Gray-Bronze Cart Boss Guide: Defeat the Elemental Cart in Black Myth Wukong

Gray-Bronze Cart Overview

The Gray-Bronze Cart is one of the Five Element Carts that players must defeat in Black Myth: Wukong. Found in the Woods of Ember at the Height of Ember, the Gray-Bronze Cart is a significant obstacle that blocks the story path after defeating the Father of Stones. This boss is part of a quest to defeat all five elemental carts given by the Ox NPC, “Pale-Axe Stalwart.” The Gray-Bronze Cart is characterized by its immense size, metallic frame, and its ability to breathe fire across a wide area, making it a formidable opponent for any player trying to progress through Chapter 5.

Gray-Bronze Cart Attack Patterns

Understanding the Gray-Bronze Cart’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Fire Breath

Description: The Gray-Bronze Cart breathes a cone of fire in front of it, covering a wide area and dealing continuous fire damage.
Weakness: Quickly move to the side or behind the cart to avoid the fire breath. This is the best time to deal damage, as the cart’s recovery from this attack is relatively slow.

Rolling Charge

Description: The cart charges forward, crushing anything in its path. This attack can deal significant damage if it connects.
Weakness: Sidestep or roll away from the path of the charge. Once the charge is completed, the cart will pause momentarily, leaving it open for counterattacks.

Ground Smash

Description: The cart slams the ground with its wheels, causing a shockwave that knocks players back.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the shockwave and immediately close the gap to attack from behind.

Lava Burst

Description: In its later phase, the cart releases bursts of molten lava from its sides, covering the ground around it.
Weakness: Stay at a medium range to avoid the initial burst and move in once the lava dissipates.

Gray-Bronze Cart Battle Strategy

To defeat the Gray-Bronze Cart, focus on dodging its area-of-effect attacks and counterattacking when it is most vulnerable. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip abilities that enhance mobility, such as Shadow Step, to quickly dodge its wide-area attacks. Ranged abilities like Stone Throw can also be useful to deal chip damage from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high fire resistance to mitigate damage from its fire breath and lava burst attacks. Weapons with high burst damage, such as the Crimson Scimitar, are ideal for dealing quick damage during openings.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Fire Breath and Rolling Charge attacks. The key is to stay mobile and avoid staying directly in front of the cart. Attack from the sides or rear when the cart is recovering from its attacks.

Phase 2

When the Gray-Bronze Cart’s health drops below 50%, it will begin using its Lava Burst attack. Maintain a medium distance to avoid the initial burst, then move in quickly to deal damage. Continue to exploit its recovery periods for maximum damage output.

Gray-Bronze Cart Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Gray-Bronze Cart, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Gray-Bronze Cart Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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