Crimson-Wing Vulture Boss Guide: Conquer the Skies in Black Myth Wukong

Crimson-Wing Vulture Overview

The Crimson-Wing Vulture is a mid-game boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its fierce aerial attacks and fiery abilities. This formidable foe resides atop the high cliffs of the Flaming Mountains, making the battle a challenging mix of vertical combat and dodging airborne strikes. With its blazing wings and quick movements, the Crimson-Wing Vulture tests players’ agility and precision in a fast-paced battle.

Crimson-Wing Vulture Attack Patterns

Understanding the Crimson-Wing Vulture’s attack patterns is crucial to overcoming this airborne adversary:

Blazing Dive

Description: The Vulture swoops down from above, igniting its wings to create a fiery trail that can burn the player if not avoided.
Weakness: Dodge sideways just as the Vulture begins its descent, then counterattack as it recovers from the dive.

Wing Flare

Description: A powerful flap of its wings sends out a wave of fire that spreads across the battlefield, dealing damage over time.
Weakness: Jump to avoid the initial wave and keep moving to avoid the lingering flames on the ground.

Aerial Talon Strike

Description: The Vulture rises high into the air before diving down to slash at the player with its razor-sharp talons.
Weakness: Time your dodge carefully to avoid the strike, then retaliate with quick attacks before it takes flight again.


Description: As its health drops, the Vulture summons a firestorm that rains down embers across the battlefield, causing area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Use this opportunity to close the distance and deliver heavy attacks while avoiding the falling embers.

Crimson-Wing Vulture Battle Strategy

To defeat the Crimson-Wing Vulture, focus on quick movements and well-timed dodges. Here’s the best strategy for success:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Cloud Step to stay mobile and dodge the Vulture’s aerial assaults. If you have ranged abilities such as Flame Dart, use them to chip away at its health from a distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip the Flameproof Mantle to reduce fire damage and the Light Armor set to maintain high agility. For weapons, choose those with fast attack speeds, such as the Swift Blade, to capitalize on the brief windows of opportunity after dodging its attacks.


Phase 1

Stay on the move to avoid the Vulture’s swooping dives and fire attacks. Use your ranged skills to weaken it from a distance, and only engage in close combat when it is recovering from a dive.

Phase 2

As the Vulture’s health decreases, it will summon a firestorm. Use this chaos to your advantage by moving in close and dealing heavy damage, but be mindful of the falling embers and continue to dodge its aerial attacks.

Crimson-Wing Vulture Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Crimson-Wing Vulture, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Crimson-Wing Vulture Boss Fight Video

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Ironclad Minotaur Boss Guide: Defeat the Mighty Minotaur in Black Myth Wukong

Ironclad Minotaur Overview

The Ironclad Minotaur is a powerful boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its formidable defense and strength. Found in the later stages of the game, this boss requires careful strategy and patience. The Ironclad Minotaur is characterized by its immense size, heavy armor, and relentless melee attacks, which can quickly deplete a player’s health if they are not cautious. The battle against the Ironclad Minotaur is divided into two phases, each increasing in difficulty as the boss becomes more aggressive and unpredictable.

Ironclad Minotaur Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Ironclad Minotaur is essential for surviving this challenging fight:

Heavy Stomp

Description: The Ironclad Minotaur lifts its massive foot and slams it down, creating a shockwave that damages all nearby players.
Weakness: Dodge backward just as its foot is about to hit the ground to avoid the shockwave and create an opportunity for a quick counterattack.

Horn Charge

Description: A swift charge attack where the Ironclad Minotaur lowers its head and rushes forward, attempting to gore its target with its horns.
Weakness: Sidestep at the last moment to avoid the charge and follow up with a flurry of quick attacks from behind.

Iron Smash

Description: A devastating overhead smash with its massive iron club. The attack has a long wind-up but deals significant damage.
Weakness: Roll to the side just before the club comes down. The long recovery time after the attack provides an opportunity for heavy strikes.

Enrage Mode

Description: When its health drops below 50%, the Ironclad Minotaur enters an enraged state, increasing its attack speed and damage output. It also becomes more aggressive with its Horn Charge and Iron Smash attacks.
Weakness: Maintain distance during this phase and focus on dodging. Use ranged abilities to chip away at its health safely.

Ironclad Minotaur Battle Strategy

To defeat the Ironclad Minotaur, players must focus on precise dodging and well-timed counterattacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Shadow Step to dodge its powerful charges and stomps. Ranged abilities like Fiery Arrow or Stone Throw are also useful to maintain damage output while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Opt for armor that balances defense and agility, such as the Light Iron Armor, to absorb some damage while maintaining the ability to dodge swiftly. Weapons that offer a balance between speed and damage, like the Iron Fang Sword, are ideal for this fight.


Phase 1

During the first phase, the key to success is patience. Focus on dodging its slow but powerful attacks and counterattacking when it is recovering. Avoid getting greedy with attacks; a few well-timed strikes are better than risking a heavy blow.

Phase 2

As the Ironclad Minotaur becomes enraged, its attacks become faster and harder to dodge. Shift your strategy to maintaining distance, using ranged attacks, and only closing in for quick, decisive strikes. Utilize healing items strategically, and always prioritize dodging over offense during this phase.

Ironclad Minotaur Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Ironclad Minotaur, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides detailed insights into the boss’s attack patterns, ideal moments to strike, and defensive maneuvers to employ.

Watch the Ironclad Minotaur Boss Fight Video

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Emerald Phoenix Boss Guide: Overcome the Fiery Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Emerald Phoenix Overview

Emerald Phoenix is a challenging mid-game boss in Black Myth: Wukong, located in the Flaming Mountains area. Known for its ability to unleash powerful fire-based attacks and swift aerial maneuvers, Emerald Phoenix poses a significant threat to unprepared players. The boss battle is divided into two phases, with the second phase intensifying the fight as Emerald Phoenix becomes more aggressive and gains additional fire abilities.

Emerald Phoenix Attack Patterns

Understanding Emerald Phoenix’s attack patterns is essential for planning a successful strategy:

Fiery Talon Strike

Description: Emerald Phoenix swoops down with a fiery talon attack that deals high damage in a wide arc.
Weakness: Roll to the side just before the attack lands. This leaves the boss vulnerable for a counterattack.

Flame Wave

Description: A sweeping flame attack that emanates from the Phoenix’s wings, covering a broad area in front.
Weakness: Quickly move behind the boss to avoid the flames and land a few quick hits while it’s recovering.

Aerial Dive

Description: The boss ascends high into the air and dives down rapidly to deal heavy damage.
Weakness: Time your dodge roll perfectly to avoid the dive and get in a few hits during the recovery period.

Inferno Burst

Description: In its second phase, Emerald Phoenix ignites the battlefield, causing burn damage over time.
Weakness: Use fire-resistant equipment and healing items to mitigate the damage. Position yourself near the outer edges of the arena to avoid the concentrated fire zones.

Emerald Phoenix Battle Strategy

To defeat Emerald Phoenix, players need to focus on timing their dodges and exploiting the boss’s recovery windows. Here are the best strategies for a successful battle:

Recommended Skills

Equip evasion and speed-based skills such as Shadow Step to dodge the Phoenix’s swift aerial and flame attacks. Use ranged abilities like Ice Shard to deal damage from a distance when the boss is airborne.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle and Flame Resistant Armor to reduce the damage from fire-based attacks in the second phase. Equip a fast weapon like the Swift Sword to maximize damage during the brief moments when the boss is vulnerable.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Phoenix’s sweeping attacks and landing quick counterattacks. Stay mobile and avoid using heavy attacks that could leave you exposed.

Phase 2

Once Emerald Phoenix enters its second phase, the battlefield becomes more hazardous. Maintain a safe distance and use ranged attacks to chip away at its health. Utilize fire-resistant gear to manage the continuous damage and keep your health topped up with healing items.

Emerald Phoenix Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Emerald Phoenix, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, highlighting the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Emerald Phoenix Boss Fight Video

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Jade Serpent King Boss Guide: Overcome the Cunning Serpent in Black Myth Wukong

Jade Serpent King Overview

Jade Serpent King is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong located in the lush Bamboo Grove area. Known for his deceptive speed and deadly poison attacks, he challenges players with swift strikes and tricky maneuvers. His serpent form allows him to strike from unexpected angles, requiring constant vigilance and adaptability from players.

Jade Serpent King Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Jade Serpent King is crucial to survival:

Venomous Fang

Description: A swift lunge attack where the Jade Serpent King bites the player, inflicting poison damage over time.
Weakness: Dodge sideways to avoid the bite and counter quickly before the boss recoils.

Tail Whip

Description: Spins around rapidly to whip his tail, dealing area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Back away or dodge backward to avoid the attack. Use the opening to land a heavy attack.

Slither Strike

Description: The boss slithers rapidly across the arena, attempting to knock players down.
Weakness: Use the Shadow Step ability to evade, then strike when he stops to recover.

Poison Mist

Description: Releases a cloud of poison that lingers in the area, causing continuous damage if players remain inside.
Weakness: Move out of the cloud quickly and use ranged attacks or spells to chip away at his health while maintaining a safe distance.

Jade Serpent King Battle Strategy

Defeating the Jade Serpent King requires a combination of agility and strategic use of skills:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Shadow Step and Venom Cleanse to dodge quickly and remove poison effects. Using ranged abilities such as Fireball can help maintain distance while dealing damage.

Recommended Equipment

Equip the Venom Ward Mantle to reduce poison damage and Ironhide Armor for increased defense against physical attacks. Fast weapons like the Swift Blade are ideal for quick, successive strikes.


Phase 1

Focus on learning his attack patterns and timing your dodges. Use quick attack combos after dodging his lunge or tail whip. Avoid staying too close to him for extended periods to prevent getting caught in his poison mist.

Phase 2

When his health drops below 50%, he becomes more aggressive and uses poison attacks more frequently. Utilize the Venom Cleanse skill to counter his poison effects and continue attacking from a distance using spells or ranged weapons.

Jade Serpent King Video Walkthrough

For a detailed visual guide on how to defeat the Jade Serpent King, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the optimal times to dodge, attack, and utilize skills effectively for maximum damage.

Watch the Jade Serpent King Boss Fight Video

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Tiger Demon Lord Boss Guide: Overcome This Fierce Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Tiger Demon Lord Overview

The Tiger Demon Lord is one of the formidable bosses in Black Myth: Wukong, appearing in Chapter 2. This boss is known for his ferocity and quick attacks, demanding players to master defensive maneuvers and timing. Residing in the Crouching Tiger Temple, the Tiger Demon Lord is a guardian that tests your combat skills and strategic thinking. His appearance is intimidating, with a towering frame and claws capable of dealing massive damage. Players must carefully plan their approach, leveraging both offensive and defensive strategies to defeat this challenging opponent.

Tiger Demon Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Tiger Demon Lord is crucial for survival. Here are the primary attacks to watch out for:

Tiger Slash

Description: A swift, sweeping attack with his claws that covers a wide area.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just as the attack begins. This provides a short window for counterattacks.

Pouncing Fury

Description: The Tiger Demon Lord leaps into the air and slams down with great force, creating a shockwave that can knock players back.
Weakness: Roll away from the impact zone to avoid the shockwave, then quickly close in for a few hits while he recovers.

Roaring Charge

Description: A fast, straight-line charge that deals significant damage to anything in its path.
Weakness: Sidestep the charge and use this opportunity to attack from behind while he slows down.

Defensive Growl

Description: When his health drops below 50%, he lets out a growl that boosts his defense temporarily and reduces the damage he takes.
Weakness: Use ranged attacks or high-damage abilities during this phase. Be patient and avoid close combat until the effect wears off.

Tiger Demon Lord Battle Strategy

To defeat the Tiger Demon Lord, focus on dodging his swift attacks and counterattacking during his recovery periods. Below are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Shadow Step to quickly dodge his slashes and charges. If you have unlocked ranged abilities like Stone Throw, use them to inflict damage safely from a distance during his Defensive Growl phase.

Recommended Equipment

Use weapons with a fast attack speed to maximize damage during the brief moments when the Tiger Demon Lord is vulnerable. The Swift Blade or Light Staff are ideal choices. For armor, prioritize defense and agility to survive his powerful blows without sacrificing too much mobility.


Phase 1

Focus on learning his attack patterns and maintaining mobility. The key to Phase 1 is patience; wait for the Tiger Demon Lord to overextend with his attacks, then counter with quick strikes.

Phase 2

Once his health drops below 50%, he will enter a more defensive stance. During this phase, shift your focus to using ranged attacks and abilities. Keep your distance, and exploit his slower movements to stay out of danger while dealing consistent damage.

Tiger Demon Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Tiger Demon Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing you exactly when to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Tiger Demon Lord Boss Fight Video

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Lotusroot Demon Boss Guide: Defeat the Challenging Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Lotusroot Demon Overview

Lotusroot Demon is a mid-level boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its grotesque appearance and formidable combat abilities. This boss is encountered in the Bamboo Grove region of Chapter 1. Unlike some other bosses, Lotusroot Demon employs a variety of ranged and melee attacks that can quickly overwhelm unprepared players. Its origin lies in corrupted flora, and it uses the environment to its advantage, making it a significant challenge for players progressing through this part of the game.

Lotusroot Demon Attack Patterns

Understanding Lotusroot Demon’s attack patterns is crucial to avoid damage and prepare counterattacks:

Vine Whip

Description: Lotusroot Demon uses its elongated vines to whip players from a distance, dealing moderate damage and causing a brief stun.
Weakness: Stay out of the attack range or use the Shadow Step skill to dodge sideways. This creates an opportunity for a counterattack when the vines retract.

Seed Burst

Description: The boss shoots out explosive seeds in a cone-shaped pattern, which can cause massive damage if multiple seeds hit.
Weakness: Dodge backward to avoid the explosion radius, then quickly close the distance to land melee attacks while it recovers.

Root Grasp

Description: Lotusroot Demon extends its roots underground and attempts to grab the player, immobilizing them for a short period and dealing continuous damage.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid the grasp area. If caught, break free as quickly as possible by pressing the dodge button repeatedly.

Toxic Spore Cloud

Description: In its second phase, Lotusroot Demon releases a cloud of toxic spores that slowly drains the player’s health if they stay within the area.
Weakness: Equip a Purification Elixir to negate the poison effect or maintain distance to avoid entering the toxic cloud.

Lotusroot Demon Battle Strategy

To defeat Lotusroot Demon, players need to balance between aggressive and defensive strategies. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

  • Shadow Step: Essential for dodging the Vine Whip and Seed Burst attacks.
  • Wind Slash: Allows for quick ranged attacks that can chip away at the demon’s health from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

  • Equip the Fireproof Mantle to reduce damage from Seed Burst explosions.
  • Use the Swift Blade to maximize damage output during quick attack windows after dodging.


Phase 1

Start by keeping your distance and observing the attack patterns. Dodge Vine Whip and Seed Burst attacks and use quick, successive melee attacks when the demon is recovering. Prioritize avoiding the Root Grasp by constantly moving.

Phase 2

When the demon’s health is below 50%, it will use the Toxic Spore Cloud more frequently. Keep a Purification Elixir ready and focus on using ranged abilities like Wind Slash to minimize contact with the toxic area. Use hit-and-run tactics to maintain pressure without risking heavy damage.

Lotusroot Demon Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Lotusroot Demon, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your skills effectively.

Watch the Lotusroot Demon Boss Fight Video

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Shadowshade Lord Boss Guide: Master the Shadows in Black Myth Wukong

Shadowshade Lord Overview

The Shadowshade Lord is a challenging boss in Black Myth: Wukong known for its elusive combat style and ability to control shadows. Found in the deep recesses of the Darkwood Hollow area, this boss tests players’ agility and awareness with its fast-paced attacks and shadow manipulation skills. As a shadow element adversary, Shadowshade Lord can move swiftly between shadows and launch surprise attacks, making it essential for players to stay alert and anticipate its moves.

Shadowshade Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Shadowshade Lord is crucial for victory:

Shadow Strike

Description: The Shadowshade Lord disappears into the shadows and reappears behind the player for a quick stab.
Weakness: Keep moving and use quick dodges to avoid this surprise attack. Counterattack immediately after dodging.

Darkwave Slash

Description: It unleashes a sweeping slash that sends a wave of dark energy across the battlefield.
Weakness: Jump or roll to the side to avoid the dark energy wave, and close the gap to deliver a few hits.

Shadowstep Teleport

Description: Teleports to a random shadow on the battlefield and unleashes a barrage of fast strikes.
Weakness: Use defensive spells like Stone Guard to block the incoming attacks or dodge rapidly. Strike back during the short cooldown after this move.

Shadow Cloak

Description: Becomes invisible for a short time, making it difficult to predict its next move.
Weakness: Use area-of-effect (AoE) spells or attacks to reveal the boss’s location and break its invisibility.

Shadowshade Lord Battle Strategy

Defeating the Shadowshade Lord requires a combination of agility, strategic movement, and precise timing. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills such as Blink Dash to quickly reposition and avoid its surprise attacks. Use AoE abilities like Blazing Cyclone to deal damage even when the boss is invisible.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor sets that boost agility and resistance to shadow damage, such as the Moonlit Armor. Equip fast-attack weapons like the Twin Blades to exploit openings after its Shadowstep Teleport.


Phase 1

During the initial phase, focus on staying mobile to avoid the boss’s Shadow Strike and Darkwave Slash. Use quick attacks to chip away at its health. The key is to maintain distance and react quickly to its shadow-based attacks.

Phase 2

Once its health drops below 50%, Shadowshade Lord will frequently use Shadow Cloak to disappear and strike unpredictably. Use AoE spells to force it out of invisibility and capitalize on its moment of weakness to deliver heavy damage.

Shadowshade Lord Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Shadowshade Lord, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing you exactly when to dodge, attack, and utilize your abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Shadowshade Lord Boss Fight Video

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Gilded Moth Monarch Boss Guide: Overcome the Lethal Monarch in Black Myth Wukong

Gilded Moth Monarch Overview

Gilded Moth Monarch is a daunting boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong and is notorious for its agility and the ability to inflict various status effects on players. Found in a hidden chamber within the dense, misty forests of Chapter 3, this boss is designed to test the player’s adaptability in combat. Known for its swift aerial maneuvers and toxic scales, the Gilded Moth Monarch presents a significant challenge, requiring players to balance offense and defense strategically.

Gilded Moth Monarch Attack Patterns

Understanding Gilded Moth Monarch’s attack patterns is critical for survival:

Poisonous Scales

Description: Gilded Moth Monarch flutters its wings, releasing toxic scales that cover a wide area and inflict poison damage over time.
Weakness: Stay out of the scale cloud’s range and use skills or items that cleanse poison effects.

Wing Gust

Description: A powerful gust of wind generated by its wings that pushes players away, potentially knocking them into traps or hazards.
Weakness: Use guard or quick dodge to maintain positioning and avoid being pushed into danger.

Dive Bomb

Description: The boss flies high into the air and dive-bombs towards the player with incredible speed, causing significant damage.
Weakness: Dodge to the side at the last moment to avoid the attack and counter when the boss is temporarily stunned on the ground.

Aerial Slash

Description: A series of quick slashes while in the air that can catch players off guard.
Weakness: Keep moving and use ranged attacks to avoid being caught in the flurry.

Gilded Moth Monarch Battle Strategy

To defeat the Gilded Moth Monarch, you need a strategy focused on avoiding its status-inflicting attacks and exploiting its vulnerability periods. Here’s the best approach to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Utilize Wind Step for enhanced mobility to dodge the Dive Bomb and Aerial Slash attacks. If you have access to ranged skills such as Spirit Arrow, these are effective for dealing damage while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip gear that boosts poison resistance, such as the Venom Ward Mantle. Weapons like the Thunderstrike Blade are effective due to their reach and speed, allowing you to hit the boss when it’s grounded.


Phase 1

Focus on learning the attack patterns while maintaining a mid-range distance to avoid getting overwhelmed by the Poisonous Scales. Use quick attacks and be ready to dodge whenever the boss initiates a Dive Bomb.

Phase 2

Once the Gilded Moth Monarch’s health drops below 50%, it will become more aggressive and use its Wing Gust more frequently to push you into hazardous areas. Prioritize positioning and use the environment to your advantage. Keep up the pressure with ranged attacks and take advantage of any openings when the boss is grounded.

Gilded Moth Monarch Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Gilded Moth Monarch, watch the video below. This walkthrough details every phase of the fight, showing precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Gilded Moth Monarch Boss Fight Video

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Silver-Eyed Serpent Boss Guide: Conquer the Deadly Snake in Black Myth Wukong

Silver-Eyed Serpent Overview

The Silver-Eyed Serpent is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its swift movements and venomous attacks. This boss lurks in a dark, misty cave, making visibility challenging and adding to the intensity of the fight. The Silver-Eyed Serpent’s unique characteristic is its ability to hide in the shadows and strike unexpectedly, making it crucial for players to stay vigilant and react quickly. Its eyes, glowing silver in the dim light, are both a warning and a weak point.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Attack Patterns

Understanding the Silver-Eyed Serpent’s attack patterns is essential for planning your approach:

Venomous Bite

Description: The Silver-Eyed Serpent lunges forward to deliver a poisonous bite that inflicts heavy damage and poison status.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the lunge to avoid being bitten. If poisoned, use an antidote to counteract the effect.

Shadow Strike

Description: The boss disappears into the shadows and reappears behind the player, delivering a quick tail swipe.
Weakness: Keep moving and use your mobility skills to avoid being caught off guard. Counter with a quick attack when it reappears.

Constricting Coil

Description: The serpent wraps around the player, squeezing tightly and draining health over time.
Weakness: Use a quick dodge to break free before the constriction is complete. This move has a long wind-up, giving players time to react.

Blinding Mist

Description: The serpent releases a cloud of mist that reduces visibility and can cause confusion status.
Weakness: Move away from the mist-covered area and use ranged attacks to maintain pressure on the boss while avoiding confusion.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Battle Strategy

To defeat the Silver-Eyed Serpent, players need to focus on maintaining their distance, watching for its hidden strikes, and countering its poisonous attacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills such as Shadow Step to quickly dodge its swift and sudden attacks. Use ranged abilities like Flame Burst to deal damage from a safe distance while avoiding its dangerous bites.

Recommended Equipment

Wear armor with high resistance to poison, such as the Venom Guard Set, to reduce the impact of its venomous attacks. Equip weapons that have high mobility and can strike quickly, like the Swift Blade, to maximize damage during brief attack windows.


Phase 1

Stay agile and keep your distance, watching for its lunging bites and shadow attacks. Use quick strikes when you have an opening, and avoid heavy attacks that could leave you exposed.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, the serpent becomes more aggressive, frequently using its Blinding Mist and Constricting Coil attacks. Use the terrain to your advantage to avoid getting caught in the mist, and focus on countering with quick, precise attacks to finish the fight.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Silver-Eyed Serpent, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing when to dodge, attack, and use abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Silver-Eyed Serpent Boss Fight Video

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Frostfeather Beast Boss Guide: How to Conquer the Frozen Menace in Black Myth Wukong

Frostfeather Beast Overview

The Frostfeather Beast is one of the formidable bosses in Black Myth: Wukong that players encounter in a frozen, snowy terrain. This beast, covered in thick, icy feathers, can unleash powerful frost-based attacks that can freeze and slow players’ movements. It is known for its agility and the ability to control the battlefield with chilling gusts of wind and ice shards. Players must carefully manage their positioning and be prepared for sudden attacks that can inflict freeze status.

Frostfeather Beast Attack Patterns

Understanding the Frostfeather Beast’s attack patterns is essential to developing an effective strategy:

Ice Shard Barrage

Description: The beast launches a series of ice shards in a straight line.
Weakness: Sidestep quickly to avoid the shards and close in for melee attacks during the recovery period.

Frost Gust

Description: Unleashes a gust of icy wind that pushes players back and deals frost damage over time.
Weakness: Block or use a defensive ability to minimize damage, and then reposition to the side for a counterattack.

Aerial Dive

Description: The Frostfeather Beast flies up and dives down rapidly, causing area damage on impact.
Weakness: Roll away just as the beast begins its dive and prepare for a follow-up attack once it lands.

Freeze Blast

Description: Fires a concentrated blast of ice that can freeze players in place.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid being targeted, and use high-damage spells or ranged attacks while the beast charges up.

Frostfeather Beast Battle Strategy

To defeat the Frostfeather Beast, you must focus on mobility and evasion. Here’s the best approach to take down this icy adversary:

Recommended Skills

Equip spells like Flame Burst to exploit the Frostfeather Beast’s vulnerability to fire. Skills that enhance dodging, such as Shadow Step, are crucial for avoiding its fast attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Using fire-resistant armor like the Flameguard Vest can help reduce frost damage. Equip weapons that allow for quick attacks to maximize damage output during the beast’s recovery periods.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the beast’s Ice Shard Barrage and closing the distance for melee strikes. Avoid staying in one place for too long, as the Frostfeather Beast often uses area control attacks to catch stationary targets off-guard.

Phase 2

Once its health drops below 50%, the beast becomes more aggressive and uses its Freeze Blast more frequently. Continue to evade using quick steps and maintain pressure with fire-based spells or ranged attacks to chip away its health from a safe distance.

Frostfeather Beast Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Frostfeather Beast, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, demonstrating the timing for dodges, counters, and optimal use of abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Frostfeather Beast Boss Fight Video

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