Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Boss Guide: Conquer the Secret Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Overview

The Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast is a secret boss located in the Bishui Cave, a hidden area in Chapter 5 of Black Myth: Wukong. This boss is known for its majestic appearance and fierce combat abilities, blending the movements of an ape with the strength and ferocity of a tiger. It is characterized by its horns and a flowing mane, making it a formidable opponent with a mix of fire and ice attacks that challenge players’ combat and strategy skills.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Attack Patterns

Understanding Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast’s attack patterns is crucial for surviving this tough encounter:

Fiery Pounce

Description: The beast leaps towards the player, causing a fiery explosion on impact.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before it lands to avoid damage and gain an opportunity for counterattacks.

Icy Breath

Description: A chilling breath attack that freezes everything in its path, slowing down players and making them vulnerable.
Weakness: Keep moving laterally to avoid the breath and stay out of its range.

Tail Sweep

Description: A wide tail sweep that can knock players back and deal heavy damage.
Weakness: Jump over the tail sweep or use a defensive ability to block it.

Roaring Fury

Description: A roar that increases its attack power while summoning smaller enemies to aid it in battle.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect (AoE) abilities to deal with summoned enemies quickly, then focus back on the beast.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Battle Strategy

To defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast, players need to manage both offense and defense carefully while adapting to its dual-elemental attacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that boost mobility and ice resistance, such as Evasion Roll to avoid fiery pounces and Ice Shield to mitigate freezing effects.

Recommended Equipment

Use gear that enhances fire and ice resistance. The Mythical Armor Set obtained earlier in the game provides balanced defense against both elements. For weapons, choose ones with quick attack speeds, like the Swift Blade, to exploit openings after dodging its attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its pounce and breath attacks. When it finishes an attack, move in quickly for a series of light strikes. Avoid overcommitting to heavy attacks, as the boss recovers quickly.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive and summon minions. Use AoE abilities to clear them, and maintain distance while countering its new attack patterns. Rely on defensive maneuvers and look for moments to use high-damage abilities safely.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Boss Fight Video

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