Wind-Chaser King Boss Guide: Overcome the Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Wind-Chaser King Overview

The Wind-Chaser King is a significant boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in the Black Wind Cave area. This boss is an essential part of the storyline, and defeating him is crucial to progress further in the game. Known for his agility and complex attack patterns, the Wind-Chaser King uses both physical and fire-based attacks, often transforming into wind and teleporting around the arena. Players will need to be well-prepared with high-defense outfits like the Fireproof Mantle to withstand his fiery onslaught.

Wind-Chaser King Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Wind-Chaser King is key to surviving and winning this challenging battle:

Jump and Double Spin

Description: The Wind-Chaser King jumps into the air and comes down with a spear thrust, followed by two spin attacks.
Weakness: Dodge the initial thrust and follow up with a quick counterattack after the spins.

Black Wind Transformation

Description: The boss transforms into a black wind and becomes invulnerable while moving around the arena.
Weakness: Use the Immobilize spell before his transformation to force him to reappear and attack.

Air Burst

Description: After the Black Wind transformation ends, the boss rematerializes in the center and causes an explosion.
Weakness: Stay out of the explosion’s range and use this time to charge a heavy attack from a distance.

Six-hit Combo

Description: The Wind-Chaser King unleashes a series of quick attacks followed by a delayed overhead strike and three rapid strikes.
Weakness: Time your dodges carefully to avoid getting hit, and look for openings after the combo to strike back.

Vanishing and Spear Throw

Description: The boss creates an illusion, turns into the wind, and throws spears while invisible.
Weakness: Keep an eye on the surroundings to avoid the spears and prepare to dodge his real form.

Four-hit Combo with Spear Vault

Description: A sequence starting with a spear thrust into the ground, followed by a jump and an explosion on landing.
Weakness: Keep your distance during the explosion, then move in to attack.

Fire Breath

Description: The boss drinks from his gourd and breathes fire in a wide arc.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the flames, and counterattack if you see an opportunity.


Description: Occasionally, the boss drinks from his gourd to heal.
Weakness: Attack him quickly to interrupt the healing process.

Wind-Chaser King Battle Strategy

To defeat the Wind-Chaser King, focus on maintaining mobility and using the right abilities at the right times. Here’s a strategic breakdown:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and allow quick dodges, such as Shadow Step. Use Immobilize to interrupt his transformations and healing attempts. A skill like Red Tides can be effective for dealing fire damage at the beginning of the fight.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle and high-defense armor to reduce fire and physical damage. Equip weapons with good reach and speed, like the Thrust Stance, to deal damage safely after dodging.


Phase 1

At the start of the fight, close in quickly and apply pressure using fire-based skills like Red Tides. Avoid getting hit by his multi-stage combos by mastering the timing of your dodges.

Phase 2

As the battle progresses, the Wind-Chaser King will use more advanced moves, such as the Black Wind Transformation and vanishing tricks. Use Immobilize strategically to counter these phases and capitalize on his vulnerability when he rematerializes.

Wind-Chaser King Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Wind-Chaser King, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, highlighting the moments to dodge, counter, and utilize abilities effectively.

Watch the Wind-Chaser King Boss Fight Video

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Emerald-Armed Mantis Boss Guide: Conquer the Mantis Chief in Black Myth Wukong

Emerald-Armed Mantis Overview

Emerald-Armed Mantis is a Yaoguai Chief boss found in Chapter 6 of Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Foothills region within the Mantis-Catching Swamp. To encounter this boss, players must first defeat the other main bosses of Chapter 6, including the Gold Armored Rhino and Feng-Tail General. The fight takes place in a unique setting where players interact with Zhu Bajie to summon the boss. The Emerald-Armed Mantis is a praying mantis-type boss with two sharp forearms that it uses for quick and heavy attacks.

Emerald-Armed Mantis Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Emerald-Armed Mantis is essential for surviving the battle:

Forearm Slash

Description: The Mantis uses its sharp forearms to deliver a powerful slash attack.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the slash. The attack has a clear red windup trail, making it easier to anticipate.

Leap and Pounce

Description: The Mantis leaps into the air and pounces on the player with great force.
Weakness: Watch for the short pause before it jumps and dodge backward to avoid the attack.

Blood Form Transformation

Description: At 60% health, the Mantis transforms into its blood form, becoming more aggressive with longer combo attacks.
Weakness: Utilize spells and abilities like Immobilize to freeze the Mantis and follow up with heavy attacks during its longer combos.

Emerald-Armed Mantis Battle Strategy

To defeat the Emerald-Armed Mantis, players need to be patient and manage their spells effectively:

Recommended Skills

Equip spells such as Stone Skin to increase defense and Fireball for ranged damage. Use Immobilize to freeze the Mantis during its aggressive phase to inflict heavy damage.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high defense and burn resistance, such as the Dian-Cui Loong-Soaring Bracers, to survive the Mantis’s attacks, especially in its blood form. The Lotus Silk Cloudtreaders (Mythical Leg Armor) are recommended for their balanced defense and agility.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Mantis’s slash attacks and landing quick strikes in between its combos. Avoid using heavy attacks unless the Mantis is stunned or immobilized.

Phase 2

After the Mantis enters its blood form at 60% health, save your spells and abilities for this phase to quickly deplete its health. Keep dodging and use ranged spells to keep a safe distance. Utilize Immobilize strategically to create openings for heavy attacks.

Emerald-Armed Mantis Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Emerald-Armed Mantis, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides detailed insights into the boss fight, highlighting key moments to dodge, attack, and use abilities effectively.

Watch the Emerald-Armed Mantis Boss Fight Video

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Feng-Tail General Boss Guide: Conquer the Mantis-Catching Swamp in Black Myth Wukong

Feng-Tail General Overview

The Feng-Tail General is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Mantis-Catching Swamp area of Chapter 6. This giant grasshopper-like creature is one of the main story bosses that players must defeat to progress and gain crucial pieces of Wukong’s Mythic armor. Known for its rapid and unpredictable movements, the Feng-Tail General challenges players with both melee attacks and area-of-effect abilities that require sharp reflexes and a well-thought-out strategy to overcome.

Feng-Tail General Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Feng-Tail General is essential for devising a strategy to defeat it:

Melee Swipes

Description: The Feng-Tail General starts the battle with a series of quick melee swipes aimed directly at the player.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just before each swipe to avoid damage and create an opportunity for counterattacks.

Leaping Strike

Description: The boss leaps high into the air and attempts to crush players with a powerful downward strike.
Weakness: Move out of the way as soon as you see it jump. This creates a short window for a few hits while it recovers from the landing.

Poison Cloud

Description: Releases a toxic cloud that lingers in the area and deals damage over time to players caught within it.
Weakness: Stay mobile and move out of the poison cloud’s range immediately. Use ranged attacks to deal damage from a distance during this phase.

Area-of-Effect Slash

Description: Swings its sharp claws in a wide arc, creating a shockwave that affects a large area around it.
Weakness: Jump or roll away to avoid the shockwave. Wait for it to finish the attack, then move in for a quick hit.

Feng-Tail General Battle Strategy

To defeat Feng-Tail General, focus on dodging its rapid and powerful attacks while exploiting its recovery periods. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills such as Shadow Step to quickly evade its rapid strikes and leaping attacks. Ranged abilities like Wind Blade are effective for dealing damage without getting too close.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor that provides resistance to poison and enhances agility, such as the Iron Thorn Vest. Equip fast weapons like the Quickstrike Dagger to take advantage of the boss’s brief recovery periods.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and focus on dodging its melee attacks and leaping strikes. The key to Phase 1 is patience and quick reactions. Look for openings after each of its major attacks to land a few hits.

Phase 2

Once its health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive and start using more area-of-effect abilities like Poison Cloud and wide claw swipes. Maintain distance and use ranged abilities to chip away at its health. Keep an eye on your stamina and avoid getting caught in the poison clouds.

Feng-Tail General Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Feng-Tail General, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a complete step-by-step strategy, showing exactly when to dodge, counter, and use your abilities to defeat this challenging boss.

Watch the Feng-Tail General Boss Fight Video

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Cloudtreading Deer Boss Guide: Defeat the Elusive Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Cloudtreading Deer Overview

Cloudtreading Deer is a boss located in Chapter 6 of Black Myth: Wukong. This elusive and majestic deer utilizes wind and ice attacks to disrupt players’ progress. As a transformed version of Sun Wukong’s Lotus Silk Cloudtreaders, Cloudtreading Deer reflects agility and a powerful, free-spirited nature but reveals its ferocity in battle. This boss fight requires both defensive agility and strategic offense, with phases that shift from ranged to melee attacks.

Cloudtreading Deer Attack Patterns

Understanding Cloudtreading Deer’s attack patterns is vital to formulating a strategy:

Ice Shards

Description: Cloudtreading Deer summons ice shards from the ground, dealing damage in a line.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the shards and use ranged attacks to exploit the brief recovery period.

Chilling Wind

Description: A powerful wind blast that pushes players back and inflicts chilling damage over time.
Weakness: Maintain a medium distance from the boss to avoid getting caught in the blast. Use fire-based spells or equipment to counter the chilling effect.

Hoof Stomp

Description: A rapid stomp attack that causes area-of-effect damage around the boss.
Weakness: Stay at a distance when Cloudtreading Deer begins to rear back, and then close in quickly after the stomp to deliver counterattacks.

Poison Charge

Description: In its second phase, Cloudtreading Deer charges at the player with a green aura, inflicting poison damage.
Weakness: Sidestep to avoid the charge and retaliate with quick, successive attacks before it recovers.

Cloudtreading Deer Battle Strategy

To defeat Cloudtreading Deer, focus on dodging its ranged attacks and exploiting the openings during its melee transitions. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Fire Step to avoid ice-based attacks and deal additional fire damage. Spells such as Purifying Flame are also effective to neutralize poison and cold effects.

Recommended Equipment

Use equipment with high resistance to ice and poison, such as the Lotus Silk Cloak. Weapons with medium to fast attack speeds, such as the Wind Cutter Sword, are ideal for landing multiple hits after dodging.


Phase 1

Focus on maintaining distance and dodging its ranged ice attacks. Use ranged spells to chip away at its health. When it approaches for melee combat, switch to close-range attacks.

Phase 2

As Cloudtreading Deer’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive, employing poison-based attacks. Use cleansing potions to counter the poison damage and continue using fire-based spells to keep the pressure on.

Cloudtreading Deer Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Cloudtreading Deer, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Cloudtreading Deer Boss Fight Video

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Gold Armored Rhino Boss Guide: Defeat the Mythical Beast in Black Myth Wukong

Gold Armored Rhino Overview

The Gold Armored Rhino is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located at the Rhino Watch Slope. This area can be reached after acquiring the Flying Nimbus from the Supreme Inspector. Players need to navigate through the Foothills area, following the lightning strikes from the distance, to reach the battlefield. The Rhino’s arena is expansive, offering plenty of room to maneuver, but its aggressive nature requires players to be constantly vigilant and prepared for rapid, heavy attacks. Defeating the Gold Armored Rhino rewards players with the coveted Gold Suozi Armor, one of the most powerful armors in the game.

Gold Armored Rhino Attack Patterns

Understanding the Gold Armored Rhino’s attack patterns is crucial to successfully defeating this boss:

Heavy Melee Attacks

Description: The Rhino initiates the fight with a series of powerful melee attacks that can quickly drain your health if not dodged effectively.
Weakness: Dodge to the sides or backwards, waiting for the Rhino to finish its combo before counterattacking.

Shockwave Charge

Description: The Rhino charges forward, creating a shockwave that can inflict the Shock status, amplifying the damage you take from subsequent attacks.
Weakness: Maintain a safe distance and dodge sideways when the Rhino charges to avoid both the charge and the shockwave effect.

Horn Regeneration and Attack

Description: After its horn is broken, the Rhino regenerates it and prepares for another powerful attack.
Weakness: Use ranged attacks or abilities to keep pressure on the Rhino while maintaining a safe distance to avoid its regenerated horn attack.

Armored Defense

Description: Initially, the Rhino’s body is heavily armored, making most attacks ineffective.
Weakness: Focus on building your Focus Meter and use a heavy attack on the Rhino’s horn to break its armor and expose its vulnerable points.

Gold Armored Rhino Battle Strategy

To defeat the Gold Armored Rhino, players need to employ a combination of defensive tactics and strategic offense:

Recommended Skills

  • Equip skills that allow for quick evasion and counterattacks, such as Shadow Step.
  • Utilize ranged abilities like Wandering Wight’s Spirit Attack to help break the Rhino’s defenses and reduce the risk of close combat encounters.

Recommended Equipment

  • Equip high-defense armor sets, especially those that provide resistance to the Shock status.
  • Use weapons enhanced with damage-boosting attributes to break the Rhino’s armor faster and reduce the fight duration.


Phase 1: Breaking the Rhino’s Armor

  • The initial goal is to break the Rhino’s armor by focusing attacks on its horn. Build up the Focus Meter and execute heavy attacks on the horn to shatter the armor temporarily. Repeat this process as the horn regenerates, and attack the Rhino’s exposed areas for significant damage.

Phase 2: Dodging and Counterattacking

  • As the Rhino becomes more aggressive, it will start using faster and more frequent charge attacks. Keep your distance and dodge carefully to avoid taking damage. Wait for moments when the Rhino rears up on its hind legs to dodge and deliver counterattacks. Use spells and ranged attacks during these moments to maximize damage output.

Gold Armored Rhino Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Gold Armored Rhino, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Gold Armored Rhino Boss Fight Video

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Giant Shigandang Boss Guide: Defeat the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Giant Shigandang Overview

Giant Shigandang is a secret, optional boss in Black Myth: Wukong that players can encounter in Chapter 6. Known for its colossal size and formidable presence, this boss resembles a massive stone golem, with its lower body rooted underground. To unlock this fight, players must collect all four Skandha items spread across various chapters. The fight takes place in the Fright Cliff area, a secluded location accessible only after crossing multiple landmarks such as Sandgate Village, Valley of Despair, and Yellow Wind Formation.

Giant Shigandang Attack Patterns

Understanding Giant Shigandang’s attack patterns is essential for planning your strategy:

Charge Attack

Description: The boss charges at high speed on all fours, creating a shockwave upon impact.
Weakness: Dodge at the last moment to avoid the shockwave and use this opportunity to perform heavy attacks or combos.

Backhand Swipe

Description: A powerful backhand swipe that can knock players away.
Weakness: This attack can be parried with the Rock Solid skill or dodged, allowing for a counterattack.

Ground Slam

Description: The Giant Shigandang raises its arms and slams them down, sending shockwave rings across the ground.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwave rings to avoid damage, then move in quickly for a few attacks while it recovers.

Shockwave Burst

Description: When the boss’s health is low, it unleashes a series of shockwave bursts by pounding the ground multiple times.
Weakness: Keep a distance and use ranged attacks to wear down its health safely during this phase​.

Giant Shigandang Battle Strategy

Defeating Giant Shigandang requires patience and a good strategy to dodge its powerful attacks and strike during openings. Here is the recommended approach:

Recommended Skills

Equip the Rock Solid skill to block or parry its backhand swipes effectively. Utilize the Azure Dust Transformation to absorb damage during more dangerous phases.

Recommended Equipment

The Wind Bear Staff is highly recommended for its ability to boost damage output and critical hits. Craft and use Evil Repelling Medicament to enhance your defense throughout the battle.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and dodge the boss’s charges and shockwaves. Use quick attacks between its moves to chip away at its health.

Phase 2

As the boss’s health decreases, it will unleash more frequent shockwaves and perform multi-hit combos. Focus on dodging and using ranged attacks to stay safe. When the Giant Shigandang performs its Ground Slam, jump and move in for quick attacks during its recovery period.

Giant Shigandang Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Giant Shigandang, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Giant Shigandang Boss Fight Video

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Lang-Baw-Baw Boss Guide: Defeat the Electrified Frog in Black Myth Wukong

Lang-Baw-Baw Overview

Lang-Baw-Baw is an optional miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its electrified attacks and deceptive nature. Found in Chapter 2 near Sandgate Village, this frog-like Yaoguai Chief dwells in a watery pit that enhances its lightning-based abilities. The electrified environment makes this battle more challenging, requiring careful planning and quick reflexes to avoid enhanced shock attacks and maximize damage.

Lang-Baw-Baw Attack Patterns

Understanding Lang-Baw-Baw’s attack patterns is essential for developing a winning strategy:

Tongue Grab

Description: Lang-Baw-Baw releases an electrified arc of balls that circle around it before shooting towards the player.
Weakness: Dodge roll forward-left to avoid being grabbed.

Electric Burst

Description: The frog stands on its hind legs and releases a burst of electricity, followed by lightning strikes around the area.
Weakness: Stay mobile, sprint, and dodge roll when the yellow aura appears.

Lightning Tongue Sweep

Description: The frog braces itself and sweeps its electrified tongue back and forth three times.
Weakness: Dodge forward-left to end up on the frog’s right side and attack.

Electrified Spit

Description: Lang-Baw-Baw spits electrified projectiles that can track and curve toward the player.
Weakness: Keep your distance and jump or double-roll through the projectiles.

Electric Breath

Description: The frog releases electrified balls that circle around it before flying towards the player.
Weakness: Sprint in an arc around the frog to avoid the projectiles.

Lang-Baw-Baw Battle Strategy

Defeating Lang-Baw-Baw requires patience and precise timing to avoid its electrified attacks and find openings to counter:

Recommended Skills

Invest in Mysticism points to unlock the Immobilize spell, which can interrupt Lang-Baw-Baw’s electric attacks and provide critical openings for counterattacks.

Recommended Equipment

Equip gear that boosts agility and resistance to electric damage. Cloud Step is an excellent ability to create distance and heal when overwhelmed.


  • Stay near the back quarters of the frog, but avoid being directly behind it to reduce the risk of its Backward Retort kick while maintaining good angles for attacks.
  • Use Cloud Step to regroup when overwhelmed by Lang-Baw-Baw’s relentless attacks. This ability can provide a brief respite to heal or reposition.
  • Dodge rolls are key to avoiding many of Lang-Baw-Baw’s attacks, such as the Tongue Grab and Electric Burst. React quickly to minimize damage taken.
  • Conserve consumables for tougher battles ahead. Focus on skill-based combat rather than relying on expendable items.
  • Avoid electrified zones in the water to prevent enhanced damage from Lang-Baw-Baw’s electric attacks. Constant movement is crucial for survival.

Lang-Baw-Baw Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Lang-Baw-Baw, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing the best moments to dodge, counter, and utilize abilities effectively.

Watch the Lang-Baw-Baw Boss Fight Video

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Son of Stones Boss Guide: Defeat the Challenging Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Son of Stones Overview

Son of Stones is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in a hidden area that players can only reach by taking a secret path. As a stone-based entity, this boss boasts high defense and significant physical damage resistance. However, his agility is limited, making him vulnerable to quick attacks and spells that target his elemental weaknesses. Players must carefully navigate through his heavy strikes and use their environment to their advantage.

Son of Stones Attack Patterns

Understanding Son of Stones’ attack patterns is essential for surviving this challenging fight:

Stone Smash

Description: A powerful ground-pound that creates shockwaves damaging all players within range.
Weakness: Evade the shockwaves by jumping or dodging sideways, then capitalize on the short recovery period.

Rock Barrage

Description: Launches a series of boulders at the player, causing significant damage if hit.
Weakness: Utilize cover within the arena to block the projectiles, then approach him quickly to initiate close combat.

Stone Gaze

Description: Emits a beam that slows the player and deals continuous damage if caught.
Weakness: Dodge out of the beam’s path and close the distance quickly to avoid further damage.

Son of Stones Battle Strategy

To defeat Son of Stones, focus on evading his slow but powerful attacks and using elemental abilities. Here’s the best approach:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Quick Step for dodging heavy attacks and Earth Breaker for dealing damage that bypasses his high physical defense. Abilities that capitalize on elemental damage, such as Flame Strike, are also effective.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high mobility to quickly dodge attacks while maintaining a reasonable defense level. Weapons such as the Heavenly Sword or Magic Staff work well to exploit his elemental weaknesses.


Phase 1

In the first phase, prioritize dodging and learning his attack patterns. Target his weak points after he finishes a heavy attack. The key is to stay mobile and strike when the opportunity arises.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, Son of Stones becomes more aggressive, using more frequent Rock Barrages and Stone Gazes. Focus on maintaining distance, using ranged attacks to weaken him while avoiding his gaze.

Son of Stones Video Walkthrough

For a comprehensive visual guide, refer to the video walkthrough below. This guide details the best moments to attack, dodge, and use abilities against Son of Stones.

Watch the Son of Stones Boss Fight Video

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Water-Wood Beast Boss Guide: Conquer the Elemental Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Water-Wood Beast Overview

The Water-Wood Beast is an optional yet formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in Chapter 6 at the Foothills/Verdant Path location. This beast embodies the power of water and wood elements, making it a unique challenge for players due to its ability to manipulate both to create powerful attacks. The Water-Wood Beast is a massive creature with a combination of melee and area-of-effect (AoE) attacks that require quick reflexes and strategic planning to defeat.

Water-Wood Beast Attack Patterns

Understanding the Water-Wood Beast’s attack patterns is crucial for defeating it. Here are its primary attacks and how to counter them:

Branch Whip

Description: The Water-Wood Beast swings its massive branches to whip the area in front of it, causing heavy damage.
Weakness: Dodge backward or sideways to avoid the attack and use ranged attacks to counter when the beast is recovering.

Water Cannon

Description: It charges and releases a high-pressure water stream that travels in a straight line, knocking back and damaging anything in its path.
Weakness: Sidestep quickly to avoid the water stream and close the distance to land a few hits.

Root Entangle

Description: The boss summons roots from the ground to entangle the player, immobilizing them temporarily.
Weakness: Use quick evasive maneuvers to avoid getting caught or use an item to break free if entangled.

Hydro Burst

Description: The Water-Wood Beast charges up a powerful AoE water attack that damages all players within a certain radius.
Weakness: Keep a safe distance during the charge-up and move in to attack when the burst ends.

Water-Wood Beast Battle Strategy

To defeat the Water-Wood Beast, focus on dodging its long-range attacks and capitalizing on its recovery periods. Here is the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility and range-based skills such as Shadow Step for quick dodging and Aqua Shield to reduce damage from water-based attacks. Ranged abilities like Stone Throw can help maintain pressure without getting too close.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that offers high resistance to both water and physical damage, such as the Elemental Mantle. Weapons with a fast attack speed, like the Wind Cutter, are ideal for maximizing damage output when opportunities arise.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and focus on learning the Water-Wood Beast’s attack patterns. Use the environment to your advantage, taking cover when it uses ranged attacks. Prioritize avoiding damage and use hit-and-run tactics to chip away at its health.

Phase 2

As the boss’s health drops below 50%, it will increase the frequency and intensity of its AoE attacks. Keep your distance and use ranged abilities to whittle down its health while avoiding powerful attacks like the Hydro Burst.

Water-Wood Beast Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Water-Wood Beast, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Water-Wood Beast Boss Fight Video

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Poison Chief (x2) Boss Guide: Overcome the Twin Threats in Black Myth Wukong

Poison Chief Overview

The Poison Chiefs are a duo boss encounter in Black Myth: Wukong. They are known for their poisonous attacks and coordinated strategies that challenge the player’s multitasking and quick decision-making abilities. These two bosses are located in a toxic environment that constantly drains the player’s health. Mastering poison resistance and quick evasion skills are critical for survival.

Poison Chief Attack Patterns

Understanding each Poison Chief’s attack patterns is vital to defeating them effectively:

Poison Spit

Description: Both chiefs spit a glob of poison that spreads on impact, causing damage over time.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the poison splash and quickly reposition to counterattack.

Toxic Mist

Description: A cloud of poisonous mist envelops an area, reducing visibility and continuously damaging players who enter it.
Weakness: Stay clear of the mist and use ranged attacks to chip away at the boss’s health.

Coordinated Assault

Description: The two chiefs coordinate their melee and ranged attacks, making it difficult to find safe zones.
Weakness: Focus on one chief at a time to reduce their combined attack effectiveness.

Poison Chief Battle Strategy

To defeat Poison Chief (x2), players must manage their health carefully while keeping a close eye on both bosses’ movements. Here’s the best strategy for overcoming this fight:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that boost poison resistance, such as Iron Stomach. Use ranged abilities to keep distance and avoid unnecessary damage.

Recommended Equipment

Armor sets that offer high poison resistance, like the Serpent Scale Armor, are essential. Weapons with fast attack speeds, like the Twin Blades, allow for quick hit-and-run tactics.


Phase 1

Focus on one Poison Chief at a time. Keep moving to avoid poison areas and stay aware of the second boss’s ranged attacks. Patience is key – do not rush.

Phase 2

Once one chief is defeated, the other becomes more aggressive. Utilize your poison resistance skills and focus on dodging while looking for openings to strike.

Poison Chief Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Poison Chief (x2), watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing precise dodging techniques, attack timings, and the best strategies to employ.

Watch the Poison Chief (x2) Boss Fight Video

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