Wind-Chaser King Boss Guide: Overcome the Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Wind-Chaser King Overview

The Wind-Chaser King is a significant boss in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in the Black Wind Cave area. This boss is an essential part of the storyline, and defeating him is crucial to progress further in the game. Known for his agility and complex attack patterns, the Wind-Chaser King uses both physical and fire-based attacks, often transforming into wind and teleporting around the arena. Players will need to be well-prepared with high-defense outfits like the Fireproof Mantle to withstand his fiery onslaught.

Wind-Chaser King Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Wind-Chaser King is key to surviving and winning this challenging battle:

Jump and Double Spin

Description: The Wind-Chaser King jumps into the air and comes down with a spear thrust, followed by two spin attacks.
Weakness: Dodge the initial thrust and follow up with a quick counterattack after the spins.

Black Wind Transformation

Description: The boss transforms into a black wind and becomes invulnerable while moving around the arena.
Weakness: Use the Immobilize spell before his transformation to force him to reappear and attack.

Air Burst

Description: After the Black Wind transformation ends, the boss rematerializes in the center and causes an explosion.
Weakness: Stay out of the explosion’s range and use this time to charge a heavy attack from a distance.

Six-hit Combo

Description: The Wind-Chaser King unleashes a series of quick attacks followed by a delayed overhead strike and three rapid strikes.
Weakness: Time your dodges carefully to avoid getting hit, and look for openings after the combo to strike back.

Vanishing and Spear Throw

Description: The boss creates an illusion, turns into the wind, and throws spears while invisible.
Weakness: Keep an eye on the surroundings to avoid the spears and prepare to dodge his real form.

Four-hit Combo with Spear Vault

Description: A sequence starting with a spear thrust into the ground, followed by a jump and an explosion on landing.
Weakness: Keep your distance during the explosion, then move in to attack.

Fire Breath

Description: The boss drinks from his gourd and breathes fire in a wide arc.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the flames, and counterattack if you see an opportunity.


Description: Occasionally, the boss drinks from his gourd to heal.
Weakness: Attack him quickly to interrupt the healing process.

Wind-Chaser King Battle Strategy

To defeat the Wind-Chaser King, focus on maintaining mobility and using the right abilities at the right times. Here’s a strategic breakdown:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and allow quick dodges, such as Shadow Step. Use Immobilize to interrupt his transformations and healing attempts. A skill like Red Tides can be effective for dealing fire damage at the beginning of the fight.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Fireproof Mantle and high-defense armor to reduce fire and physical damage. Equip weapons with good reach and speed, like the Thrust Stance, to deal damage safely after dodging.


Phase 1

At the start of the fight, close in quickly and apply pressure using fire-based skills like Red Tides. Avoid getting hit by his multi-stage combos by mastering the timing of your dodges.

Phase 2

As the battle progresses, the Wind-Chaser King will use more advanced moves, such as the Black Wind Transformation and vanishing tricks. Use Immobilize strategically to counter these phases and capitalize on his vulnerability when he rematerializes.

Wind-Chaser King Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Wind-Chaser King, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, highlighting the moments to dodge, counter, and utilize abilities effectively.

Watch the Wind-Chaser King Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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