Lotusroot Demon Boss Guide: Defeat the Challenging Boss in Black Myth Wukong

Lotusroot Demon Overview

Lotusroot Demon is a mid-level boss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its grotesque appearance and formidable combat abilities. This boss is encountered in the Bamboo Grove region of Chapter 1. Unlike some other bosses, Lotusroot Demon employs a variety of ranged and melee attacks that can quickly overwhelm unprepared players. Its origin lies in corrupted flora, and it uses the environment to its advantage, making it a significant challenge for players progressing through this part of the game.

Lotusroot Demon Attack Patterns

Understanding Lotusroot Demon’s attack patterns is crucial to avoid damage and prepare counterattacks:

Vine Whip

Description: Lotusroot Demon uses its elongated vines to whip players from a distance, dealing moderate damage and causing a brief stun.
Weakness: Stay out of the attack range or use the Shadow Step skill to dodge sideways. This creates an opportunity for a counterattack when the vines retract.

Seed Burst

Description: The boss shoots out explosive seeds in a cone-shaped pattern, which can cause massive damage if multiple seeds hit.
Weakness: Dodge backward to avoid the explosion radius, then quickly close the distance to land melee attacks while it recovers.

Root Grasp

Description: Lotusroot Demon extends its roots underground and attempts to grab the player, immobilizing them for a short period and dealing continuous damage.
Weakness: Keep moving to avoid the grasp area. If caught, break free as quickly as possible by pressing the dodge button repeatedly.

Toxic Spore Cloud

Description: In its second phase, Lotusroot Demon releases a cloud of toxic spores that slowly drains the player’s health if they stay within the area.
Weakness: Equip a Purification Elixir to negate the poison effect or maintain distance to avoid entering the toxic cloud.

Lotusroot Demon Battle Strategy

To defeat Lotusroot Demon, players need to balance between aggressive and defensive strategies. Here are the best strategies to ensure victory:

Recommended Skills

  • Shadow Step: Essential for dodging the Vine Whip and Seed Burst attacks.
  • Wind Slash: Allows for quick ranged attacks that can chip away at the demon’s health from a safe distance.

Recommended Equipment

  • Equip the Fireproof Mantle to reduce damage from Seed Burst explosions.
  • Use the Swift Blade to maximize damage output during quick attack windows after dodging.


Phase 1

Start by keeping your distance and observing the attack patterns. Dodge Vine Whip and Seed Burst attacks and use quick, successive melee attacks when the demon is recovering. Prioritize avoiding the Root Grasp by constantly moving.

Phase 2

When the demon’s health is below 50%, it will use the Toxic Spore Cloud more frequently. Keep a Purification Elixir ready and focus on using ranged abilities like Wind Slash to minimize contact with the toxic area. Use hit-and-run tactics to maintain pressure without risking heavy damage.

Lotusroot Demon Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Lotusroot Demon, watch the video below. This walkthrough demonstrates the precise moments to dodge, counter, and utilize your skills effectively.

Watch the Lotusroot Demon Boss Fight Video

Player Comments & Discussion

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