Venom Demon Lord Boss Guide: Defeat the Toxic Menace in Black Myth Wukong

Venom Demon Lord Overview

The Venom Demon Lord is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, renowned for his toxic attacks and high resilience. This menacing creature resides in the depths of the Poisoned Marsh, a treacherous area known for its hazardous environment. As the third major boss encounter, the Venom Demon Lord poses a unique challenge with his ability to inflict poison damage and summon minions to aid him in battle. His intimidating presence and complex attack patterns make him a memorable adversary for players.

Venom Demon Lord Attack Patterns

Understanding the Venom Demon Lord’s attack patterns is crucial for defeating him:

Toxic Slash

Description: The Venom Demon Lord slashes with his venomous claws, releasing a cloud of poisonous gas.
Weakness: Dodge to the side to avoid the gas cloud. Attack quickly during the brief window before he recovers.

Poison Nova

Description: The boss releases a wave of toxic energy that covers a wide area, poisoning players who are caught in it.
Weakness: Stay outside the area of effect. Use a poison immunity potion or ability if available.

Summon Minions

Description: The Venom Demon Lord periodically summons smaller venomous creatures to assist him.
Weakness: Focus on eliminating the minions quickly to avoid being overwhelmed, then return your focus to the boss.

Venomous Roar

Description: When his health drops below 50%, he unleashes a roar that increases his poison damage and spreads a toxic aura around him.
Weakness: Use ranged attacks and maintain distance during this phase. Utilize antidotes or healing items to counteract the poison damage.

Venom Demon Lord Battle Strategy

To successfully defeat the Venom Demon Lord, follow these strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide poison resistance or mitigation, such as Antidote Strike. Ranged abilities like Fireball are effective for staying out of the boss’s melee range while dealing damage.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high poison resistance, such as the Toxic Barrier Armor, to reduce damage from his attacks. Equip weapons with good area-of-effect capabilities, like the Dragon Slayer Sword, to handle his minions effectively.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging his Toxic Slash and Poison Nova attacks. Eliminate any minions that are summoned and attack during his recovery periods. Keep moving to avoid poison clouds and stay mobile to dodge his area attacks.

Phase 2

As his health falls below 50%, be prepared for increased poison damage and more frequent minion summons. Maintain your distance and use ranged attacks to deal consistent damage while managing poison effects with antidotes and healing items.

Venom Demon Lord Video Walkthrough

Watch the video below for a detailed walkthrough of the Venom Demon Lord fight. This guide will show you when to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively against this toxic foe.

Watch the Venom Demon Lord Boss Fight Video

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Storm-Bringer Boss Guide: Overcome the Storm Master in Black Myth Wukong

Storm-Bringer Overview

Storm-Bringer is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for his control over the elements and his tempestuous attacks. This boss is encountered in the Thunderclap Cavern, a location shrouded in perpetual storm clouds. Storm-Bringer is a towering figure with the ability to summon lightning and manipulate wind to create devastating attacks. His presence and battle are reminiscent of the ancient thunder gods from mythologies, adding a layer of challenge with his elemental abilities and high mobility.

Storm-Bringer Attack Patterns

Understanding Storm-Bringer’s attack patterns is essential for formulating a winning strategy:

Lightning Strike

Description: Storm-Bringer summons lightning to strike a specific area, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught within.
Weakness: Observe the electrical charge buildup and move out of the targeted zone before the strike lands. Attack from a distance while he prepares his next move.

Wind Gust

Description: He generates a powerful wind gust that pushes players away and disrupts their positioning.
Weakness: Brace against the wind by using defensive skills or abilities that stabilize your position. Quickly close the gap once the gust subsides.

Thunderclap Smash

Description: Storm-Bringer slams his staff onto the ground, causing a shockwave that can knock players down.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwave or use agility skills to avoid being knocked down. Counterattack when he’s vulnerable after the smash.

Tempest Fury

Description: In his final phase, Storm-Bringer unleashes a storm that deals continuous lightning damage in a wide radius.
Weakness: Use movement-based skills to stay mobile and avoid prolonged exposure to the storm’s radius. Ranged attacks and area-of-effect skills are effective during this phase.

Storm-Bringer Battle Strategy

To defeat Storm-Bringer, focus on avoiding his powerful elemental attacks and exploiting his moments of vulnerability. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and defensive capabilities, such as Storm Shield to protect against lightning and Wind Step to navigate the gusts. Ranged abilities like Lightning Bolt can be used to deal damage while maintaining distance.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high elemental resistance to mitigate storm damage. The Thunder Guard and Storm Cloak are excellent choices for reducing lightning damage and improving survivability. Equip weapons with high burst damage to exploit his recovery periods.


Phase 1

During the initial phase, focus on avoiding his lightning strikes and wind gusts. Use high mobility to stay out of the targeted strike areas and maintain pressure during his recovery times.

Phase 2

As Storm-Bringer’s health drops below 50%, he will enter a more aggressive phase with continuous storm attacks. Maintain your distance and use ranged abilities to deal damage while avoiding the storm’s damage radius. Be prepared to dodge frequent lightning strikes and wind gusts.

Storm-Bringer Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Storm-Bringer, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates key moments in the boss fight, including when to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Storm-Bringer Boss Fight Video

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Molten Spirit Boss Guide: Conquer the Fiery Adversary in Black Myth Wukong

Molten Spirit Overview

Molten Spirit is a formidable boss encountered in the depths of the Lava Caves in Black Myth: Wukong. This fiery entity is known for its volcanic appearance and intense heat-based attacks. Originating from the ancient flames of the underworld, Molten Spirit is a test of endurance and strategy for players. It uses its molten core to unleash devastating attacks that can overwhelm unprepared adventurers. As a guardian of the lava realm, defeating Molten Spirit requires careful timing and precise execution.

Molten Spirit Attack Patterns

Molten Spirit’s attacks revolve around its fiery nature, combining both area-of-effect and direct damage moves:

Lava Burst

Description: Molten Spirit shoots out a large burst of lava from its core, creating a damaging area on the ground.
Weakness: Move out of the burst area quickly. The lava pools remain hot for a short period, so avoid standing in them.

Magma Slam

Description: It slams its molten fist into the ground, causing magma to erupt around it.
Weakness: Dodge the slam by moving sideways, then counterattack while it is momentarily stunned.


Description: Molten Spirit channels heat and erupts in a wide radius of molten lava.
Weakness: Watch for the charge-up animation to anticipate the eruption. Jump or roll to avoid the damage and strike during the cooldown.

Flame Shield

Description: When its health drops below 50%, Molten Spirit generates a shield of flames that deals continuous burn damage to nearby players.
Weakness: Use ranged attacks or high-damage abilities from a distance to avoid the shield’s effect and wait for it to dissipate.

Molten Spirit Battle Strategy

To defeat Molten Spirit, players need to manage their positioning and timing effectively:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Flame Ward to reduce burn damage and Rapid Dash to quickly evade lava bursts and eruptions. Ranged skills such as Fireball can help deal damage from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Choose armor that offers high fire resistance, such as the Volcanic Plate, and weapons with high damage output like the Inferno Blade. Ensure you have healing items ready to counteract burn damage.


Phase 1

Maintain a safe distance and focus on dodging Lava Bursts and Magma Slams. Use ranged attacks to deal consistent damage while avoiding direct confrontation.

Phase 2

As Molten Spirit’s health falls below 50%, it will use the Flame Shield. Use mobility skills to stay away from the shield and continue attacking from range. Watch for the eruption signal and avoid the area to minimize damage.

Molten Spirit Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Molten Spirit, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the best strategies and timings for dodging and attacking Molten Spirit effectively.

Watch the Molten Spirit Boss Fight Video

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Horned Demon General Boss Guide: Defeat the Mighty Demon in Black Myth Wukong

Horned Demon General Overview

The Horned Demon General is a formidable foe in Black Myth: Wukong, encountered in Chapter 3. This demon warrior, known for his imposing size and fearsome horns, is a master of dark magic and physical combat. As the leader of a demonic legion, he wields powerful elemental attacks and commands minions in battle. His presence on the battlefield is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, requiring players to employ a mix of strategy and skill to overcome him.

Horned Demon General Attack Patterns

Understanding the Horned Demon General’s attack patterns is essential for developing a winning strategy:

Inferno Charge

Description: The Horned Demon General charges forward with blazing horns, dealing high fire damage to anyone in his path.
Weakness: Sidestep the charge to avoid the damage. Afterward, exploit the brief recovery period to counterattack.

Demon’s Roar

Description: He unleashes a thunderous roar that deals area-of-effect damage and temporarily stuns nearby players.
Weakness: Use mobility skills to quickly distance yourself. Avoid standing close to him when he begins the roar.

Shadow Strike

Description: The boss performs a rapid, multi-hit combo with his dark energy-infused claws.
Weakness: Block or dodge each attack in the combo. Counterattack after the combo ends, when he is briefly vulnerable.

Summon Minions

Description: Summons lesser demons to aid him in battle, increasing the complexity of the fight.
Weakness: Focus on quickly dispatching the minions to avoid being overwhelmed. Use area-of-effect attacks to manage the minion swarm.

Horned Demon General Battle Strategy

To defeat the Horned Demon General, it’s crucial to handle his powerful attacks while dealing with his minions. Here’s the best approach:

Recommended Skills

Equip defensive and crowd-control skills such as Shield Block and Elemental Ward to mitigate his fire damage and manage his minions. Skills like Tempest Strike are effective for quick counterattacks.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high fire resistance to reduce damage from his Inferno Charge. Equip weapons with high burst damage, such as the Dragon Slayer Sword, to deal significant damage during his vulnerable phases.


Phase 1

Focus on learning his attack patterns and positioning yourself to avoid his most dangerous moves. Keep an eye on his roar to ensure you’re not caught in its stun effect. Take advantage of his recovery windows to land quick hits.

Phase 2

When he summons minions, prioritize clearing them to avoid being overwhelmed. Continue to avoid his Inferno Charge and Shadow Strike while using area-of-effect attacks to manage the minions. In this phase, maintaining distance and using ranged attacks can help manage the added chaos.

Horned Demon General Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat the Horned Demon General, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the best moments to dodge, attack, and utilize your skills for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Horned Demon General Boss Fight Video

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Sable-Eye Boss Guide: Conquer the Trickiest Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Sable-Eye Overview

Sable-Eye is a cunning boss found in Black Myth: Wukong. Known for its agility and deceptive attack patterns, Sable-Eye is one of the more challenging bosses players will encounter in Chapter 2 of the game. Its battle demands quick reflexes and strategic planning to exploit its weaknesses effectively. Positioned in the dense forests of the Yellow Wind Formation, Sable-Eye blends in with the environment, making the battle feel like a true test of perception and timing.

Sable-Eye Attack Patterns

Sable-Eye’s attacks are characterized by quick, unexpected moves that can easily catch players off guard. Below are its primary attack patterns:

Shadow Step

Description: Sable-Eye uses its speed to dash behind the player, dealing damage with a swift strike.
Weakness: Stay mobile and avoid standing still for too long. When you see Sable-Eye preparing to dash, dodge sideways to avoid the strike.

Phantom Claw

Description: A powerful claw attack that has a small area of effect, damaging anything in front of it.
Weakness: Maintain your distance and wait for Sable-Eye to finish its attack animation, then close in for a counter.

Eclipse Bite

Description: A devastating bite attack that has a short wind-up but deals high damage.
Weakness: The moment Sable-Eye’s body tenses, prepare to dodge backward. This move leaves Sable-Eye vulnerable for a few seconds after the attack.

Illusion Mirage

Description: Sable-Eye can create a mirage that confuses the player, making it hard to tell which one is the real boss.
Weakness: Focus on the subtle differences in movement between the mirage and the real Sable-Eye to identify the target.

Sable-Eye Battle Strategy

To defeat Sable-Eye, players need to remain agile and alert, capitalizing on every opportunity to attack. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip defensive skills such as Iron Wall to absorb Sable-Eye’s quick strikes and counter them. Use abilities like Wind Cutter for mid-range attacks to stay safe while chipping away at its health.

Recommended Equipment

The Shadow Mantle offers protection against the Illusion Mirage move by minimizing confusion effects. Weapons like the Windbreaker Staff, which allows for quick swings, are ideal for this fight.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging and baiting out Sable-Eye’s Shadow Step. Counter quickly when it finishes its dashing attacks. Stay close but avoid crowding it to minimize damage from Phantom Claw.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, Sable-Eye will use its Illusion Mirage more frequently. Utilize Wind Cutter to hit multiple targets and discern the real boss. Keep your distance to avoid the Eclipse Bite and capitalize on the openings.

Sable-Eye Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Sable-Eye, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, demonstrating the best strategies to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Sable-Eye Boss Fight Video

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Fire-Eater Boss Guide: Conquer the Flames in Black Myth Wukong

Fire-Eater Overview

Fire-Eater is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its fiery attacks and high mobility. Found in Chapter 4’s Flaming Mountains, Fire-Eater is a creature that thrives in the heat, using fire-based attacks to challenge players. The battle with Fire-Eater is intense, requiring precise dodging and well-timed counterattacks to avoid being overwhelmed by its rapid assaults and environmental hazards​.

Fire-Eater Attack Patterns

Understanding Fire-Eater’s attack patterns is crucial for survival:

Flame Swipe

Description: Fire-Eater sweeps its claws engulfed in flames in a wide arc.
Weakness: Roll backward to avoid the swipe, then quickly close the distance for a counterattack.

Fireball Barrage

Description: The boss launches multiple fireballs in rapid succession.
Weakness: Dodge sideways in quick succession to evade the barrage. This provides an opportunity to close in and attack when Fire-Eater pauses.

Lava Burst

Description: Fire-Eater slams the ground, creating eruptions of lava that deal damage over time.
Weakness: Move out of the affected area immediately. The attack leaves Fire-Eater momentarily exposed, allowing for ranged attacks.

Flame Dash

Description: A rapid dash forward engulfed in flames, dealing significant damage on contact.
Weakness: Sidestep the dash and attack from the rear as Fire-Eater regains its balance.

Fire-Eater Battle Strategy

To defeat Fire-Eater, players must maintain agility and carefully manage their stamina. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility, such as Shadow Step, to dodge the Fire-Eater’s rapid attacks effectively. Utilize ranged skills like Flame Quencher to deal damage safely from a distance during openings.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor with high fire resistance, such as the Fireproof Mantle, to mitigate damage from flame-based attacks. Use fast weapons like the Quickblade to land rapid strikes between Fire-Eater’s attacks.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging and counterattacking after Fire-Eater’s Flame Swipe and Fireball Barrage. Position yourself strategically to avoid the Lava Burst areas while using ranged attacks to chip away at its health.

Phase 2

When Fire-Eater’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive, incorporating Flame Dash into its attack pattern. Stay on the move, dodge quickly, and look for openings after it completes its dash. Utilize high-damage abilities during these moments.

Fire-Eater Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Fire-Eater, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize abilities effectively.

Watch the Fire-Eater Boss Fight Video

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Ashen Mist Guardian Boss Guide: Defeat the Enigmatic Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Ashen Mist Guardian Overview

The Ashen Mist Guardian is a formidable boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. This mysterious entity resides within the mist-covered valleys of the game’s world, standing as a sentinel to the secrets hidden within. Known for its ethereal form and powerful elemental attacks, the Ashen Mist Guardian challenges players with both physical and magical prowess. The battle is characterized by its two distinct phases, each requiring a unique approach to overcome. Players must be prepared to adapt their tactics as the Guardian’s attack patterns evolve throughout the fight.

Ashen Mist Guardian Attack Patterns

Understanding Ashen Mist Guardian’s attack patterns is crucial for planning your approach:

Ethereal Slash

Description: The Guardian uses its spectral blade to unleash a swift, far-reaching slash that can cut through multiple targets.
Weakness: Dodge backward just before the slash reaches its full arc. Use this opportunity to close the distance and launch a counterattack.

Mist Barrage

Description: The Guardian summons a series of mist projectiles that home in on the player’s location.
Weakness: Keep moving and use dodge rolls to avoid being hit by the projectiles. Once they dissipate, the Guardian is vulnerable for a brief moment.

Phantom Step

Description: In its second phase, the Guardian gains the ability to teleport short distances, often reappearing behind the player for a surprise attack.
Weakness: Keep a close eye on the Guardian’s movements and be ready to dodge or counter with a quick attack when it reappears.

Elemental Burst

Description: The Guardian charges up and releases a powerful burst of elemental energy, dealing massive area-of-effect damage.
Weakness: Stay clear of the Guardian when it begins to charge up. Use this time to heal or prepare for a counterattack once the burst concludes.

Ashen Mist Guardian Battle Strategy

To defeat Ashen Mist Guardian, players must be agile and adaptable, using both offensive and defensive tactics. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills like Phantom Dash to quickly maneuver around the Guardian’s swift slashes and mist barrages. Ranged abilities such as Ethereal Arrow can be used to chip away at its health from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Mist Cloak for increased resistance to elemental attacks and the Swift Fang weapon for fast, high-damage combos. This will help maximize damage during brief windows of vulnerability.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging the Ethereal Slash and Mist Barrage attacks. Stay mobile and wait for the Guardian to commit to an attack before striking. Use quick combos and dodge out of range immediately after to avoid retaliation.

Phase 2

As the Guardian’s health drops below 50%, it will enter its second phase, gaining new teleportation abilities and more aggressive behavior. Maintain distance when it teleports and use ranged attacks to maintain pressure. Be prepared to dodge the Elemental Burst, and strike immediately after the attack ends.

Ashen Mist Guardian Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Ashen Mist Guardian, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Ashen Mist Guardian Boss Fight Video

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Stone-Eater Boss Guide: Conquer the Giant Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Stone-Eater Overview

Stone-Eater is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its rugged, stone-like skin and its ability to perform devastating ground-based attacks. Found deep within the rocky terrains of Chapter 2, Stone-Eater tests players’ agility and strategic planning. This boss’s massive size and ground-shaking moves require precise timing and patience to defeat. The battle is split into two phases, each introducing more aggressive attack patterns.

Stone-Eater Attack Patterns

Understanding Stone-Eater’s attack patterns is crucial for victory:

Rock Barrage

Description: Stone-Eater hurls multiple large boulders at the player from a distance.
Weakness: Dodge sideways right before the boulders reach you; use the momentary pause after the barrage to close the distance.

Ground Smash

Description: A heavy smash attack that sends shockwaves across the ground.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwaves and rush in for quick attacks before it recovers.

Stomp and Quake

Description: Stone-Eater stomps the ground with immense force, creating a quake that causes damage over time.
Weakness: Move out of the affected area immediately and utilize ranged attacks while keeping your distance.

Stone Skin

Description: Activates a defensive mode that significantly reduces damage taken.
Weakness: Use high-damage skills and spells to break through the defense, especially when the boss is stationary.

Stone-Eater Battle Strategy

Defeating Stone-Eater requires careful attention to its attack patterns and well-timed counterattacks. Here’s the best strategy to succeed:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-based skills like Shadow Dance to dodge its slow yet powerful attacks effectively. Spells that deal elemental damage, such as Flame Burst, can bypass its Stone Skin defense when used correctly.

Recommended Equipment

Opt for weapons that allow quick consecutive strikes, like the Light Hammer or Swift Blade, to maximize damage during openings. Defensive gear like the Earthwalker Boots can help mitigate damage from shockwaves and stomps.


Phase 1

Focus on staying agile and dodging Stone-Eater’s boulder throws and ground smashes. Use quick attacks during recovery windows, and avoid heavy attacks as they leave you vulnerable.

Phase 2

In the second phase, Stone-Eater’s attacks become faster and more aggressive. Use high-damage spells to break its Stone Skin defense. Maintain distance and leverage ranged abilities when the boss becomes more erratic.

Stone-Eater Video Walkthrough

Watch the comprehensive video guide below for visual strategies to defeat Stone-Eater. Learn when to dodge, counter, and use your skills effectively throughout both phases of the fight.

Watch the Stone-Eater Boss Fight Video

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Void-Gazer Boss Guide: Overcome the Celestial Nightmare in Black Myth Wukong

Void-Gazer Overview

Void-Gazer is a mid-level boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong, characterized by its celestial appearance and otherworldly abilities. This formidable foe guards the Temple Entrance at the culmination of the Snow Fox questline and poses a significant challenge due to its powerful long-range attacks and space-warping abilities. Players must be prepared to face a variety of high-damage, magical attacks that can distort the battlefield and disorient them.

Void-Gazer Attack Patterns

Understanding Void-Gazer’s attack patterns is critical to surviving this battle:

Celestial Beam

Description: Void-Gazer channels a beam of concentrated energy from the heavens, sweeping it across the battlefield.
Weakness: Anticipate the direction and use evasive maneuvers to dodge the beam. Stay on the move to avoid taking consecutive damage.

Astral Blast

Description: A sudden explosion of astral energy surrounds Void-Gazer, damaging all players in close proximity.
Weakness: Maintain a medium range to avoid the blast radius and strike back with ranged abilities.

Gravity Pull

Description: Void-Gazer creates a gravitational pull that drags players toward it, setting them up for a devastating follow-up attack.
Weakness: Use abilities that provide invulnerability frames or rapidly move away from the boss to escape its pull.

Dimensional Rift

Description: The boss opens a rift in space that causes periodic damage and slows player movement.
Weakness: Avoid standing in the rift and use speed-boosting skills to navigate the battlefield effectively.

Void-Gazer Battle Strategy

To defeat Void-Gazer, players must balance between avoiding its potent magical attacks and capitalizing on brief windows of opportunity to strike back. Here are the recommended strategies:

Recommended Skills

Utilize agility-based skills such as Quick Step or Ethereal Form to dodge Void-Gazer’s wide-area attacks and quickly close the distance. Spells that provide shields or temporary invulnerability can be critical in mitigating damage from unavoidable attacks.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor sets with high resistance to magic damage, such as the Abyssal Mantle, to reduce the impact of Void-Gazer’s astral and celestial attacks. For weapons, prioritize fast, ranged options like the Meteor Shard Bow to chip away at the boss’s health while staying out of reach.


Phase 1

Stay mobile and focus on dodging Void-Gazer’s Celestial Beam and Astral Blast attacks. Use ranged attacks to whittle down its health and conserve stamina for dodging its powerful moves.

Phase 2

When Void-Gazer’s health drops below 50%, it will begin using Gravity Pull and Dimensional Rift more frequently. Stay alert and use quick, evasive maneuvers to avoid being dragged into its follow-up attacks. Time your offensive strikes between its attack cycles to maximize damage without overcommitting.

Void-Gazer Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Void-Gazer, watch the video below. This walkthrough provides a step-by-step demonstration of the boss fight, highlighting when to dodge, counter, and utilize specific skills to succeed.

Watch the Void-Gazer Boss Fight Video

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Frozen Thunderbear Boss Guide: Master the Challenge in Black Myth Wukong

Frozen Thunderbear Overview

Frozen Thunderbear is a formidable boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. This creature combines the elements of ice and thunder to create a devastating combination of attacks that test both the player’s agility and strategic planning. Located in a frigid, storm-ridden part of the game, Frozen Thunderbear is known for its ability to switch between aggressive melee attacks and ranged thunder strikes, making it a challenging opponent that requires precise timing and adaptability.

Frozen Thunderbear Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of Frozen Thunderbear is crucial for planning an effective strategy:

Frost Claw Swipe

Description: Frozen Thunderbear slashes with its icy claws, creating a cone of frost in front of it that deals damage over time.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the swipe and counterattack quickly before the frost cone expands.

Thunder Roar

Description: A thunderous roar that sends shockwaves in all directions, capable of stunning players and leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
Weakness: Keep a medium distance from the boss and jump to avoid the shockwaves. Use ranged attacks during this recovery period.

Icy Ground Smash

Description: Slams the ground with both front paws, creating a zone of icy spikes that erupt after a short delay.
Weakness: Move out of the zone quickly and counterattack from the sides or behind.

Electric Charge

Description: Charges up with electricity and dashes towards the player at high speed, dealing significant damage on impact.
Weakness: Sidestep to dodge the charge, then use heavy attacks while the boss recovers from its momentum.

Frozen Thunderbear Battle Strategy

Defeating Frozen Thunderbear requires balancing offensive and defensive tactics. Here’s how to approach the fight:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-enhancing skills like Shadow Step to evade the boss’s quick attacks and reposition yourself quickly. For dealing damage from a safe distance, use Thunderbolt Barrage or other ranged skills that can help exploit its moments of vulnerability.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Icebreaker Armor set to reduce frost damage effects and increase resistance to freezing attacks. Equip a fast-hitting weapon like the Thunder Blade to capitalize on the brief windows after the boss’s big moves.


Phase 1

Maintain a close-to-medium distance to bait out melee attacks, then dodge and counter with quick-hit combos. Avoid heavy attacks as they leave you exposed for too long. Keep your focus on dodging the Frost Claw Swipe and moving out of the Icy Ground Smash zones.

Phase 2

When Frozen Thunderbear’s health drops below 50%, it will start using more thunder-based attacks, increasing its range and speed. Stay mobile, use ranged attacks during this phase, and only engage in melee when you are confident about its attack pattern. Save your healing items for this phase, as the increased attack speed can wear you down quickly.

Frozen Thunderbear Video Walkthrough

Watch the detailed video guide below to see the best tactics for defeating Frozen Thunderbear. The video demonstrates when to dodge, attack, and how to use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Frozen Thunderbear Boss Fight Video

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