Supreme Inspector Boss Guide: Defeat the Optional Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Supreme Inspector Overview

The Supreme Inspector is an optional but challenging boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Foothills/Verdant Path area in Chapter 6. This boss encounter requires players to complete a side quest where they remove four purple talismans placed on different pillars. Once the talismans are removed, the Supreme Inspector appears, and the fight begins. The boss has a unique appearance, featuring large wings and a head shaped like a hand. Defeating this boss is crucial as it rewards players with the Flying Nimbus, a key item for progressing in the game.

Supreme Inspector Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Supreme Inspector is essential for victory:

Aerial Speed Kick

Description: The Supreme Inspector initiates the fight with a fast aerial kick that covers a large distance.
Weakness: Immediately use immobilizing abilities like Wandering Wight Spirit to stop the attack and follow up with quick strikes.

Ice Blades

Description: Throws a series of ice blades that can be dodged with quick movements.
Weakness: Keep moving sideways to avoid the blades and close the distance to launch counterattacks.

Burning Wheel

Description: A burning wheel is deployed, which chases the player. Coming into contact with it deals significant damage.
Weakness: Run away from the wheel until it stops. Use this time to heal or prepare for the next attack.

Flame Circle

Description: When the boss’s health drops below 30%, it creates a burning circle of fire, limiting the player’s movement.
Weakness: Focus on dodging aerial attacks and strike when the boss lands. Save mana for immobilizing spells and avoid staying in the flames.

Supreme Inspector Battle Strategy

To defeat the Supreme Inspector, focus on precise dodging and timely counterattacks. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip spells that can immobilize or trap the boss, such as Wandering Wight Spirit. Additionally, use ranged abilities like Stone Throw to deal damage when the boss is airborne.

Recommended Equipment

Use gear that enhances mobility and defense against elemental attacks, such as the Ice-resistant Mantle for the Ice Blades and Fireproof Mantle to mitigate damage during the second phase.


Phase 1

Start with quick attacks after dodging the Aerial Speed Kick. Keep moving to avoid the Ice Blades and try to stay behind the Supreme Inspector for maximum damage output. Be prepared to run from the burning wheel.

Phase 2

When the health drops below 30%, stay close to the edge of the flame circle and wait for the Supreme Inspector to land. Use ranged attacks during aerial phases, and save your most powerful spells for when the boss is vulnerable on the ground.

Supreme Inspector Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Supreme Inspector, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, demonstrating the best moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Supreme Inspector Boss Fight Video

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The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Boss Guide: Master the Final Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Overview

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell is the final boss in Black Myth: Wukong, a daunting challenge that tests all the skills and tactics players have learned throughout the game. This boss is a transformed version of the Stone Monkey and represents Sun Wukong’s true form. The battle takes place in the mystical realm after interacting with the Birthstone. This version of the boss has enhanced size, strength, and an amplified moveset, making it a formidable opponent that mirrors the protagonist’s capabilities.

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of The Great Sage’s Broken Shell is crucial to planning your defense and counterattacks:

Boomerang Staff Throw

Description: The boss hurls his staff like a boomerang, causing it to return to him after a wide arc.
Weakness: Roll back to evade both the throw and return. Counterattack while the boss is retrieving his staff.

Ring of Fire

Description: The boss creates a ring of fire around himself that damages anyone who enters.
Weakness: Wait for the boss to exit the circle before attacking; avoid entering the fire ring.

Pole-Vaulting Strikes

Description: Similar to Wukong’s moves, the boss uses the staff to vault and strike from above.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the vertical slam, and counterattack during his recovery.

Aerial Assault

Description: The boss launches into the air on a cloud and swoops down to slam the player.
Weakness: Dodge or flee from the attack area to avoid being caught in the slam animation.

Mini Staff Barrage

Description: Transforms his staff into a long pole and throws multiple glowing mini staffs.
Weakness: Precisely dodge each projectile and be prepared for a follow-up slam attack.

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Battle Strategy

To defeat The Great Sage’s Broken Shell, players must balance offense and defense while timing their moves perfectly. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Utilize skills such as Immobilize to deal heavy damage during the boss’s vulnerable moments. Abilities like Cloud Step are essential for dodging rapid attacks and repositioning.

Recommended Equipment

Equip robust armor such as the Golden Suozi Armor and Lotus Silk Clothtreaders to withstand damage. Use powerful transformation abilities like the Wandering Wight to maximize attack potential.


Phase 1

The battle begins with the boss using boomerang attacks and pole-vaulting strikes. Focus on dodging and taking advantage of short windows to land quick hits. Keep an eye on his fire ring attack and avoid unnecessary risks.

Phase 2

As the boss’s health drops, he becomes more aggressive with his combos, combining aerial assaults and a staff barrage. Prioritize dodging and counterattacking during recovery periods. Use health-replenishing items strategically to survive the more intense second phase.

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat The Great Sage’s Broken Shell, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, detailing when to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch The Great Sage’s Broken Shell Boss Fight Video

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Stone Monkey Boss Guide: Defeat the Final Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Stone Monkey Overview

Stone Monkey is one of the final bosses in Black Myth: Wukong, presenting a challenging test of skills and strategy. The boss battle is divided into multiple phases, each increasing in difficulty and complexity. Stone Monkey begins the battle using physical attacks, gradually incorporating elemental powers and clones as the fight progresses. Players need to prepare with strong gear, such as the Golden Suozi Armor and Lotus Silk Clothtreaders, and powerful spells to maximize their chances of victory.

Stone Monkey Attack Patterns

Understanding Stone Monkey’s attack patterns is crucial for survival and crafting a strategy:

Phase 1 – Physical Attacks

Description: The fight opens with Stone Monkey performing aerial slams, fist swings, and stomps.
Weakness: Dodge his initial slam attacks and stay clear of his grab attempts. Watch for glowing orange arms, indicating an upcoming shockwave-inducing leap attack. Utilize the Immobilize spell to deal damage when he is vulnerable.

Phase 2 – Fire and Ice Attacks

Description: As his health drops, Stone Monkey adds elemental attacks to his moveset, including fiery shockwaves and icy slams.
Weakness: Stay mobile to avoid fire shockwaves and counterattack after he completes his combos. A clone will appear at half health; focus on defeating it quickly to avoid intensified fire and ice combos.

Phase 3 – Clone Attacks

Description: The clone mimics Stone Monkey’s moves and attacks in tandem.
Weakness: Use AoE attacks and transformations to damage both the original and the clone. Focus on dodging their combos and attacking during their recovery phases.

Stone Monkey Battle Strategy

To defeat Stone Monkey, you need a balanced strategy combining offense and defense, utilizing spells and transformations effectively.

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-focused skills like Cloud Step to dodge heavy attacks and A Pluck of Many for burst damage. The Immobilize spell is crucial for controlling the battle flow, especially during his vulnerable moments.

Recommended Equipment

Equip the Golden Suozi Armor for defense and the Lotus Silk Clothtreaders for agility. Use powerful spirits like Wandering Wight and curios like the White Seashell Waist Chain to amplify attacks and avoid fatal blows.


Phase 1

Stay defensive and avoid his grab attacks. Use dodge rolls to evade his aerial slams and shockwave attacks. Counterattack during his recovery windows.

Phase 2

Avoid his elemental attacks by timing your dodges carefully. Focus on defeating his clone quickly to prevent getting overwhelmed.

Phase 3

Use the Immobilize spell when both the original and clone are close together to maximize damage. Keep your distance from their combined attacks and strike back when possible.

Stone Monkey Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Stone Monkey, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Stone Monkey Boss Fight Video

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Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Boss Guide: Conquer the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Overview

The Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast is a secret boss located in the Bishui Cave, a hidden area in Chapter 5 of Black Myth: Wukong. This boss is known for its majestic appearance and fierce combat abilities, blending the movements of an ape with the strength and ferocity of a tiger. It is characterized by its horns and a flowing mane, making it a formidable opponent with a mix of fire and ice attacks that challenge players’ combat and strategy skills.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Attack Patterns

Understanding Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast’s attack patterns is crucial for surviving this tough encounter:

Fiery Pounce

Description: The beast leaps towards the player, causing a fiery explosion on impact.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before it lands to avoid damage and gain an opportunity for counterattacks.

Icy Breath

Description: A chilling breath attack that freezes everything in its path, slowing down players and making them vulnerable.
Weakness: Keep moving laterally to avoid the breath and stay out of its range.

Tail Sweep

Description: A wide tail sweep that can knock players back and deal heavy damage.
Weakness: Jump over the tail sweep or use a defensive ability to block it.

Roaring Fury

Description: A roar that increases its attack power while summoning smaller enemies to aid it in battle.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect (AoE) abilities to deal with summoned enemies quickly, then focus back on the beast.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Battle Strategy

To defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast, players need to manage both offense and defense carefully while adapting to its dual-elemental attacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that boost mobility and ice resistance, such as Evasion Roll to avoid fiery pounces and Ice Shield to mitigate freezing effects.

Recommended Equipment

Use gear that enhances fire and ice resistance. The Mythical Armor Set obtained earlier in the game provides balanced defense against both elements. For weapons, choose ones with quick attack speeds, like the Swift Blade, to exploit openings after dodging its attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its pounce and breath attacks. When it finishes an attack, move in quickly for a series of light strikes. Avoid overcommitting to heavy attacks, as the boss recovers quickly.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive and summon minions. Use AoE abilities to clear them, and maintain distance while countering its new attack patterns. Rely on defensive maneuvers and look for moments to use high-damage abilities safely.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Boss Fight Video

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Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Boss Guide: Overcome the Unique Duo in Black Myth Wukong

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Overview

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top is a secret boss duo located in the Bishui Cave area in Chapter 5 of Black Myth: Wukong. This boss fight stands out due to its unique mechanics involving two bosses whose shields combine into a rolling iron sphere that moves around the arena. The fight demands precise coordination and quick reflexes from players to dodge and counterattack effectively. Known for their synchronized movements, this duo is a challenge for those unprepared for their unpredictable rolling attack patterns.

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Attack Patterns

Understanding their attack patterns is crucial to defeating them:

Rolling Iron Sphere

Description: When combined, the two bosses form a large rolling sphere that can move quickly across the arena, dealing damage to anything in its path.
Weakness: Anticipate their rolling direction and use evasive maneuvers like side-stepping to avoid damage.

Shield Slam

Description: When separated, each boss will use their shield to perform a high-damage slam attack.
Weakness: Dodge backward or to the side as soon as you see them raising their shields.

Synchronization Attack

Description: Both bosses will synchronize their movements to perform a powerful combined attack that covers a large area.
Weakness: Watch their synchronization cues and time your dodges perfectly to avoid taking significant damage.

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Battle Strategy

To defeat this duo, focus on separating them and dealing with their individual attacks before they can synchronize:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-enhancing skills such as Dodge Roll to evade the rolling sphere and shield slam attacks. Consider using ranged skills like Fire Arrow to deal consistent damage while maintaining distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that boosts agility and provides decent defense against physical attacks, like the Light Leather Armor. Use weapons with quick attack speeds, such as the Twin Daggers, to maximize damage during brief openings.


Phase 1

Focus on dealing damage to one boss at a time to prevent them from forming the rolling sphere. Use quick hit-and-run tactics to whittle down their health bars while avoiding their shield slams.

Phase 2

When their health drops below 50%, they become more aggressive and start synchronizing attacks more frequently. Keep your distance, rely on ranged attacks, and stay mobile to avoid the rolling sphere and synchronization attacks.

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing you the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top Boss Fight Video

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Baw Lang Lang Boss Guide: Defeat the Mighty Baw Lang Lang in Black Myth Wukong

Baw Lang Lang Overview

Baw Lang Lang is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong known for his immense strength and mystical abilities. This boss resides in the Forbidden Valley, where ancient ruins conceal his lair. Baw Lang Lang, once a guardian of the ancient seals, has turned into a powerful adversary with a blend of elemental attacks and relentless aggression. His battle is characterized by high mobility and devastating area-of-effect attacks, requiring players to adapt their strategies carefully.

Baw Lang Lang Attack Patterns

Mastering Baw Lang Lang’s attack patterns is key to overcoming this boss:

Elemental Burst

Description: Baw Lang Lang unleashes a wave of elemental energy that causes damage over a wide area.
Weakness: Dodge to the edges of the attack zone, and use skills that provide temporary invincibility to mitigate the damage.

Ground Tremor

Description: A shockwave attack that causes the ground to erupt, dealing damage and staggering players.
Weakness: Jump or dash away as the tremor begins to avoid being caught in the shockwave. Look for safe spots on the battlefield.

Summon Minions

Description: Summons lesser elemental creatures to aid him in battle.
Weakness: Focus on quickly eliminating the minions to reduce the number of threats. This will give you more opportunities to focus on Baw Lang Lang.

Whirlwind Slash

Description: A powerful spinning attack that can hit multiple targets in a large radius.
Weakness: Maintain a medium distance and time your dodges to avoid the wide swing. Counterattack during the recovery phase.

Baw Lang Lang Battle Strategy

To defeat Baw Lang Lang, utilize the following strategies:

Recommended Skills:

Equip high-damage skills that can quickly deal with minions and mitigate elemental damage. Skills like Eclipse Strike and Elemental Ward are effective against his elemental attacks and summon abilities.

Recommended Equipment:

Use armor that provides resistance to elemental damage and high mobility weapons. The Stormbringer Sword and Aegis Shield are excellent choices to balance offense and defense. For armor, prioritize items with high elemental resistance.


Phase 1:

Focus on avoiding his wide-area attacks and managing his minions. Prioritize eliminating the minions quickly to make the fight more manageable. Stay mobile and avoid getting cornered.

Phase 2:

As Baw Lang Lang’s health drops below 50%, his attacks will become more frequent and intense. Use Elemental Ward to reduce damage and maintain your distance during his powerful whirlwind attacks. Time your counterattacks to exploit the brief recovery windows after his major attacks.

Baw Lang Lang Video Walkthrough

For a detailed visual guide on how to defeat Baw Lang Lang, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the optimal times to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Baw Lang Lang Boss Fight Video

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Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Boss Guide: Overcome the Mushroom Demon in Black Myth Wukong

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Overview

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai is a secret boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located near the Ashen Pass III Shrine in the Field of Fire. This boss appears when you interact with a red mushroom on the ground. The Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai takes the form of a gigantic mushroom-like creature with formidable defensive capabilities and unique abilities tied to its fungal nature. It challenges players with its ability to spawn poisonous spores and perform rapid spinning attacks that can easily overwhelm those who aren’t prepared.

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai is crucial for a successful encounter:

Spore Burst

Description: The boss releases a cloud of poisonous spores around itself, causing continuous damage over time if players remain within the area.
Weakness: Quickly move out of the affected area and use long-range attacks during this phase.

Fungal Spin

Description: The Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai spins rapidly, slashing at anyone in close proximity.
Weakness: Maintain distance and use the opportunity to launch projectile-based abilities when it starts to spin.

Root Bind

Description: It roots itself into the ground, preventing movement but greatly increasing its defense.
Weakness: Use charged heavy attacks to break its guard, or use elemental spells to deal damage over time while it’s stationary.

Mycelium Rush

Description: A charging attack that allows the boss to close the gap quickly and knock players back.
Weakness: Sidestep to avoid the rush, then counterattack while it recovers.

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Battle Strategy

To defeat Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai, you need to balance patience with aggression, focusing on avoiding its hazardous area attacks while taking advantage of its moments of vulnerability:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and allow for quick escapes, such as Shadow Step. Ranged abilities like Fireball or Lightning Strike can be effective for dealing damage while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that offers resistance to poison and enhances stamina regeneration to withstand the long fight. Weapons that can deal elemental damage, such as the Flame Sword, are particularly useful against this boss due to its susceptibility to fire.


Phase 1

Focus on learning its attack patterns and avoiding damage from its poisonous spores. Use ranged attacks to chip away at its health when it is stationary or recovering from a spin.

Phase 2

Once its health is reduced to 50%, Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai will become more aggressive, increasing the frequency of its Fungal Spin and Mycelium Rush attacks. At this stage, rely on your mobility skills to avoid damage and exploit its recovery time to deal maximum damage.

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, detailing the best moments to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Boss Fight Video

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Rusty-Gold Cart Boss Guide: Defeat the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Rusty-Gold Cart Overview

Rusty-Gold Cart is one of the secret bosses in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 5 within the Field of Fire area. It is the final Elemental Cart that players must defeat to access the secret area, Bishui Cave. This boss is unique because it involves a series of quests where players need to defeat all five Elemental Carts to progress. The Rusty-Gold Cart appears near a large frozen gate after the player defeats the Flint Vanguard boss and reaches the Cooling Slope Shrine.

Rusty-Gold Cart Attack Patterns

Understanding Rusty-Gold Cart’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Rolling Charge

Description: Rusty-Gold Cart rolls rapidly toward the player, dealing massive damage on impact.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just as it starts rolling to avoid the charge. This is a good time to land a few quick hits as it turns around to reorient itself.

Fiery Smash

Description: The cart lifts up and slams down with fiery energy, causing an area-of-effect (AOE) explosion.
Weakness: Move out of the AOE circle quickly. Use ranged attacks while it is recovering from the smash.

Lava Spit

Description: Rusty-Gold Cart spits lava blobs toward the player, causing burn damage over time.
Weakness: Maintain distance and use quick mobility skills to avoid the lava blobs. Use fire-resistant gear to mitigate damage.

Stunning Roar

Description: Lets out a deafening roar that can stun the player for a few seconds if within range.
Weakness: Keep a safe distance when it starts to roar or use a quick defensive ability to mitigate the stun effect.

Rusty-Gold Cart Battle Strategy

To defeat Rusty-Gold Cart, focus on avoiding its high-damage attacks and using the environment to your advantage. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Quickstep to avoid its fast rolling attacks and lava blobs. If you have unlocked any defensive abilities like Stone Skin, use them to withstand its powerful AOE attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Flame Orb to resist fire-based attacks and equip armor that enhances mobility and fire resistance. Weapons with a longer reach, like spears or polearms, are ideal for maintaining a safe distance while attacking.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its rolling charges and landing hits after each charge. Use the environment to create distance when it starts its Fiery Smash attack. Keep your fire-resistant gear equipped to mitigate damage from the Lava Spit.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive and start using the Stunning Roar more frequently. Prioritize evasion and ranged attacks in this phase, and be ready to dodge at a moment’s notice. Utilize any buffs and healing items strategically to survive the onslaught.

Rusty-Gold Cart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Rusty-Gold Cart, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Rusty-Gold Cart Boss Fight Video

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Crimson-Silver Cart Boss Guide: Overcome the Elemental Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Crimson-Silver Cart Overview

Crimson-Silver Cart is a mandatory story-related boss in Chapter 5 of Black Myth: Wukong, located in Furnace Valley near the Emerald Hall. As the fourth of the Five Element Carts, this boss is unmissable, serving as a significant obstacle in the player’s quest to unlock the secret area, Bishui Cave. The Crimson-Silver Cart is part of the questline given by the Ox NPC “Pale-Axe Stalwart,” where players are tasked with defeating all Five Element Carts to proceed in the story.

Crimson-Silver Cart Attack Patterns

The Crimson-Silver Cart relies on a combination of rapid movements and powerful attacks, making it a challenging opponent for players who are unprepared:

Lava Burst

Description: The cart shoots bursts of lava at the player, dealing both direct and burn damage.
Weakness: Dodge to the sides to avoid the lava bursts and close in for melee attacks during the brief cooldown.

Spinning Blades

Description: The cart spins rapidly, launching blades in all directions, which can deal significant damage if the player is caught in the attack range.
Weakness: Keep a safe distance during the spin attack and use ranged abilities to whittle down its health.

Crushing Charge

Description: The cart charges towards the player with immense speed, crushing anything in its path.
Weakness: Sidestep the charge and attack the cart from behind while it takes time to turn around.

Steam Eruption

Description: Releases a cloud of steam that obscures vision and deals damage over time if the player remains within the area.
Weakness: Move out of the steam area quickly and use this time to heal or reset your positioning.

Crimson-Silver Cart Battle Strategy

To defeat Crimson-Silver Cart, players must carefully balance between offense and defense, taking advantage of the brief moments when the cart is vulnerable after its attacks. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that allow for quick evasion and counterattacks, such as Shadow Step for dodging and Rock Throw for maintaining pressure from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip the Fireproof Mantle to reduce the damage from lava-based attacks and prioritize weapons with a medium attack speed like the Balanced Blade to take advantage of the cart’s vulnerable moments.


Phase 1

Focus on evading the Crimson-Silver Cart’s swift attacks and use ranged abilities to chip away at its health. Maintain a safe distance and be prepared to dodge its charge attacks.

Phase 2

Once the Crimson-Silver Cart’s health is below 50%, it becomes more aggressive with its steam and spinning blade attacks. Utilize the Fireproof Mantle to withstand its lava-based attacks and remain agile to avoid damage from its rapid movements. Continue to use ranged abilities and quick attacks to gradually bring down its health.

Crimson-Silver Cart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Crimson-Silver Cart, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, highlighting the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Crimson-Silver Cart Boss Fight Video

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Yin-Yang Fish Boss Guide: Defeat the Yin-Yang Fish in Black Myth Wukong

Yin-Yang Fish Overview

Yin-Yang Fish is a unique and challenging boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in Chapter 5 at Furnace Valley, near The Emerald Hall. After defeating the Keeper of Flaming Mountains, players encounter the Yin-Yang Fish, a massive aquatic creature with the ability to change color and use powerful elemental attacks. This boss battle tests the player’s agility and quick-thinking as it combines both melee and ranged combat mechanics. The Yin-Yang Fish is notorious for its high health pool and challenging attack patterns, making it one of the more difficult bosses to face in this chapter.

Yin-Yang Fish Attack Patterns

Understanding Yin-Yang Fish’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Tidal Wave

Description: The Yin-Yang Fish generates a massive tidal wave that sweeps across the battlefield.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the wave; timing is key as the wave is fast and covers a wide area.

Elemental Orb Barrage

Description: The boss launches multiple orbs of water or fire that explode upon impact, dealing area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Keep moving and use dodges to avoid the orbs. The key is to stay at mid-range to reduce the risk of getting hit by multiple orbs.

Color Shift

Description: Yin-Yang Fish can switch between two elemental forms—fire and water—each with different attack properties.
Weakness: Adapt your strategy depending on its current form; when in the fire form, use water-based abilities, and vice versa.

Fish Egg Drop

Description: The boss drops explosive eggs from above, which freeze or burn players on contact.
Weakness: This attack is hard to avoid; it’s best to heal up and prepare for counterattacks once the rain stops.

Yin-Yang Fish Battle Strategy

To defeat Yin-Yang Fish, focus on its elemental shifts and use the environment to your advantage. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility, such as Shadow Step, to quickly dodge area attacks. Utilize ranged abilities like Stone Throw to deal consistent damage from a safe distance, especially during the fish’s explosive egg drop phase.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that provides balanced defense against both fire and water elements. The Yin-Yang Daoist Robe is highly effective in mitigating damage during this battle. For weapons, choose those with both high speed and range to maximize damage during brief attack windows.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Tidal Wave and Elemental Orb Barrage attacks. Maintain a mid-range distance to reduce the risk of being overwhelmed by area attacks. Use fast, consistent strikes when the boss is vulnerable after an attack.

Phase 2

Once the Yin-Yang Fish shifts forms or initiates the Fish Egg Drop, switch to ranged attacks and prioritize healing. Keep moving to avoid being frozen or burned by the eggs, and counterattack when the fish is momentarily immobile.

Yin-Yang Fish Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Yin-Yang Fish, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Yin-Yang Fish Boss Fight Video

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