Fungiwoman Boss Guide: Master the Hidden Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Fungiwoman Overview

Fungiwoman is a hidden boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 4 at the Temple of the Yellow Flower’s Court of Illumination. She disguises herself as a harmless mushroom that players can pull out of the ground, but she transforms into a formidable opponent once triggered. The fight with Fungiwoman is optional, making it a surprise challenge for those exploring thoroughly. Upon defeating her, players are rewarded with unique items and enhancements that aid further in their journey through the game.

Fungiwoman Attack Patterns

Understanding Fungiwoman’s attack patterns is key to defeating her effectively:

Spore Cloud

Description: Fungiwoman releases a cloud of poisonous spores that spreads over a wide area, causing continuous damage if players stay within it.
Weakness: Quickly move out of the affected area and use ranged attacks while she is vulnerable during the spore release.

Mushroom Stomp

Description: A heavy stomp that sends shockwaves in a circular pattern around Fungiwoman, knocking back and stunning any player caught in its range.
Weakness: Dodge backward to avoid the shockwave, then close in for a quick counterattack while she recovers.

Leeching Vines

Description: She summons vines from the ground that latch onto players, draining their health over time.
Weakness: Use mobility skills like Shadow Step to quickly break free from the vines and avoid her follow-up attacks.

Camouflage Retreat

Description: Fungiwoman can blend back into the environment, becoming invisible for a short period and reappearing in a different location for a surprise attack.
Weakness: Keep moving and stay on guard; use area-of-effect attacks to reveal her position.

Fungiwoman Battle Strategy

To defeat Fungiwoman, players should focus on avoiding her area-of-effect attacks and exploiting her recovery windows for maximum damage. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility, such as Shadow Step, to quickly dodge her wide-area attacks. Skills like Cloud Step can help close the distance or reposition during her Camouflage Retreat.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that provides high resistance to poison and stun effects, as these will help mitigate the damage from her Spore Cloud and Mushroom Stomp attacks. Weapons with rapid attack speeds, such as the Swift Blade, are effective for quick, successive strikes during her vulnerable phases.


Phase 1

Focus on evading the Spore Cloud and countering with ranged attacks. The key is to keep moving and maintain distance until she uses her Mushroom Stomp, then close in for quick hits.

Phase 2

When her health drops below 50%, Fungiwoman will use Leeching Vines more frequently. Use your mobility skills to avoid getting caught and continue with the strategy of waiting for her to expose herself after major attacks.

Fungiwoman Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Fungiwoman, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, demonstrating the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively to win the battle.

Watch the Fungiwoman Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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