Kang-Jin Loong Boss Guide: How to Defeat the Flying Dragon in Black Myth Wukong

Kang-Jin Loong Overview

Kang-Jin Loong is a formidable flying dragon boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in Chapter 3. Known for her aerial attacks and tricky movements, she poses a significant challenge for players who are unprepared. Her icy breath and powerful tail slams can deal substantial damage, making the fight a test of both patience and timing. Players must utilize specific spells and equipment to create openings for attacks, as Kang-Jin Loong primarily stays airborne, making most traditional attacks ineffective.

Kang-Jin Loong Attack Patterns

Understanding Kang-Jin Loong’s attack patterns is crucial for developing a winning strategy:

Aerial Thrust Grab

Description: Kang-Jin Loong flies and prepares to dive in for a grab attack, which can deplete a significant portion of your health.
Weakness: Dodge diagonally just as she thrusts herself toward you to avoid damage.

Tail Slam

Description: A powerful tail attack that slams the ground, creating a small shockwave.
Weakness: Dodge the tail slam to create an opening for a quick counterattack.

Fire-Breathing Attack

Description: A long-range fire-breathing attack that is difficult to avoid from a distance.
Weakness: Run towards her to stay close and dodge to avoid damage.

Cloud Step and Fly-By Attack

Description: A rapid fly-by attack initiated by a twirl in the air, which can quickly deplete your health if not dodged in time.
Weakness: Time your dodge precisely to avoid getting hit and prepare for a counter.

Kang-Jin Loong Battle Strategy

To defeat Kang-Jin Loong, you need to capitalize on her brief vulnerabilities when she lowers her head or lands. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

  • Immobilize Spell: Upgrade and use this spell when her head is near the ground. It is crucial for maximizing damage opportunities.
  • Withering Wight Attack: Use this attack after dodging her tail slam to deal significant damage during her stagger.

Recommended Equipment

  • Wild Tamer Vessel: This item can temporarily knock her down, allowing for high-burst damage. Obtain it by completing specific quests in Chapter 2.
  • Fire Proof Mantle: Provides passive focus point generation, which is useful for maintaining stamina and preparing heavy attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging Kang-Jin Loong’s grab and tail attacks while saving mana and heavy attacks for when she is immobilized. Quick counterattacks after successful dodges are essential.

Phase 2

Once her health drops to 50%, she becomes more aggressive with new long-range fire attacks. Timing is critical here—keep a close distance, and dodge effectively to avoid these new threats.

Kang-Jin Loong Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Kang-Jin Loong, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Kang-Jin Loong Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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