Storm-Bringer Boss Guide: Overcome the Storm Master in Black Myth Wukong

Storm-Bringer Overview

Storm-Bringer is a formidable boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for his control over the elements and his tempestuous attacks. This boss is encountered in the Thunderclap Cavern, a location shrouded in perpetual storm clouds. Storm-Bringer is a towering figure with the ability to summon lightning and manipulate wind to create devastating attacks. His presence and battle are reminiscent of the ancient thunder gods from mythologies, adding a layer of challenge with his elemental abilities and high mobility.

Storm-Bringer Attack Patterns

Understanding Storm-Bringer’s attack patterns is essential for formulating a winning strategy:

Lightning Strike

Description: Storm-Bringer summons lightning to strike a specific area, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught within.
Weakness: Observe the electrical charge buildup and move out of the targeted zone before the strike lands. Attack from a distance while he prepares his next move.

Wind Gust

Description: He generates a powerful wind gust that pushes players away and disrupts their positioning.
Weakness: Brace against the wind by using defensive skills or abilities that stabilize your position. Quickly close the gap once the gust subsides.

Thunderclap Smash

Description: Storm-Bringer slams his staff onto the ground, causing a shockwave that can knock players down.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwave or use agility skills to avoid being knocked down. Counterattack when he’s vulnerable after the smash.

Tempest Fury

Description: In his final phase, Storm-Bringer unleashes a storm that deals continuous lightning damage in a wide radius.
Weakness: Use movement-based skills to stay mobile and avoid prolonged exposure to the storm’s radius. Ranged attacks and area-of-effect skills are effective during this phase.

Storm-Bringer Battle Strategy

To defeat Storm-Bringer, focus on avoiding his powerful elemental attacks and exploiting his moments of vulnerability. Here’s the best strategy to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that enhance mobility and defensive capabilities, such as Storm Shield to protect against lightning and Wind Step to navigate the gusts. Ranged abilities like Lightning Bolt can be used to deal damage while maintaining distance.

Recommended Equipment

Use armor with high elemental resistance to mitigate storm damage. The Thunder Guard and Storm Cloak are excellent choices for reducing lightning damage and improving survivability. Equip weapons with high burst damage to exploit his recovery periods.


Phase 1

During the initial phase, focus on avoiding his lightning strikes and wind gusts. Use high mobility to stay out of the targeted strike areas and maintain pressure during his recovery times.

Phase 2

As Storm-Bringer’s health drops below 50%, he will enter a more aggressive phase with continuous storm attacks. Maintain your distance and use ranged abilities to deal damage while avoiding the storm’s damage radius. Be prepared to dodge frequent lightning strikes and wind gusts.

Storm-Bringer Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Storm-Bringer, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates key moments in the boss fight, including when to dodge, attack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Storm-Bringer Boss Fight Video

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