Dragon-Tusk Tiger Boss Guide: Master the Fight in Black Myth Wukong

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Overview

Dragon-Tusk Tiger is a formidable boss encountered in the mystical world of Black Myth: Wukong. Located in the Bamboo Grove of the Snake Trail, this boss is known for its swift movements and powerful tusk attacks. The battle with Dragon-Tusk Tiger is a test of reflexes and strategic planning. With its sharp claws and reinforced tusks, this beast requires players to be quick on their feet and smart in their counterattacks.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Attack Patterns

Understanding the Dragon-Tusk Tiger’s attack patterns is crucial to gaining the upper hand in battle:

Tusk Charge

Description: Dragon-Tusk Tiger charges forward with its tusks aimed straight ahead, capable of skewering anything in its path.
Weakness: Dodge to the side just before the charge reaches you. This will give you a brief opportunity to counterattack from the sides.

Pounce and Claw Swipe

Description: The boss leaps into the air and comes down with a heavy claw swipe that deals massive damage.
Weakness: Roll backward to avoid the initial pounce and stay out of the swipe range. Counter with a ranged attack or a quick melee combo during its recovery.

Roaring Frenzy

Description: At half health, Dragon-Tusk Tiger enters a frenzy, increasing its speed and attack power. It releases a powerful roar that can stun players.
Weakness: Keep your distance and avoid direct engagement until the roar subsides. Use stun-resistant items or skills to mitigate the effects.

Tail Whip

Description: A sweeping tail attack that covers a wide area behind the boss.
Weakness: Stay in front or to the sides of the boss to avoid the tail’s sweep. Use this opportunity to attack its legs.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Battle Strategy

To defeat Dragon-Tusk Tiger, focus on dodging its swift, powerful attacks and countering when it is vulnerable. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

Equip mobility-focused skills such as Shadow Step to dodge the fast Tusk Charge and Tail Whip attacks effectively. Ranged abilities like Piercing Shot are useful for attacking from a distance during its frenzy phase.

Recommended Equipment

Use the Tiger Claw Armor for increased resistance against physical damage. Equip fast attack weapons like the Swift Blade or Wind Cutter to deal continuous damage during short attack windows. Utilize the Iron Amulet to resist stun effects from its Roaring Frenzy.


Phase 1

Focus on dodging its charge and pounce attacks. Maintain mid-range distance and look for openings after its heavy attacks. Use agility to stay out of the range of its powerful swipes.

Phase 2

When the Dragon-Tusk Tiger enters a frenzy, switch to defensive tactics. Keep your distance and use ranged skills to chip away at its health. Be prepared to dodge frequently and use healing items wisely.

Dragon-Tusk Tiger Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Dragon-Tusk Tiger, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the entire boss fight, showing the precise moments to dodge, counter, and use your abilities effectively.

Watch the Dragon-Tusk Tiger Boss Fight Video

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