Silver-Eyed Serpent Boss Guide: Conquer the Deadly Snake in Black Myth Wukong

Silver-Eyed Serpent Overview

The Silver-Eyed Serpent is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its swift movements and venomous attacks. This boss lurks in a dark, misty cave, making visibility challenging and adding to the intensity of the fight. The Silver-Eyed Serpent’s unique characteristic is its ability to hide in the shadows and strike unexpectedly, making it crucial for players to stay vigilant and react quickly. Its eyes, glowing silver in the dim light, are both a warning and a weak point.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Attack Patterns

Understanding the Silver-Eyed Serpent’s attack patterns is essential for planning your approach:

Venomous Bite

Description: The Silver-Eyed Serpent lunges forward to deliver a poisonous bite that inflicts heavy damage and poison status.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the lunge to avoid being bitten. If poisoned, use an antidote to counteract the effect.

Shadow Strike

Description: The boss disappears into the shadows and reappears behind the player, delivering a quick tail swipe.
Weakness: Keep moving and use your mobility skills to avoid being caught off guard. Counter with a quick attack when it reappears.

Constricting Coil

Description: The serpent wraps around the player, squeezing tightly and draining health over time.
Weakness: Use a quick dodge to break free before the constriction is complete. This move has a long wind-up, giving players time to react.

Blinding Mist

Description: The serpent releases a cloud of mist that reduces visibility and can cause confusion status.
Weakness: Move away from the mist-covered area and use ranged attacks to maintain pressure on the boss while avoiding confusion.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Battle Strategy

To defeat the Silver-Eyed Serpent, players need to focus on maintaining their distance, watching for its hidden strikes, and countering its poisonous attacks. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip agility-based skills such as Shadow Step to quickly dodge its swift and sudden attacks. Use ranged abilities like Flame Burst to deal damage from a safe distance while avoiding its dangerous bites.

Recommended Equipment

Wear armor with high resistance to poison, such as the Venom Guard Set, to reduce the impact of its venomous attacks. Equip weapons that have high mobility and can strike quickly, like the Swift Blade, to maximize damage during brief attack windows.


Phase 1

Stay agile and keep your distance, watching for its lunging bites and shadow attacks. Use quick strikes when you have an opening, and avoid heavy attacks that could leave you exposed.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, the serpent becomes more aggressive, frequently using its Blinding Mist and Constricting Coil attacks. Use the terrain to your advantage to avoid getting caught in the mist, and focus on countering with quick, precise attacks to finish the fight.

Silver-Eyed Serpent Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Silver-Eyed Serpent, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing when to dodge, attack, and use abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Silver-Eyed Serpent Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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