits while the boss recovers.

Life Drain

Description: Bone-Eater charges up and emits a dark aura, pulling players closer and draining their health if they remain too close.
Weakness: Keep your distance when you see Bone-Eater charging up this move. Use ranged attacks to continue dealing damage without getting caught in its drain.

Cavern Collapse

Description: In its most powerful attack, Bone-Eater slams the ground, causing debris to fall from the cave ceiling.
Weakness: Stay alert and move continuously to avoid the falling debris. Use this time to heal or prepare for the next phase of the battle.

Bone-Eater Battle Strategy

To defeat Bone-Eater, players must focus on agility and precise timing. Here is the recommended strategy:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and dodging, such as Shadow Step or Rapid Retreat. For damage, ranged abilities like Stone Throw or Flame Burst can chip away at Bone-Eater’s health from a safer distance.

Recommended Equipment

Armor with high mobility and decent defense, such as the Silken Robes or Evasive Garb, will allow for quicker dodges while providing some protection. For weapons, a fast, light option like the Swift Blade is ideal for quick attacks during openings.


Phase 1

Focus on learning Bone-Eater’s attack patterns and dodging effectively. Avoid staying too close for prolonged periods to minimize the risk of getting caught in the Life Drain attack. Counterattack quickly after dodging its Jaw Strike and Tail Whip.

Phase 2

When Bone-Eater’s health drops below 50%, it will begin using the more powerful Cavern Collapse attack. Use this phase to play defensively; dodge falling debris and use the opportunity to heal or prepare for ranged attacks. Keep your distance, and wait for safe openings to continue the assault.

Bone-Eater Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Bone-Eater, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, highlighting the best moments to dodge, counterattack, and use special abilities effectively.

Watch the Bone-Eater Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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