Mad Tiger Boss Guide: Conquer the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Mad Tiger Overview

Mad Tiger is an optional, secret boss in Black Myth: Wukong located in Chapter 2. Players must first defeat Tiger’s Acolyte to obtain the Old Rattle-Drum, an essential item needed to locate Mad Tiger. The quest involves using the Old Rattle-Drum at three specific locations: Windseal Gate, Windrest Hamlet, and the Valley of Despair. After successfully using the drum at these spots, a ghostly child will guide you to a well where you can jump down to initiate the boss fight against Mad Tiger. As a Yaoguai Chief, Mad Tiger is highly aggressive, with rapid attacks and area-of-effect (AoE) abilities, making this fight a challenging yet rewarding experience.

Mad Tiger Attack Patterns

Understanding Mad Tiger’s attack patterns is crucial to devising a winning strategy:


Description: A powerful roar that damages nearby players and causes rocks to fall from the ceiling.
Weakness: Move away quickly when you see Mad Tiger preparing to roar to avoid damage.

Punch Combo

Description: A series of rapid punches that end with a heavy swipe.
Weakness: Dodge or use defensive abilities like Rock Solid to block the final swipe.

Ground Slam

Description: Slams his fists into the ground, causing rocks to fall or shoot out from the impact.
Weakness: Stay agile and watch for the ground slam animation to dodge accordingly.

Frenzied Claws

Description: A rapid claw attack that covers a large area in front of him.
Weakness: Roll to the sides to avoid the attack and prepare for a quick counterattack when he finishes.

Mad Tiger Battle Strategy

To defeat Mad Tiger, focus on maintaining a safe distance and using spells or ranged attacks effectively. Here are the best strategies for success:

Recommended Skills

Utilize the Immobilize Spell to temporarily stop Mad Tiger when dodging isn’t an option. This will give you precious moments to unleash your own combos. If you have unlocked transformations, make use of them as each form offers unique abilities that can provide an advantage.

Recommended Equipment

Equipping items that boost your defense and stamina regeneration is crucial for this fight. Armor that increases resilience against physical attacks, such as the Iron Bull Armor, will be helpful. Weapons with quick attack speeds like the Wind Saber allow you to deal consistent damage while being able to dodge swiftly.


Phase 1

Stay back and observe Mad Tiger’s attack patterns. Use the Immobilize Spell to halt his movements when he prepares for a heavy attack. Use this opportunity to deal significant damage with quick combos.

Phase 2

As the battle progresses, Mad Tiger’s attacks become faster and more aggressive. This is the time to employ your most powerful spells and transformation abilities to keep up with the increased tempo. Stay calm, focus on dodging his AoE attacks, and exploit openings to strike.

Mad Tiger Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Mad Tiger, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides insights into the optimal times to dodge, use spells, and execute powerful attacks to bring down this fierce opponent.

Watch the Mad Tiger Boss Fight Video

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Shigandang Boss Guide: Conquer the Stone Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Shigandang Overview

Shigandang is a secret optional boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 6 at the Foothills of Verdant Path. This giant rock creature serves as a challenging test of endurance and strategy, requiring players to master dodging and precise attacks. Hidden behind the canyon near the Son of Stones, Shigandang can only be encountered after collecting all four Skandha items. This battle is unique in that Shigandang appears deceptively passive until provoked, whereupon it unleashes a series of powerful rock-based attacks that can quickly overwhelm the unprepared.

Shigandang Attack Patterns

Understanding Shigandang’s attack patterns is crucial for overcoming this formidable opponent:

Rock Barrage

Description: Shigandang throws a series of heavy rocks at the player, dealing significant damage on impact.
Weakness: Dodge sideways in quick succession to avoid the barrage and create an opportunity for counterattacks.

Ground Smash

Description: A powerful smash attack where Shigandang slams both fists into the ground, creating shockwaves that knock players back.
Weakness: Jump to evade the shockwaves and move in for quick strikes before it recovers.

Stone Pulse

Description: An area-of-effect attack that sends out a circular pulse of damaging energy.
Weakness: Maintain a mid-range distance to avoid the pulse while preparing ranged attacks.

Immovable Stance

Description: When its health is below 50%, Shigandang hardens its exterior, greatly boosting its defense but reducing its mobility.
Weakness: Use high-damage, single-shot abilities and focus on chipping away at its defenses from a distance.

Shigandang Battle Strategy

Defeating Shigandang requires patience, strategy, and mastery of both defensive and offensive tactics. Here’s how to effectively defeat this stone guardian:

Recommended Skills

Equip high-mobility skills like Cloud Step to quickly dodge its area-of-effect attacks and reposition for counterattacks. Utilize abilities such as Wandering Wight Spirit Attack to deal consistent damage while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip defensive gear like the Waterward Orb and use the Fine Gold Thread material to upgrade weapons, ensuring maximum damage output during Shigandang’s vulnerable phases.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging Shigandang’s Rock Barrage and Ground Smash attacks. Utilize quick attacks during its recovery periods and avoid getting caught in its Stone Pulse radius.

Phase 2

When Shigandang enters the Immovable Stance phase, switch to ranged attacks and high-damage abilities. Continue to dodge and strike from a distance, gradually wearing down its defenses.

Shigandang Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Shigandang, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a step-by-step strategy, showcasing the optimal times to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Shigandang Boss Fight Video

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Tiger Vanguard Boss Guide: Defeat the Fearsome Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Tiger Vanguard Overview

Tiger Vanguard is a formidable boss encountered in Chapter 2 of Black Myth: Wukong at the Crouching Tiger Temple. Known for his swift attacks and powerful blows, this boss presents a significant challenge. The Tiger Vanguard is characterized by its dual combat phases: one focusing on rapid, close-quarters combat and another involving more ranged, unpredictable attacks. Defeating him requires keen observation of his attack patterns and strategic dodging to avoid his devastating combos and powerful sword strikes.

Tiger Vanguard Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Tiger Vanguard is key to overcoming him:

Diving Smash

Description: The Tiger Vanguard leaps into the air and smashes down on the player. This can occur immediately or after a brief charge.
Weakness: Dodge to the side right before he lands to avoid damage and create an opening for counterattacks.

Punch Combo

Description: A series of quick punches, starting with a swing of the right fist, followed by a petrified left fist punch, a sweep, and a backward leap.
Weakness: Avoid the initial swings and stay ready to dodge the sweep; attack during the brief moment after he jumps back.

Sword Combo

Description: The boss performs a rapid spin and kicks forward, then slashes twice with his sword before delaying a final strike.
Weakness: Dodge the first slashes and wait for the delay before countering with a quick attack.

Dash Combo

Description: A quick dash to the side followed by a fast charge towards the player with punches and a diving smash.
Weakness: Dodge the dashes and be prepared to counter when he moves in for a punch or smash.


Description: The boss turns to stone and becomes invulnerable. He may teleport and counterattack with a powerful punch.
Weakness: Avoid attacking while he’s petrified and be ready to dodge his sudden reappearance.

Blood Waves and Tornadoes

Description: With his sword drawn, the Tiger Vanguard sends out waves and tornadoes of blood. These ranged attacks cannot be blocked, only dodged.
Weakness: Maintain proximity to avoid the need to dodge multiple waves; focus on close-range counters.

Tiger Vanguard Battle Strategy

Defeating the Tiger Vanguard requires a mix of aggression and caution. Here are the recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills such as Smash Stance – Resolute Counterflow and Staff Stances – Exhilaration to maximize your damage output during quick openings. Foundation – Deft Evasion and Simian Agility will enhance your ability to dodge his fast combos and strikes effectively.

Recommended Equipment

While your equipment doesn’t drastically impact the fight, equipping a spirit summon like Guangmou with its poisonous effect can provide additional damage over time, especially when combined with immobilizing moves.


Phase 1

During the initial phase, focus on avoiding his powerful combos and attacking during brief openings. Utilize Thrust Stance for long-range attacks when he jumps back. Carefully time your dodges to stagger the boss and deal significant damage with heavy attacks.

Phase 2

Once Tiger Vanguard reaches half health, he gains more unpredictable moves, including his powerful stone punch after turning to stone. Maintain close proximity to avoid his ranged attacks and capitalize on his recovery windows. Use your Wolf transformation strategically to maximize damage during his vulnerable moments.

Tiger Vanguard Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Tiger Vanguard, check out the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions on when to dodge, attack, and use special abilities for the best results.

Watch the Tiger Vanguard Boss Fight Video

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Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide: Master the Final Boss in Chapter 2 of Black Myth Wukong

Yellow Wind Sage Overview

Yellow Wind Sage is the final boss of Chapter 2 in Black Myth: Wukong. This formidable Yaoguai King is found at the center of the Yellow Wind Formation, where players must battle through waves of enemies to reach him. Known for his control over wind and his devastating trident attacks, Yellow Wind Sage is a test of patience, strategy, and timing. He has two main combat phases, each requiring a different approach to succeed.

Yellow Wind Sage Attack Patterns

Understanding Yellow Wind Sage’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Trident Swing

Description: Yellow Wind Sage swings his massive trident in a wide arc, capable of hitting multiple targets.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the swing reaches you. After dodging, there is a brief window to land quick counterattacks.

Gale Force Push

Description: He channels a strong wind blast that pushes players back and deals moderate damage.
Weakness: Roll to the side to avoid being pushed back, and use ranged attacks to chip away at his health.

Whirlwind Strike

Description: A spinning attack where Yellow Wind Sage creates a whirlwind around him, damaging anyone caught in its radius.
Weakness: Keep your distance during this attack. When the whirlwind dissipates, use this moment to counterattack.

Wind Shield

Description: In the second phase, Yellow Wind Sage creates a shield of wind around him that reduces incoming damage.
Weakness: Use heavy attacks or abilities that can break through shields to deal damage during this phase.

Yellow Wind Sage Battle Strategy

To defeat Yellow Wind Sage, focus on evasion, timing, and dealing damage during vulnerable moments. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills like Evasion Roll to quickly dodge his wide-range attacks. Skills that increase damage against shielded enemies, such as Crushing Blow, are also highly recommended.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that provides resistance against wind and knockback effects, such as the Windbreaker Cloak. For weapons, fast-attack options like the Rapid Dagger or Twin Blades are effective for quick counterattacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging his slow, telegraphed trident swings. Stay mobile and strike after his longer recovery periods. Patience is key in this phase; avoid getting greedy with attacks.

Phase 2

Once his health drops below 50%, he will enter a more defensive stance with the Wind Shield ability. Switch to heavy attacks and shield-breaking skills to penetrate his defenses. Be mindful of his Whirlwind Strike; keep your distance and wait for an opening.

Yellow Wind Sage Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Yellow Wind Sage, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing you exactly when to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Yellow Wind Sage Boss Fight Video

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Wood Spirit Demon Boss Guide: Overcome the Nature Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Wood Spirit Demon Overview

Wood Spirit Demon is a formidable boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. Located deep in the Bamboo Grove of the Snake Trail area, this boss represents the essence of nature and is characterized by its unique abilities to manipulate its surroundings. The Wood Spirit Demon takes on the form of a large, tree-like entity with limbs covered in moss and vines, making it a visually striking opponent. Its combat style is heavily dependent on environmental control, utilizing roots, branches, and natural elements to attack players​.

Wood Spirit Demon Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Wood Spirit Demon is critical for devising a winning strategy:

Root Whip

Description: The Wood Spirit Demon lashes out with its roots in a wide arc, dealing significant area damage.
Weakness: Stay mobile and dodge to the sides to avoid the attack. This move leaves the boss momentarily vulnerable to counterattacks.

Branch Slam

Description: The boss raises a massive branch and slams it down, causing shockwaves that ripple across the battlefield.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwaves or quickly move to the side. The boss will have a recovery period after this attack, providing an opportunity to strike.

Nature’s Grasp

Description: The Wood Spirit Demon extends its branches to trap and immobilize players, pulling them in for a crushing blow.
Weakness: Use a quick escape ability or skill to break free. Position yourself to counterattack when the boss is recovering from the move.

Thorn Burst

Description: The demon releases a burst of sharp thorns that spread out in all directions.
Weakness: Keep a safe distance or use a defensive skill to mitigate the damage. Move in to attack when the thorns dissipate.

Wood Spirit Demon Battle Strategy

To defeat the Wood Spirit Demon, focus on dodging its wide-reaching attacks and countering during its recovery phases. Here are the most effective strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility, such as Shadow Step, to dodge the wide area attacks. Ranged abilities like Flame Arrow can help maintain damage output while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that provides resistance to nature-based attacks, such as the Verdant Mantle, which reduces damage from thorns and roots. Weapons with a high attack speed, like the Dual Blades, are optimal for quick strikes during the boss’s vulnerable moments.


Phase 1

Stay on the move to avoid getting caught by the demon’s roots and branches. Focus on learning its attack patterns and timing your dodges. Attack during the recovery periods after its Branch Slam and Root Whip moves.

Phase 2

As the Wood Spirit Demon’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive and starts using its Thorn Burst attack. Utilize ranged attacks and keep your distance. Use defensive skills to withstand the burst and prepare to counter when the attack finishes.

Wood Spirit Demon Video Walkthrough

For a step-by-step visual guide on how to defeat the Wood Spirit Demon, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, highlighting the best moments to dodge, counterattack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Wood Spirit Demon Boss Fight Video

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Iron Ox Boss Guide: Defeat the Powerful Ox in Black Myth Wukong

Iron Ox Overview

Iron Ox is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its powerful physique and aggressive attack style. Encountered in Chapter 1 at the Iron Ridge location, Iron Ox is a test of both offense and defense for players. He is a large, armored beast with a combination of strong melee attacks and area-denial abilities. His defense is high due to his iron armor, making him a challenging opponent that requires careful strategy and timing to defeat.

Iron Ox Attack Patterns

Understanding Iron Ox’s attack patterns is crucial for formulating an effective strategy:

Iron Slam

Description: Iron Ox raises his massive arms and slams them into the ground, creating a shockwave that damages and knocks back nearby players.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just before his arms hit the ground to avoid the shockwave and counter with a quick attack.

Charging Bull

Description: Iron Ox charges forward in a straight line, dealing massive damage to anyone in his path.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just as he begins his charge. This creates an opportunity for a backstab or counter-attack while he recovers.

Ground Stomp

Description: A powerful stomp that creates a small quake, causing players within its range to stagger.
Weakness: Jump at the right moment to avoid being staggered and quickly retaliate with a ranged or melee attack.

Iron Roar

Description: Iron Ox releases a deafening roar that boosts his defense and temporarily slows down player movement speed within a radius.
Weakness: Use ranged attacks or abilities to maintain distance until the effect wears off.

Iron Ox Battle Strategy

To defeat Iron Ox, players need to be prepared for a battle that demands both agility and strategic use of abilities. Here’s the best strategy for taking him down:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills like Shadow Step to quickly dodge his powerful attacks. Ranged abilities such as Meteor Shot can help chip away his health from a distance during his roar phase.

Recommended Equipment

Equip weapons with both speed and range, such as the Wind Blade or Thunder Staff, to maximize damage during his vulnerable moments. Armor sets that offer a balance between defense and mobility, like the Iron Feather Set, are ideal for surviving his powerful melee hits while maintaining speed.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and avoid Iron Ox’s frontal attacks by dodging to the sides. Focus on quick, light attacks after each successful dodge. Make sure to avoid his “Charging Bull” attack as it can deal significant damage.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, he will enter a more defensive phase, using the “Iron Roar” to boost his defense. During this phase, shift to a ranged attack strategy and use high-damage abilities whenever he slows down. Be patient, and wait for the right opportunities to strike when his defense boost wears off.

Iron Ox Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Iron Ox, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showcasing the exact moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Iron Ox Boss Fight Video

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The Red Loong Boss Guide: Conquer the Hidden Dragon in Black Myth Wukong

The Red Loong Overview

The Red Loong is a secret Yaoguai King boss in Black Myth: Wukong and is known for its agility and divine lightning abilities. Hidden in the depths of the Forest of Wolves, The Red Loong poses a significant challenge to players due to its high-speed attacks and elemental control. Before engaging this formidable foe, players must first uncover the hidden path by obtaining the Loong Scales, making the encounter more elusive and rewarding.

The Red Loong Attack Patterns

Understanding The Red Loong’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Lightning Claw Swipe

Description: The Red Loong performs a swift swipe with its claws, imbued with lightning that deals extra damage.
Weakness: Dodge backward right before the swipe to avoid the attack and counter with quick strikes.

Thunderous Leap

Description: The boss jumps high into the air, striking the ground with a powerful lightning bolt that creates a shockwave.
Weakness: Roll away from the impact area to avoid both the landing damage and shockwave.

Electric Tail Sweep

Description: A sweeping attack with its electrified tail that covers a wide area in front of the boss.
Weakness: Stay close to its side and roll behind it to avoid the sweep and land a few hits while it recovers.

Divine Lightning Storm

Description: The Red Loong summons multiple lightning bolts in random locations around the battlefield.
Weakness: Keep moving in a circular pattern to avoid the bolts and use ranged attacks during this phase.

The Red Loong Battle Strategy

To defeat The Red Loong, players need to balance between offense and defense while maintaining mobility. Here are the best strategies for victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-focused skills such as Lightning Step to dodge its fast, lightning-based attacks. Use ranged abilities like Thunder Strike to deal damage from a distance during its more vulnerable moments.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor sets that resist lightning damage, such as the Stormbreaker Armor, to reduce the impact of its electric attacks. Weapons with a high attack speed, like the Wind Saber, are ideal for quickly exploiting openings.


Phase 1

Focus on evading The Red Loong’s rapid claw and tail attacks. Use quick counterattacks after dodging. Stay alert for its Thunderous Leap and avoid the shockwave to prevent being caught off-guard.

Phase 2

As The Red Loong’s health drops below 50%, it will start summoning lightning bolts across the arena. Use ranged attacks to deal damage while avoiding the bolts. Time your movements carefully to dodge its powerful electric attacks.

The Red Loong Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat The Red Loong, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, demonstrating when to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities for maximum efficiency.

Watch The Red Loong Boss Fight Video

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Elder Jinchi Boss Guide: Defeat the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Elder Jinchi Overview

Elder Jinchi is a secret, optional boss in Black Myth: Wukong found in Chapter 1. He is known as a Yaoguai King and can be encountered in a hidden realm accessed by ringing three bells scattered throughout the level. This powerful boss resides in the Ancient Guanyin Temple, where he poses a substantial challenge to players. Elder Jinchi is a more formidable version of the Wandering Wight mini-boss, sharing some attack patterns but also introducing new, more dangerous abilities. Players must be well-prepared and strategic to take him down.

Elder Jinchi Attack Patterns

Understanding Elder Jinchi’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Ground Slam

Description: Elder Jinchi slams the ground, creating a shockwave that damages all players within range.
Weakness: Maintain a safe distance and dodge when you see him raise his arms for a slam.

Arm Swing Combo

Description: A series of swift arm swings that can knock players off their feet.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the combo and attack when there’s an opening.

Stomping Attack

Description: Jinchi stomps the ground repeatedly, causing minor earthquakes.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid being caught by the stomps, and attack when he pauses.

Summoning Zombies

Description: Elder Jinchi calls upon a swarm of zombie disciples to attack players.
Weakness: Take out the zombies quickly to prevent them from overwhelming you and to avoid Elder Jinchi from healing when he is in a praying state.

Praying State

Description: A defensive stance where Elder Jinchi attempts to heal by absorbing energy from the zombies.
Weakness: Eliminate all zombies around him to prevent him from regenerating health.

Elder Jinchi Battle Strategy

To defeat Elder Jinchi, players must focus on maintaining distance and exploiting his weaknesses. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that allow you to maintain distance and dodge effectively, such as Immobilize Spell to temporarily stop Elder Jinchi in his tracks and Guangzhi Fire Attacks for high damage output. The Guangmou Spirit Form is also useful for deploying poison damage over time.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that boosts defense against Area of Effect (AOE) damage, as many of Elder Jinchi’s attacks cover wide areas. Weapons that deal poison or fire damage are effective against him.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging his AOE attacks and maintaining a safe distance. Use your ranged abilities and wait for clear windows to attack. Take advantage of the Immobilize Spell to freeze him temporarily and deal maximum damage.

Phase 2

In the second phase, Jinchi will call on zombie disciples. Quickly dispatch them to prevent them from aiding him in healing. When Jinchi is praying, ensure all zombies are eliminated to stop his health regeneration. Utilize the Guangzhi Fire Attack to deal significant damage in this phase.

Elder Jinchi Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Elder Jinchi, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Elder Jinchi Boss Fight Video

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Black Wind King Boss Guide: Conquer the Fierce Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Black Wind King Overview

The Black Wind King is a mandatory boss encounter in Chapter 1 of Black Myth: Wukong. Located deep within the Black Wind Cave, this boss tests players’ reflexes and strategy as they navigate through his varied attack patterns and dangerous transformations. Known for his ability to turn into a destructive black wind, the Black Wind King challenges players to adapt quickly and make the best use of their skills. The battle requires careful attention to his attacks, as the Black Wind King combines both physical and fire damage, making it essential to have the right equipment and strategy to win​.

Black Wind King Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Black Wind King is crucial to defeating him:

Jump and Double Spin

Description: The Black Wind King leaps into the air and descends with a spear thrust, followed by two spinning attacks.
Weakness: After the first thrust, players can get in a quick attack and prepare for a dodge to avoid the follow-up spins.

Black Wind Transformation

Description: The boss transforms into a black wind, moving rapidly around the arena and becoming invulnerable.
Weakness: Cast Immobilize before his transformation to force him out of this state, providing a chance to attack while he is vulnerable.

Air Burst

Description: After reverting from his Black Wind form, he causes an explosion in the arena’s center.
Weakness: Stay clear of the area of effect (AOE) to avoid damage and prepare for a counterattack when he materializes.

Six-hit Combo

Description: The boss prepares a long combo by channeling black wind into his spear, leading to multiple rapid strikes and projectile attacks.
Weakness: Dodge the initial quick strikes, then be ready for a delayed overhead strike to avoid being caught by the entire combo.

Four-hit Combo with Spear Vault

Description: He starts by thrusting his spear into the ground, jumps in the air, and deals AOE damage upon landing.
Weakness: Keep a distance during this attack to avoid the wide AOE impact.

Fire Breath

Description: If the Black Wind King drinks from his gourd, he will breathe fire in a wide sweep.
Weakness: Dodge laterally to avoid the flames. If hit, use an anti-fire consumable to mitigate ongoing damage​.


Description: The boss attempts to heal by drinking from his gourd.
Weakness: Attack aggressively to interrupt his healing or use Immobilize to prevent him from regaining health.

Black Wind King Battle Strategy

To defeat the Black Wind King, players need to focus on learning his attack timings and maintaining offensive pressure. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip Immobilize to interrupt his transformations and healing attempts. Utilize skills that increase mobility, like Shadow Step, to dodge his rapid attacks effectively.

Recommended Equipment

Prioritize gear that provides high defense and fire resistance. The Fireproof Mantle will be beneficial against his fire-based attacks, and fast weapons, such as the Swift Blade, are ideal for dealing consistent damage while dodging.


Phase 1

Approach aggressively when the Black Wind King starts taunting. Use ranged or magic attacks to chip away at his health from a distance, then close in with fast melee strikes when he is staggered.

Phase 2

As the fight progresses, focus on dodging his combos and punishing his vulnerable moments. Use Immobilize when he prepares to transform or drink from his gourd. This will give you crucial openings to deal significant damage​.

Black Wind King Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Black Wind King, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Black Wind King Boss Fight Video

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Instructor Daolang Boss Guide: Defeat the Formidable Instructor in Black Myth Wukong

Instructor Daolang Overview

Instructor Daolang is a significant boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong, known for his speed and ability to unleash powerful combo attacks. He resides in Chapter 1, where he serves as a challenging opponent for players navigating the dense Bamboo Grove. With his mastery of martial arts and a diverse set of attack patterns, Instructor Daolang tests both offensive and defensive skills, requiring players to stay vigilant and adaptive throughout the fight.

Instructor Daolang Attack Patterns

Understanding Instructor Daolang’s attack patterns is crucial to developing a successful strategy:

Rapid Slash Combo

Description: A series of quick slashing attacks that cover a wide area in front of him.
Weakness: Dodge backward or to the sides. After the last slash, there is a brief window to counter with a few quick strikes.

Leap Attack

Description: Jumps into the air and slams down with his blade, dealing significant area damage.
Weakness: Roll to the side just before he lands to avoid the shockwave and get behind him for a counterattack.

Blade Cyclone

Description: Spins in a circular motion, creating a whirlwind effect with his sword.
Weakness: Stay out of his range until the move finishes. Use ranged abilities during this period for a safer approach.

Unyielding Stance

Description: Enters a defensive stance that reduces damage taken and counters all direct melee attacks.
Weakness: Use magic spells or ranged attacks to chip away his health until he exits this stance.

Instructor Daolang Battle Strategy

To defeat Instructor Daolang, a balanced approach of offense and defense is required. Here are some recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility, such as Swift Step, to quickly dodge his fast attacks. Utilize ranged abilities like Fireball to deal damage from a distance when he enters his defensive stance.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that provides a balance between defense and agility, such as the Bronze Vestment, which allows you to absorb moderate damage without sacrificing too much mobility. Equip weapons with a fast attack speed, like the Twin Blades, to maximize damage during his recovery periods.


Phase 1

Stay agile and focus on dodging his rapid slashes and leap attacks. Counterattack with quick strikes only when he finishes his combos. Avoid getting too close during his Blade Cyclone move.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, Instructor Daolang will use the Unyielding Stance more frequently. Keep your distance, use ranged attacks, and avoid direct confrontations until he exits this stance. Be prepared for faster and more aggressive combos.

Instructor Daolang Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Instructor Daolang, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Instructor Daolang Boss Fight Video

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