Sable-Eye Boss Guide: Conquer the Trickiest Foe in Black Myth Wukong

Sable-Eye Overview

Sable-Eye is a cunning boss found in Black Myth: Wukong. Known for its agility and deceptive attack patterns, Sable-Eye is one of the more challenging bosses players will encounter in Chapter 2 of the game. Its battle demands quick reflexes and strategic planning to exploit its weaknesses effectively. Positioned in the dense forests of the Yellow Wind Formation, Sable-Eye blends in with the environment, making the battle feel like a true test of perception and timing.

Sable-Eye Attack Patterns

Sable-Eye’s attacks are characterized by quick, unexpected moves that can easily catch players off guard. Below are its primary attack patterns:

Shadow Step

Description: Sable-Eye uses its speed to dash behind the player, dealing damage with a swift strike.
Weakness: Stay mobile and avoid standing still for too long. When you see Sable-Eye preparing to dash, dodge sideways to avoid the strike.

Phantom Claw

Description: A powerful claw attack that has a small area of effect, damaging anything in front of it.
Weakness: Maintain your distance and wait for Sable-Eye to finish its attack animation, then close in for a counter.

Eclipse Bite

Description: A devastating bite attack that has a short wind-up but deals high damage.
Weakness: The moment Sable-Eye’s body tenses, prepare to dodge backward. This move leaves Sable-Eye vulnerable for a few seconds after the attack.

Illusion Mirage

Description: Sable-Eye can create a mirage that confuses the player, making it hard to tell which one is the real boss.
Weakness: Focus on the subtle differences in movement between the mirage and the real Sable-Eye to identify the target.

Sable-Eye Battle Strategy

To defeat Sable-Eye, players need to remain agile and alert, capitalizing on every opportunity to attack. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip defensive skills such as Iron Wall to absorb Sable-Eye’s quick strikes and counter them. Use abilities like Wind Cutter for mid-range attacks to stay safe while chipping away at its health.

Recommended Equipment

The Shadow Mantle offers protection against the Illusion Mirage move by minimizing confusion effects. Weapons like the Windbreaker Staff, which allows for quick swings, are ideal for this fight.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging and baiting out Sable-Eye’s Shadow Step. Counter quickly when it finishes its dashing attacks. Stay close but avoid crowding it to minimize damage from Phantom Claw.

Phase 2

As its health drops below 50%, Sable-Eye will use its Illusion Mirage more frequently. Utilize Wind Cutter to hit multiple targets and discern the real boss. Keep your distance to avoid the Eclipse Bite and capitalize on the openings.

Sable-Eye Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Sable-Eye, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, demonstrating the best strategies to dodge, counter, and utilize your abilities effectively.

Watch the Sable-Eye Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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