Black Myth Wukong Chapter One: Black Cloud, Red Fire Guide

Chapter Overview

In Black Myth: Wukong, Chapter One takes place in the deep forests of Black Wind Mountain, ruled by the fierce Black Wind King. This chapter introduces players to the game’s core combat mechanics and sets the stage for the adventure ahead. You’ll encounter multiple enemies, traps, and two major bosses: the Black Wind King and Black Bear Guai. As the Destined One, your goal is to defeat these bosses and collect important relics to aid your journey.

Main Objectives and Tasks

Explore Black Wind Mountain

Traverse the dark, mystical forest of Black Wind Mountain and engage in combat with numerous enemies.

Defeat Black Wind King

This mid-boss introduces complex attack patterns requiring strategic dodging and timing.

Defeat Black Bear Guai

The final boss of this chapter, a powerful opponent with predictable but dangerous moves.

Collect Relics and Resources

Unlock special items like the Cloud Step Spell and other powerful enhancements to aid in your journey.

Boss Battle: Black Wind King

Boss Description

The Black Wind King is a formidable mid-boss wielding a massive spear and using a variety of wind-based attacks. He can transform into black smoke and unleash devastating tornadoes, requiring you to carefully time your dodges.

Attack Patterns

  • Black Cloud Rush: The Black Wind King turns into black smoke and charges at you. Dodge-roll to the sides to avoid damage.
  • Black Wind Tornado: He churns up the ground and spins his weapon in an arc. Stay on the arena’s edges to avoid this.
  • Spear Thrust Combo: This includes several spear strikes followed by a jump and downward thrust. Dodge backward to avoid being hit​.

Recommended Strategy

Focus on avoiding his powerful wind attacks and capitalize on the brief moments when his spear gets stuck in the ground. Use Immobilize or Cloud Step Spell when he’s vulnerable.


Cloud Step Spell, 1049 XP, 3x Yarn​.

Boss Battle: Black Bear Guai

Boss Description

Black Bear Guai is a large, hulking boss with slower but more predictable movements. He can dish out significant damage with strong melee attacks, and his fire-based moves can devastate if not dodged.

Attack Patterns

  • Heavy Swings: Black Bear Guai uses massive swings with his claws, causing significant area damage.
  • Fire Breath: This boss breathes fire across the arena; dodge to the sides or jump to avoid.
  • Ground Slam: Black Bear Guai jumps into the air and slams down, creating a shockwave​.

Recommended Strategy

Use deflection to avoid fire arrows and dodge-roll away from Black Bear Guai’s heavy attacks. Strike when he finishes a move or when he is winding up for a heavy swing.


After defeating Black Bear Guai, you will earn 1548 XP, 5x Yarn, and the Celestial Pill​.

Hidden Elements and Quests

Hidden Chests

Look for hidden chests around Black Wind Mountain that contain valuable items like the Celestial Nonary Pill and Stone Spirits. These are often guarded by smaller enemies, such as wolves or archers​.

Optional Bosses

Before moving forward, make sure you have completed any optional bosses, such as the Wolf Guai, to maximize your rewards before the chapter ends.

Tips and Tricks

Use Fast Travel Points

There are multiple shrines scattered across Black Wind Mountain that serve as fast travel points. Use these to return to earlier locations and ensure you’ve collected all necessary items before progressing.

Timing is Key

Both bosses in this chapter have predictable patterns, but they require careful timing to avoid their powerful attacks. Focus on dodging and look for openings to strike when they are vulnerable.

Next Steps

Once you’ve completed all tasks and defeated Black Bear Guai, you’ll progress to Chapter Two: Yellow Sand, Desolate Dusk. Make sure to finish all objectives in Chapter One before moving on, as you won’t be able to return to this area after completing the chapter.

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