Wood Spirit Demon Boss Guide: Overcome the Nature Guardian in Black Myth Wukong

Wood Spirit Demon Overview

Wood Spirit Demon is a formidable boss encountered in Black Myth: Wukong. Located deep in the Bamboo Grove of the Snake Trail area, this boss represents the essence of nature and is characterized by its unique abilities to manipulate its surroundings. The Wood Spirit Demon takes on the form of a large, tree-like entity with limbs covered in moss and vines, making it a visually striking opponent. Its combat style is heavily dependent on environmental control, utilizing roots, branches, and natural elements to attack players​.

Wood Spirit Demon Attack Patterns

Understanding the attack patterns of the Wood Spirit Demon is critical for devising a winning strategy:

Root Whip

Description: The Wood Spirit Demon lashes out with its roots in a wide arc, dealing significant area damage.
Weakness: Stay mobile and dodge to the sides to avoid the attack. This move leaves the boss momentarily vulnerable to counterattacks.

Branch Slam

Description: The boss raises a massive branch and slams it down, causing shockwaves that ripple across the battlefield.
Weakness: Jump over the shockwaves or quickly move to the side. The boss will have a recovery period after this attack, providing an opportunity to strike.

Nature’s Grasp

Description: The Wood Spirit Demon extends its branches to trap and immobilize players, pulling them in for a crushing blow.
Weakness: Use a quick escape ability or skill to break free. Position yourself to counterattack when the boss is recovering from the move.

Thorn Burst

Description: The demon releases a burst of sharp thorns that spread out in all directions.
Weakness: Keep a safe distance or use a defensive skill to mitigate the damage. Move in to attack when the thorns dissipate.

Wood Spirit Demon Battle Strategy

To defeat the Wood Spirit Demon, focus on dodging its wide-reaching attacks and countering during its recovery phases. Here are the most effective strategies:

Recommended Skills

Equip skills that provide mobility, such as Shadow Step, to dodge the wide area attacks. Ranged abilities like Flame Arrow can help maintain damage output while keeping a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

Equip armor that provides resistance to nature-based attacks, such as the Verdant Mantle, which reduces damage from thorns and roots. Weapons with a high attack speed, like the Dual Blades, are optimal for quick strikes during the boss’s vulnerable moments.


Phase 1

Stay on the move to avoid getting caught by the demon’s roots and branches. Focus on learning its attack patterns and timing your dodges. Attack during the recovery periods after its Branch Slam and Root Whip moves.

Phase 2

As the Wood Spirit Demon’s health drops below 50%, it becomes more aggressive and starts using its Thorn Burst attack. Utilize ranged attacks and keep your distance. Use defensive skills to withstand the burst and prepare to counter when the attack finishes.

Wood Spirit Demon Video Walkthrough

For a step-by-step visual guide on how to defeat the Wood Spirit Demon, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, highlighting the best moments to dodge, counterattack, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Wood Spirit Demon Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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