Lang-Baw-Baw Boss Guide: Defeat the Electrified Frog in Black Myth Wukong

Lang-Baw-Baw Overview

Lang-Baw-Baw is an optional miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong, known for its electrified attacks and deceptive nature. Found in Chapter 2 near Sandgate Village, this frog-like Yaoguai Chief dwells in a watery pit that enhances its lightning-based abilities. The electrified environment makes this battle more challenging, requiring careful planning and quick reflexes to avoid enhanced shock attacks and maximize damage.

Lang-Baw-Baw Attack Patterns

Understanding Lang-Baw-Baw’s attack patterns is essential for developing a winning strategy:

Tongue Grab

Description: Lang-Baw-Baw releases an electrified arc of balls that circle around it before shooting towards the player.
Weakness: Dodge roll forward-left to avoid being grabbed.

Electric Burst

Description: The frog stands on its hind legs and releases a burst of electricity, followed by lightning strikes around the area.
Weakness: Stay mobile, sprint, and dodge roll when the yellow aura appears.

Lightning Tongue Sweep

Description: The frog braces itself and sweeps its electrified tongue back and forth three times.
Weakness: Dodge forward-left to end up on the frog’s right side and attack.

Electrified Spit

Description: Lang-Baw-Baw spits electrified projectiles that can track and curve toward the player.
Weakness: Keep your distance and jump or double-roll through the projectiles.

Electric Breath

Description: The frog releases electrified balls that circle around it before flying towards the player.
Weakness: Sprint in an arc around the frog to avoid the projectiles.

Lang-Baw-Baw Battle Strategy

Defeating Lang-Baw-Baw requires patience and precise timing to avoid its electrified attacks and find openings to counter:

Recommended Skills

Invest in Mysticism points to unlock the Immobilize spell, which can interrupt Lang-Baw-Baw’s electric attacks and provide critical openings for counterattacks.

Recommended Equipment

Equip gear that boosts agility and resistance to electric damage. Cloud Step is an excellent ability to create distance and heal when overwhelmed.


  • Stay near the back quarters of the frog, but avoid being directly behind it to reduce the risk of its Backward Retort kick while maintaining good angles for attacks.
  • Use Cloud Step to regroup when overwhelmed by Lang-Baw-Baw’s relentless attacks. This ability can provide a brief respite to heal or reposition.
  • Dodge rolls are key to avoiding many of Lang-Baw-Baw’s attacks, such as the Tongue Grab and Electric Burst. React quickly to minimize damage taken.
  • Conserve consumables for tougher battles ahead. Focus on skill-based combat rather than relying on expendable items.
  • Avoid electrified zones in the water to prevent enhanced damage from Lang-Baw-Baw’s electric attacks. Constant movement is crucial for survival.

Lang-Baw-Baw Video Walkthrough

For a visual guide on how to defeat Lang-Baw-Baw, watch the video below. This walkthrough covers the full boss fight, showing the best moments to dodge, counter, and utilize abilities effectively.

Watch the Lang-Baw-Baw Boss Fight Video

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