Red Boy Boss Guide: Defeat the Fiery Adversary in Black Myth Wukong

Red Boy Overview

Red Boy is a fiery boss in Black Myth: Wukong that players encounter in Chapter 5 at the Field of Fire, near the Fallen Furnace Crater shrine. Known for his fire-based attacks and quick movements, Red Boy presents a moderate challenge. He is the son of the Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, which explains his formidable abilities and ferocious nature. Players must be prepared for both ground and aerial combat phases, requiring agility and strategic use of skills to defeat him.

Red Boy Attack Patterns

Understanding Red Boy’s attack patterns is crucial to devising an effective strategy:

Fireball Throw

Description: Red Boy hurls fireballs that explode on impact, leaving flames on the ground.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the fireballs and stay clear of the burning areas.

Flying Clone Assault

Description: At half health, Red Boy summons clones that fly towards the player and explode on contact, causing burn damage.
Weakness: Dodge as soon as the clones accelerate toward you. Be prepared to dodge multiple times as they approach in waves.

Ground Smash

Description: Red Boy slams the ground, creating a shockwave that deals area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Jump or roll away from the impact zone to avoid damage and quickly close the gap to attack.

Melee Combos

Description: Red Boy utilizes quick melee strikes, especially after landing from his aerial phase.
Weakness: Time your dodges carefully to counterattack during his recovery frames.

Red Boy Battle Strategy

To defeat Red Boy, players must balance offensive spells with agile movements. Here are the best strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip powerful spells like Pluck of Many and Weaver’s Needle for high burst damage. Use Immobilize to temporarily stop his movement, and follow up with Wandering Wight spirit attacks for sustained damage.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle to mitigate fire damage. Equip armor that balances defense and mobility, such as the Celestial Ribbon, to withstand his onslaught while maintaining agility.


Phase 1

Unleash spells at the start of the fight to lower his health quickly. Keep dodging his fireball attacks and use quick attacks between his moves. Avoid staying in one place for too long, as his ground attacks can cause significant damage.

Phase 2

When he reaches half health, prepare for his clone assault. Keep dodging until all clones are gone, then quickly capitalize on his recovery. Continue to use spells and light attacks to chip away at his health.

Red Boy Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Red Boy, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions, showcasing the best times to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Red Boy Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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